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18 projets européens trouvés

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The primary condition for the competitiveness of joint cross-border regions formed as a result of territorial and economic integration is the network of well functioning economic and social relationships, the basic condition of which is the construction of infrastructure. The Szeged-Röszke-Horgoš-Subotica-Csikéria-Bácsalmás-Baja line used to operate as part of the Fuime-Constanta line from the 191 ...
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The project has been developed to interconnect few sites,in Serbia: Rakovac-Dombo,Novi Bečej-Arača and in Hungary:Bugac-Felsőmonostor and Alsómonostor and also to connect them with settlements. Those historical layered sites, which represent a common cultural and historic heritage, will be re-connected on the base of Edict of Milan and celebration of its anniversary and their common history intere ...
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Danube Inland Harbour Development (DaHar)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

The DaHar partnership represents small and medium sized Danube cities with ports of international importance. The economic development and participation in the economic circulation of these cities could be enhanced through the optimal utilisation of port development in the frame of enhancing waterway cargo transport on the Danube in a transnational context. To this end, DaHar partners wish to util ...
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Business Linkages Among Women Living in Rural Areas (Business Women)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2014,

Women living in rural areas face numerous difficulties which force them to assume underprivileged positions within the community, restricting their possibilities for full development, particularly in the sphere of economy. Therefore, this project has two overall objectives- economic empowerment and cooperation of rural women entrepreneurs and enhancing business opportunities for unemployed rural w ...
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Less favoured rural areas in SEE rely on traditional economic activities as the main source of income and jobs. At the same time they possess unique cultural values which are not recognised as a development factor and consequently not properly managed. The main objective of the project is therefore to improve the management of cultural values in rural areas in order to contribute to economic and s ...
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The LOLAMAR project aims to develop a local based labour market policy approach which can set the path for a more sustainable development in peripheral cross-border areas. In Eastern-Europe these regions are characterized by large number of people who are excluded from the labour market. This problem is usually treated in the social sector and nobody looks upon this group as internal resource for ...
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Support to Allergen-Free Environment (SAFE)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2013,

...s in general. Since it has no natural enemies, its pollen is singled out as the dominant allergen in the region. Bearing this in mind, the project aims at improving the environmental conditions in AP Vojvodina and Bács-Kiskun County (Baja) through prevention of further expansion of ambrosia. Specific objectives are: 1) Reduction in presence of allergen plant-ambrosia, through mechanical-chemical t ...
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(1) The project origin arises from the ARGE DONAULANDER - Working Group of spatial planning (ARGE) where since 1993 the idea of the Concept of the cooperation of the Danube regions, cities and ports was permanently developed. Up to now the common methodological model was elaborated and approved by the ARGE members. (2) The model consist of Three phases. Each phase is divided into four sectoral gen ...
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The project has been developed to comprise three localities, in Serbia: Rakovac-Dombo and Novi Bečej-Arača, and in Hungary: Bugac-Felső Monostor.It creates a thematic route for the medieval monasteries of the region, to manage common cultural heritage and to develop tourism. Activities: 1. Cross-border archaeological research, studies regarding appearance, construction phases and spatial concept ...
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The project entitled Datourway presents an outstanding example of transnational cooperation committed to the development of tourism along and on the middle and south-eastern section of river Danube, while paying particular attention to the protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources linked to this part of the great European waterway. Tourism is interpreted in the project in a ...
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Egészségedre, Živeli (Tasty DKMT)

Date du début: 30 juin 2010, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2011,

...otional materials, providing text and photos and Organising study tour for ca. 15 European and national journalists" in the framework of PRAG procedure. - text, photos, etc. for the territory of AP Vojvodina- maps of routes-design of common image, route passport, stamps for destinations, printing of publications, webpage development- translation of publications (English, German, Romanian) 4 maps h ...
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TEN-T corridors touch both Hungary and Serbia, but there is a zone of approximately 400km between Budapest and Belgrade, where the west-east direction railway transit traffic cannot advance without touching one of the two capitals. In the middle of this zone – meaning the shortest route – railway transport is not possible at the moment. Reaching towns connected by railway transport is only possibl ...
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The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures, that were not planned for these flows. This involves a negative impact on the territorial competitiveness and environment, due to air pollution, noise and reduced mobility. The project objective is to promote the coordination between ...
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Common preparation for floods (DKMT Floods)

Date du début: 30 juin 2010, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to environmental sustainability and safety in the border area through organizing joint trainings and exercise in the field of water management, flood protection and prevention. Direct objectives of the project is preparing the inhabitants (teachers, pupils), the employees of the local governments and deployable forces facing similar risks in th ...
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The urgent need for reform in Serbian initial teacher education (TE) for subject teachers in the second cycle of primary education (ISCED 2) and also in vocational and general secondary education (ISCED 3) has been identified by the Ministry of Education, University of Belgrade and other relevant actors. The current means of teacher preparation is limited and resides within the respective academic ...
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Due to the road, the project connects three countries building on opportunitiesprovided by the Serbian-Romanian-Hungarian triple border. The roads mainline connects Hungary and Serbia, heading south from Belgrade reaching M43motorway in Hungary. The funding has been used to finance the development of thenecessary road construction technical designs of varying hierarchy and the relevantenvironmenta ...
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The aim of this project is to establish water reserves and changes in water regime, whose hydrological properties are of great importance. In view of the involvement of numerous and diverse contaminants, it is of essential importance to precisely locate and identify pollution in the characteristic parts in the undeground layers and agicultural soil, and propose measures for overcoming the problem ...
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Bácsalmási region is in bad socio-economic position due to changed economy structure. Due to new economic trends in this region, unemployment rate is very distinct (20%), and persons with disabilities affected by this. Because of changed situation on labour market, this region does not attract capital.On the other side of the border, Novi Sad and surrounding area are faced with similar concerns. D ...
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