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22 projets européens trouvés

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Novel anaerobes for a biobased economy (Novel Anaerobes)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2013, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

Our current society depends on many natural resources, and the availability of these natural resources (minerals, fossil fuels) is becoming more and more limited. The challenge of a sustainable and biobased economy is to develop innovative technologies to recover and reuse minerals and energy-rich compounds from waste streams and non-food agricultural crops. Microorganisms can be exploited for bio ...
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"The overall aim of this proposal is to create a transnational interdisciplinary research and training network between European and Latin American Universities and Research centres in order to promote transfer of knowledge and to produce innovative research in the field of the multilevel governance of cultural diversity in a comparative perspective. The governance of cultural diversity is a key is ...
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The project aims at developing innovative systems for masonry enclosures, to be used for façades, envelopes and internal partitions of reinforced concrete framed buildings, to derive sound concepts for their analysis and to develop reliable, simple and efficient methods for their design in the everyday engineering practice. Masonry enclosure systems have excellent, yet still improvable, performanc ...
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The Sugar Code: from (bio)chemical concept to clinics (GLYCOPHARM)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Coding of biochemical information is commonly described to be based solely on nucleotides and amino acids, whereas carbohydrates, the most abundant type of molecule in Nature, appear sidelined in this respect. That carbohydrates, as part of cellular glycoconjugates, have exceptional talents for building biochemical signals is an emerging insight, at the heart of the concept of the Sugar Code. Intu ...
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This project has as main objective to complement the views of students at post-graduate level with different skills in order to allow them to have an adequate overview on the characterization, purification, bio-transformation, encapsulation and utilization of bio-molecules from food regional biodiversity.The exchange and internationalisation of culture as a key issue for the globalisation of the a ...
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Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies (NETT)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

"Neural Engineering is an inherently new discipline that coalesces engineering, physics and neuroscience for the design and development of brain–computer interface systems, cognitive computers and neural prosthetics. For the implementation of future transformative technologies a new breed of young researchers must be trained to integrate ideas and skills from a broad range of disciplines.NETT is c ...
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Open Access Policy Alignment STrategies for European Union Research (PASTEUR4OA)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

PASTEUR4OA will support the aim of encouraging the development of matching policies on open access and open data in the European Union according to the European Commission’s recent Recommendation on“Access to and preservation of scientific information” (July 2012) and in view of maximizing alignment with the Horizon 2020 policy on access to the research funded by the Commission. The project will h ...
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Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

FOSTER is a coordination initiative that aims to support different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in adopting open access in the context of the European Research Area (ERA) and in complying with the open access policies and rules of participation set out for Horizon 2020 (H2020). It will focus on integrating open access principles and practice in the current research workflow by targe ...
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Local content in a Europeana cloud (LoCloud)

Date du début: 1 mars 2013, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

LoCloud aims to build on the achievements of CARARE in establishing a repository-based aggregator for Archaeological and Architectural heritage and of Europeana Local in its work with local institutions and their regional and national aggregators, which resulted in the contribution to date of well over 5 million items to Europeana.The main goals of LoCloud are: to continue to ease the task of ena ...
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School and University students studying science and technology often encounter barriers to their understanding of complex concepts. However, unlike in the arts, students are frequently poorly motivated to overcome these barriers. Focusing on 'performance' JuxtaLearn will provoke student curiosity in science and technology through creative film making and editing activities. Computational identif ...
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"The main aim of TRANSBIO is the implementation of an innovative cascading concept for the valorisation of sub-products from fruit and vegetable processing industry using environmental friendly biotechnological solutions like fermentation and enzyme-conversion strategies to obtain valuable bioproducts like plastics (PHB), nutraceuticals / platform chemical succinic acid and enzymes for detergent a ...
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Biohybrid templates for peripheral nerve regeneration (Biohybrid)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

The BIOHYBRID consortium was build up with the overall aim to develop, in a preclinical perspective, an innovative biohybrid artificial nerve device for the regenerative treatment of traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves. This consortium consists of three active and well integrated SMEs as well as seven academic partners that are recognised leaders in the scientific areas of interest for this pr ...
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Switchbox: Maintaining health in old age through homeostasis (SWITCHBOX)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2015,

Healthy aging requires maintenance of homeostatic control of the physiological systems and functions that are integrated by the hypothalamus. Driven by work in previous EU projects (Crescendo/Lifespan) highlighting insulin signalling and the hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal and thyroid axes in the regulation of aging, SWITCHBOX will examine the flexibility of these neuroendocrine systems in response ...
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The proposal aims at strengthening research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between 2 European research organisations from Germany and Spain, and 2 research organisations from Argentina and Brazil. The scientific objective is to create a co-evolvement process towards a successful management model for SMEs that combines the European innovation and organizational learn ...
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Development of a new generation of CIGS-based solar cells (NANOCIS)

Date du début: 1 mai 2011, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015,

The main objective of NanoCIS is the establishment of a cooperative partnership between research organizations through a joint program of exchange of researchers for developing a new generation of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. This new generation of PV solar cells will be based in approaches involving the use of new materials with high conversion efficiencies and low-cost fabrication techniques.T ...
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Ecoefficient Biodegradable Composite Advanced Packaging (EcoBioCAP)

Date du début: 1 mars 2011, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

EcoBioCAP will provide the EU food industry with customizable, ecoefficient, biodegradable packaging solutions with direct benefits both for the environment and EU consumers in terms of food quality and safety. This next-generation packaging will be developed using advanced composite structures based on constituents (biopolyesters, fibres, proteins, polyphenolic compounds, bioadhesives and high pe ...
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The proposed Research Programme is intended at investigating the physical, chemical and mechanical performance of concretes made out of recycled components.This subject is of topical interest in the fields of both buildings technology and structural engineering. Thus, it is clearly multi-disciplinary in nature and can be better approached by settling a Partnership which gather researchers with dif ...
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This project’s main goal is to advance the field of human-robot interaction, specifically with robots that can adjust to natural interaction rhythms, while engaged on a joint task. Robots capable of open-ended and engaging interactions are useful: as learners, with humans as instructors (e.g. by demonstration, by imitation), as teachers, and as assistants of the elderly, or disabled. Mounting evid ...
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Science and mathematics education is important for Europe. Creativity and innovation are equally recognised as important, and their strengthening in and through education as a vital priority. Importantly, also, creativity holds a strong position in early childhood. The Creative Little Scientists project constitutes a timely contribution to a better understanding, at the European level, of the pote ...
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A Highly Scalable Transactional Multi-Tier Platform as a Service (CumuloNimbo)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

The next generation of Platforms as a Service (PaaS) for cloud providers demand consistency, availability, and simpler programming abstractions, such as transactional consistency. Obtaining these three properties simultaneously is, however, a significant challenge. In CumuloNimbo, we propose to achieve this goal by building a stackable and modular execution platform that can be installed as a serv ...
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An intelligent window for optimal ventilation and minimum thermal loss (CLIMAWIN)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

"The CLIMAWIN consortium, a group of European SME manufacturers and suppliers of windows and ventilation systems, aims to address a major market opportunity regarding energy efficient fenestration systems for renovation of residential and commercial buildings. Specifically, the consortium aims at developing a novel high performance window with electronic operation of an auto-regulated natural vent ...
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The GISELA objective is to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the European – Latin American e-Infrastructure and thus ensure the continuity and enhancement of the Virtual Research Communities (VRC) using it. The project will focus on:•\tImplementing the Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) sustainability model rooted on National Grid Initiatives (NGI) or Equivalent Domestic Grid Structures ...
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