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24 projets européens trouvés

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Fund for small projects - continuation (INT-10-0020)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2015,

The fund for small projects is implemented by both, the association of Polish local authorities of the Euroregion Pomerania and the municipal community Europaregion POMERANIA e.V. through the establishment of the office of the fund for small projects on the Polish side. The aim of the project consists in the support of new, respectively already existing, cross-border contacts, which are to influen ...
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The service and advisory centre of the POMERANIA has developed into a regionally known contact for the transfer of information and business contacts. Target groups are small and medium sized businesses, associations, local governments, educational institutions and private persons. For those target groups it is the contact for all questions of cross-border activities, the central element is the cro ...
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DIFASS aims to unlock potential for innovation, internationalisation and sustainable growth of SMEs in Europe by improving access to finance.Innovative SMEs are often faced with problems when obtaining loans from commercial banks and intermediaries as valuing risks in technology innovation or foreign markets is problematical and as SMEs often cannot provide sufficient collateral. Resulting from th ...
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Within the Euroregion Pomerania the current development concept and approach are to be the basis for the further process of coordination between all actors of the region as well as the responsible national and European authorities. Special significance has the cross-border cooperation of German and Polish citizens, local authorities, institutions and businesses for the reduction of the peripheral ...
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Funds for small projects INTERREG IV A 2009-2011 (INT-08-0004)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2013,

The project includes the realisation of the SPF and its implementation costs. In the framework of the SPF cultural programmes, meetings, sporting events and workshops will for example be supported. The present application relates to half of the support period, the years 2008-2011. Ach ...
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Telemedicine within the Euroregion POMERANIA – POMERANIA network (INT-08-0001)

Date du début: 17 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 29 juin 2013,

...evements: Stand: 17.07.2014Ziel des Projektes war es, durch Schaffung neuer effizienter Kommunikationsstrukturen die Vorbeugung, Diagnostik und Therapie bei Patienten in der Euroregion POMERANIA entscheidend zu verbessern und flächendeckend, hochwertig und wohnortnah zu gewährleisten.Im Projekt sind polnische und deutsche Einrichtungen in das Vorhaben integriert, 19 auf deutscher Se ...
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SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs, being an important economic but also socio-cultural factor. SMEs present the biggest potential for job creation also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs:- limited benefit from innovation processes an ...
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"Intercountry Business Incubators Network" (IBI Net)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2009, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2012,

...artners representing six BSR countries: Riga Planning Region and Riga Technical University (Latvia), Teknikdalen Foundation (Sweden), the City Commune of Elblag (Poland), Centre of Technology Western-Pomerania (Germany), Innovation Centre Hedmark (Norway) and Scientific Technological Park Metolit (Belorussia). The project entails four Work Packages: (1) Project Management and Administration, (2) C ...
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... in der Förderperiode 2009-2012 ein grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk der SBCn gebildet und aktiv betrieben, dass zur Anbahnung von Kooperationen und zur Unterstützung der KMU in der Euroregion POMERANIA dient.Durch die dezentrale Lage der jeweiligen Standorte war es möglich, die Angebote und Leistungen für die regionale Wirtschaft flächendeckend vor Ort abzusichern. So wurden und werden zahlreiche g ...
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Joint SME Finance for Innovation (JOSEFIN)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 23 janv. 2012,

...regional fund facilities achieved by the JOSEFIN Innovation Loan Guarantee in million EUR per region is: Berlin 10; Estonia: 6; Latvia: 30; Lithuania: 37.4; Lower Silesia: 7.5; Lubuskie: 5.5; Western Pomerania: 25; Wielkopolska: 32.5. = Total of 153.9 Achievements: The ...
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XIV youth festival of the Euroregion Pomerania – Koszalin 2009 (INT-09-0008)

Date du début: 14 juin 2009, Date de fin: 30 août 2011,

The project requires actions, which are to intend the activation of young people from the Euroregion and their encouragement for common activities. About 1500 young people participate in the 3-day meeting in Koszalin, whom may present themselves during the sports games (football, volley ball, table tennis) as well as during the arts workshop (dance, sing, journalism, arts). The effects of the coop ...
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United in diversity (UNITED)

Date du début: 31 juil. 2008, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2010,

...well developed areas have succesfull accomplished the difficult process of structural change by using the potentials of their unique landscape and cultural heritage. The South Baltic regions: Central Pomerania, Bornholm and Southern Sweden are geographical very close. All those three regions have a lot in common regarding cultural heritage. On the other hand, great mental and cultural differences, ...
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Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN)

Date du début: 11 juil. 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2008,

The objective of the Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN) was to promote spatial development and territorial integration in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by strengthening Euroregions as competent partners with national authorities and international institutions, and by building a network of Euroregions for continuous capacity-building and sharing of experience. In order to achieve the objectives, the p ...
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock (BEEN)

Date du début: 20 juin 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

Buildings account for more than 40% of the overall energy consumption in the EU, of which two-thirds are consumed in residential buildings. Thereby, the standard of the buildings varies greatly and low thermal quality primarily occurs in the prefabricated multi-storey housing stock in the Central and Eastern European member states. This fact also implies huge potentials for energy savings and the ...
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Baltic Spatial development Measures for Enterprise (B-SME)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

This project has set itself the following overlapping goals: strengthening of competitiveness in the whole Baltic area generally as well as for SME especially strengthening of co-operation between the old and the new member countries of the European Community as well as with the neighbouring countries Russia and Belarus; promotion of economic and cultural identity, development of intellectually me ...
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AGORA -Network Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region (AGORA)

Date du début: 30 juin 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The BSR is characterised by large areas of unspoilt countryside. Because of strong economic problems just in these rural areas tourism seems to be a promising opportunity to support regional development. Sustainability considered as a guiding principle can ensure that such a development will lead to economical benefits without threaten the nature and the social structure. Consequently a lot of sus ...
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The overall objective of InterMareC is the initiation, development and establishment of an interregional maritime cluster. This should open up the tremendous prospects of growth in the maritime sector and set significant impulses for the regional economy and job market. For the bottom-up development of the cluster, InterMareC concentrates on three priority themes: Offshore and Oceanographic Techno ...
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City-hinterland cooperation as motor for regional development in the SE-Baltic (SEBco)

Date du début: 26 janv. 2006, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

SEBco enables medium-sized cities to become motors for regional development in the South Eastern Baltic Sea Region. It uses and establishes networks of cooperation on regional level between cities and their hinterland as well as on international level within the so-called South Baltic Arc. Furthermore, SEBco concentrates on issues that are in the competence of local and regional partners in order ...
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The creation of the European Network Natura 2000 not only connects the member states in a common policy of nature conservation, it also raises comparable challenges concerning the implementation of different tourist utilization claims to these areas.The overall strategic objective of the S-MAN 2000 project is to develop sustainable management strategies of angling tourism in regions with a high ra ...
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The CENTURIO programme, created by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) in 1994, has been successfully promoting dialogue and exchange of experience between European regions for several years. However, the enlargement of the EU in May 2004 served to illustrate that the European and global context for the regions is changing. Their growth and competitiveness depend on their capacity to develop in ...
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Border regions lag behind the EU average in the areas of infrastructure and economic restructuring, and feature high degrees of unemployment in industries and underdeveloped service sectors. To address existing structural problems, the operation TourismPartners Europe - development of European cross-border tourist destinations wants to enhance its partner regions socio-economic potentials through ...
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New Bioenergy Business During Emission Trading (ET-BIOENERGY)

Date du début: 6 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 5 janv. 2007,

The biomass resources are significant in the Baltic Sea Region. However, the utilisation rate as well as the price level differs a lot from country to country. Most of biomass based fuels are utilised locally within short transportation distances. There has already been some international wood fuel trade, mainly in refined form (e.g. wood pellets), but also as wood fuels like logs and chips. The m ...
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...for co-ordination and management of spatial development strategies and actions in a macro-region consisting of Skåne in Sweden, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin and Brandenburg in Germany, and Western Pomerania in Poland. Agriculture and forestry, tourism, communication and infrastructure as well as promoting collaboration between urban and rural areas where the main topics covered by the project. ...
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...he participation of the project partners in the formal consultation processes qualify the revised State Planning Programme of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/DE and Regional Development Strategy of Voivodship Pomerania/PL as pilots for transnationally adjusted development strategies in the SBA region. The common declaration signed by the heads of the involved regions in Gdansk on 25 June 2004 created the b ...
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