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2 projets européens trouvés

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M.IN.D - Marketing, Internationalization & Development

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The "MIND - Marketing, Internationalization & Development" project aims to: • carry out a process of transnational cooperation to analyse, design, test, validate and disseminate a European framework for the qualification of the Vocational profile of International Marketing Manager to: a) support SMEs to define internationalisation processes to define strategies to choose the foreign country/market ...
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The agricultural sector today needs to diversify. Farmers and those living in rural areasare witnessing an increasing interest among tourists, and in the last few years haveseen the possibility to cater to a growing market for rural tourism.The PROTOUR project aims to meet the potential of this situation by:- Setting up a long-term operation with early planning – designing and implementing anonlin ...
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