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9 projets européens trouvés

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... fire extinguishers and information panels, while smaller collection tanks (2 litres) were distributed via pupils at schools. The project’s website listed the permanent collection points in each municipality. Public authorities were responsible for the maintenance of collection points, while waste oil collection was managed by the utilities in charge of the waste collection services. The project ...
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...rticipation and citizenship with various parts regarding both the local and the European level; In Italy, activities promoting the involvement of young people in the Local Youth Councils of the Municipality of Genoa and, in Romania, activities promoting the involvement of young people in the Local Youth Councils; Meetings between young people and representatives of the 4 partners in order to put t ...
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Despite the potential benefits of public cloud services (i.e. lower CAPEX, improved functionality/scalability, reduced TCO for ICT), their penetration within public sector organizations is still low, which is a lost opportunity in an era where public bodies are under pressure to operate with constrained ICT budgets. The main goal of STRATEGIC is to facilitate organizations (notably public bodies) ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Background Most small/mid-sized historic towns, such as Treviso, face similar challenges in relation to mobility and the transport of people and goods in their urban centres. This includes energy consumption, environmental impact, noise and other issues. These factors negatively affect citizens’ health and damage heritage sites and cultural assets (e.g. ...
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Date du début: 16 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 16 févr. 2015,

The Mediterranean area has a rich history of city markets which have for many centuries acted as focal points for social, commercial and cultural activities. Markets represent an important part of the Mediterranean heritage and are still catalysts for local development. However, the traditional functions of markets are currently being eroded raising concern over their future viability. MARAKANDA a ...
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Quality Ageing in an Urban Environment (Q-AGEING)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2008, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2012,

Almost all cities and regions in Europe face radical changes in the structure of society at the moment. Due to demographic change the number of older workers (55-64), elderly people (65-79), and very elderly people (80+) increases while the number of people in working age decreases. Accelerated demographic ageing can seriously threaten the achievement of the Lisbon agendas main objective to increa ...
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The objective of CIVITAS CATALIST is to ensure that the experiences of the CIVITAS Initiative are exploited up to a maximum level. This means deploying actions aiming to:- consolidate, validate and deepen the knowledge of the wider impacts of CIVITAS through an integrated assessment of the CIVITAS measures;- promote the results of CIVITAS through a continuing knowledge transfer process;- increase ...
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« Technolangue » sintéresse aux langages de la planification et de linformation en relation avec les systèmes de transport dans lespace Medocc. Le projet vise la construction dun portail Internet, dun « WebGis » et de 3 cartes informatisées et interactives (sur lutilisation du sol, sur les instruments d'aménagement existants et une carte multiplia de synthèse : scénarios, stratégies et modèles ter ...
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Background In order to achieve a significant reduction in air pollution, which is considered the main cause of global warming, national and international measures must be combined to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse gases. To this end, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) and the Kyoto Protocol (1997) were adopted. The EU ...
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