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22 projets européens trouvés

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Integrated Measures for an Energy Efficiency Approach (IMEA)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Objective: IMEA aims to support local and regional authorities in taking a pro-active role in improving the energy efficiency of the built environment.IMEA focuses on Energy Efficiency. The implementation of EE measures is a European key challenge in the transition towards sustainable communities, in special in Eastern Europe and in deprived urban areas where a high percentage of the housing stock ...
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Sustainable Freight Transport - Now and Tomorrow (SusFreight)

Date du début: 31 août 2013, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2014,

The Alps are a unique region at the heart of Europe, to be protected and remain attractive for its inhabitants. However, they are also a major natural bottleneck, increasingly challenging the dynamic economies in the region and their transport demand. The ever-growing transport across the Alps, in particular freight transport, has over decades led to an environmentally and also economically threat ...
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Heritage Tourism for increased BSR Identity (AGORA 2.0)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2009, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2012,

Countries in the Baltic Sea Region have a long common history throughout the centuries and a great variety of natural and cultural resources. However, the area is still not well recognised as one common region, even by its own residents.AGORA 2.0 aims at strengthening the common identity of the Baltic Sea Region, based on its rich natural and cultural heritage. Substitutional for numerous assets, ...
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Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor for Growth and Innovation (SCANDRIA)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 8 sept. 2012,

Against the background of doubling freight transport volumes by 2050 in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), capable transport infrastructures are required for efficient, integrated and sustainable freight and passenger traffic.The Scandinavian-Adriatic Development Corridor is the shortest geographical link between Baltic and Adriatic Sea. It provides freight transport capacities to relieve overloaded Wes ...
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Transalpine Transport Architects (TRANSITECTS)

Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

In TRANSITECTS public institutions design common transnational intermodal solutions for freight transport in the Alpine Space. In the partnership different interests (economy, environment and transport) are integrated which is of crucial importance for a sustainable solution. Main aim of the project is to make the rail network more attractive and hence to foster its accessibility and functionality ...
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Tisa Catchment Area Development (TICAD)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

The extraordinary feature of the TICAD project is the broad and productive transnational cooperation of local, regional, national authorities, planning and research institutions from all the five countries sharing the territory of the Tisa basin. Owing to this comprehensive and integrated partnership the aims of the EU water management policies and territorial development perspectives will be purs ...
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SOuth-NORth Axis (SoNorA)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

SONORA addresses the need for improved multimodal accessibility in Central Europe in South-North dimensions. Building upon past project experiences which focused on the landscape and general transport conditions and plans within the area, SONORA targets to incisively bring forward the state of the art on the deployment of primary transport infrastructure and services, through trans-national collab ...
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The project entitled Datourway presents an outstanding example of transnational cooperation committed to the development of tourism along and on the middle and south-eastern section of river Danube, while paying particular attention to the protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources linked to this part of the great European waterway. Tourism is interpreted in the project in a ...
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Adaptation to flood risk in the LABE-ELbe river basin (LABEL)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 27 janv. 2012,

...of the disastrous Elbe flood 2002 and complimented the fruitful cooperation of the projects ELLA and LABEL in the Elbe catchment. According to Jan Mücke, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development, the continuing cooperation to improve flood prevention is also in future a priority of the spatial development policy.
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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action (Urb.Energy)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 23 janv. 2012,

The European housing stock is a major contributor to energy waste and CO2 emissions. At the same time the refurbishment rate in the new EU member states still is extremely low and sustainable urban development concepts are barely addressed, neither in local, nor regional or national policies in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The project Urb.Energy addresses these issues and aims at the elaboration a ...
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Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

Besides east/west connections and transport corridors, the enlarged EU also needs an improvement in the transport routes connecting the Mediterranean and Baltic countries. The Adriatic-Baltic land bridge project will conduct a pre-feasibility analysis and develop a deployment roadmap for north/south intermodal transport connections which link Europe and the Mediterranean countries with global mark ...
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Adapted Development of Historical Old Towns in Central and Eastern Europe (ADHOC)

Date du début: 31 mars 2006, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2008,

Changing conditions, such as the lack of public funding and an ageing population, challenge the development of historical old towns. These difficult economic and social transitions require new approaches regarding the involvement of private investors in the implementation of revitalisation measures. In addition, conflicts between people aiming at preservation and others promoting modernisation of ...
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Post-soviet military residential areas and it surroundings are in a very specific situation – on one hand these are destroyed territories that are more or less unique (in comparison with whole area), on the other hand we have a substantial number of such territories counted as military territories by the members of Warsaw Pact. The transnational co-operation between these countries is a chance to ...
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Regional Cooperation in Waste Management (RECO)

Date du début: 12 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 11 janv. 2008,

RECO is a waste management and spatial planning project in cooperation between partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its Central Objective is to support the development of efficient Institutions for management of municipal waste in the BSR in order to minimize negative environmental effects, lower life cycle costs for waste managem ...
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock (BEEN)

Date du début: 20 juin 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

Buildings account for more than 40% of the overall energy consumption in the EU, of which two-thirds are consumed in residential buildings. Thereby, the standard of the buildings varies greatly and low thermal quality primarily occurs in the prefabricated multi-storey housing stock in the Central and Eastern European member states. This fact also implies huge potentials for energy savings and the ...
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The European Route of Brick Gothic has become a six-borders-crossing European cultural route in the Baltic Sea Region inviting local inhabitants and visitors and media to experience this outstanding cultural heritage. The route has been organized in a non-profit association open to extensions with natural persons and further cities/bodies, founded in September 2007. The website and a ...
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LAnners NETwork for CENtral and South East Europe (PLANET CENSE)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2003, Date de fin: 17 févr. 2007,

PLANET CENSE is a network of national spatial planning institutions and experts established as a consequence of the VISION PLANET project. It aims at pursuing and developing further the policy options laid down in the VISION PLANET project documents. The network will foster spatial integration and a cross-sector dialogue with: - The European Spatial Planning Gateway (ESP GATEWAY): an expert dialog ...
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Territorial dimension of the Lisbon/Gothenburg Process (Lisbon strategy)

Date du début: 22 juil. 2004, Date de fin: 12 févr. 2007,

Studying the territorial dimension of the Lisbon/Gothenburg Agenda comprises a multitude of very complex and broad processes and contexts. It will neither be feasible to conduct an analysis of the impact of the Lisbon/Gothenburg strategy nor to embrace all factors of competitiveness.The main scope of the study is to develop a number of basic analytical elements that can introduce territorial cohes ...
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The development of new retail locations in green fields far away from urban centres promotes rapid urban sprawl and leads to traffic congestion and environmental problems and contradicts sustainable regional development. The settlement of retail enterprises in city centres can lead to a healthier development structure. The project VITAL CITIES aimed to strengthen polycentric urban systems and to c ...
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The Baltic Sea Region features an impressive cultural heritage of brick Gothic as well as a beautiful and multifaceted natural landscape. From 2002 on, these characteristics have been linked together successfully within the European Route of Brick Gothic (EuRoB) offering well balanced and diversified travel opportunities especially for fastidious visitors. The 22 participating cities and counties ...
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flood management measures by transnational spatial planning (ELLA – ELBE – LABE)

Date du début: 30 juin 2003, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2003,

The ELLA project is the transnational co-operation of nearly all regional spatial planning authorities in the Elbe basin. This partnership between national and regional partners that are responsible for spatial planning, water management and agriculture, realises almost full spatial coverage of the catchment area of the Elbe and even neighbouring regions. Flood prevention and common management app ...
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Currently most construction professionals gain new knowledge through learning-by-doing supplemented occasionally by on-the-job training activities. The failure of these traditional modes are frequently evident in project failures and problems in the form of increased construction costs, delays in execution, and worse, in situation involving accidents that are sometimes fatal. It is now widely acce ...
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