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11 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2019,

"Based on thorough integrated climate planning the READY project will demonstrate a Whole City Approach including: 1) Demo of a balanced and holistic approach towards affordable retrofitting of residential buildings and offices 2) Development and demo of new solutions for low-temp. district heating, components and management ICT systems 3) Development and demo of flexible combined grid balancing/e ...
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Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 17 mars 2015,

The project EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE will be held in the town of Santa Cruz de la Zarza , at the Information Center and youthful dynamism , like outdoor activities . The volunteer activities which will be conducted are:Support local Youth Information Centre, with the help and disseminating of youth information and energizing the information. -Stimulation of the population to support ...
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South Baltic Global Access (SB Global Access)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2014,

Focussing on the spatial and geographical structure of the South Baltic Region, air transport becomes increasingly crucial to surmount long distances and barriers respectively crossing waters, to improve time sensitive internal and external transport links. Joint improvements of air transport networks are essential to outweigh partial remoteness and increase regional competitiveness for better rea ...
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A North Sea Way to Energy-Efficient Regions (ANSWER)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2012,

The 2007 “Energy Policy for Europe” targets towards improving energy efficiency by 20% by 2020, the ANSWER project aims to contribute to this policy by reducing energy use. The project will promote the reduction of carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency amongst businesses and communities within the North Sea Region. The project calls for promoting changes in practice by addressing at ...
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Integration and Development of Environmental Management Systems (IDEMS)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2005, Date de fin: 31 mai 2009,

Background Environmental management has become a priority for municipalities. Currently, they have essentially three tools at their disposal: Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), City and Local Environmental Accounting and Reporting (CLEAR) and ecoBudget. The EMAS instrument has tended to be used as a "general container" of the three methods, as it is ...
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Demonstration of DeMethyl Ether Vehicle for Sustainable Transport (DME Vehicle)

Date du début: 15 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 30 juin 2007,

Background Under the Kyoto Protocol, the EU has committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 8% below its 1990 level by 2008-2012. Today, over 97% of transport related energy comes from crude oil, with heavy vehicles generally running on diesel. However, the European Commission is seeking to substitute 20% of conventional fuels with altern ...
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The main aim of the SEAPLANE Project was the sustainable spatial development of the participating regions by strengthening the air transport network and its airports for improved support of the economic and social cohesion in the North Sea Region and as well the increased accessibility of peripheral regions ...
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... at the end of the year. The full methodology applied is described in the “ecoBudget Guide”, a manual published in hardcopy and online ( The project proved that ecoBUDGET could be adapted to the specific ecological, political and economic contexts of the participating municipalities, and was flexible enough to integrate diverse existin ...
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Faced with a changing demographic and cultural breakdown in society, the Integration project addressed an increasing need to educate organisations on the emergence of, and the need to accept and contribute to, an increasingly multicultural society. Working directly with social and third sector bodies, steps were taken to improve intercultural competency and intercultural dialogue with staff encour ...
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The aim of the e2 project is to create additional jobs and to increase dynamics within individual companies and organisations through the development of an on-line, interactive, modular entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial educational programme based upon the results obtained by the European Entrepreneur School, a concept developed within a previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project.The project aims t ...
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This project is a development from the Intelligent Energy Europe project -"EnerCities"- which developed a serious computer game to encourage young adults to learn about sustainability and energy conservation. The project has been very successful and has won national awards in both Netherlands and Germany. One aspect that was identified during the project was the reluctance/inability of VET teache ...
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