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The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems –STEPS offers a highly specialized education in Electrical Engineering, focusing on two areas of the highest technological content and professional requirements in the energy sector.The STEPS JMD is promoted by a partnership led by the University of Oviedo (ES), together with the University of Notting ...
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Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Date du début: 19 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 18 sept. 2021,

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) is a 120 ECTS Master course that aims to provide excellent experts in WOP-P for an increasingly globalized socio-economic context. It is implemented by an International Consortium. European partner institutions are: University of Valencia (Coordinating Institution), University of Bologna; Unive ...
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Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe (SOILCARE)

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2021,

European crop production is to remain competitive while reducing environmental impacts, requiring development and uptake of effective soil improvingcropping systems. The overall aim of SOILCARE is to identify and evaluate promising soil-improving cropping systems and agronomictechniques increasing profitability and sustainability across scales in Europe. A trans-disciplinary approach will be used ...
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Knowledge regarding the complex interplay between agricultural land use and management and soil quality and function is fragmented and incomplete, in particular with regard to underlying principles and regulating mechanisms. The main aim of iSQAPER is to develop an interactive soil quality assessment tool (SQAPP) for agricultural land users that integrates newly derived process understanding and a ...
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Microalgae are a source of secondary metabolites useful as new bioactive compounds. Activity of these compounds against bacterial pathogens and biofilm formation has not been determined yet. Biofilm formation is especially important in infections and tissue inflammation related to implants and catheters. These problems finally cause a release of the implant, which must be removed and replaced by a ...
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South Mediteranian Welding Center for Education, Training and Quality Control,

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

The recent economic and deep political crisis in the South Mediteranian (SM) region show that access to higher education is NOT a sufficient prerequisite for economic stabilty and job creation. The mismatching between academic programmes and labour market has created a political and economic void where young, high educated people have difficult to build careers in the industrial sector.The SM Wel ...
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E-LENGUA is a consortium among 6 European universities and a partner country higher education institution, all of them with extensive experience in second and foreign languages training. The project’s main goal is to update curricular design for language teaching using ICT in Europe in a synergic way. Specifically, it is intended to seek solutions to previously identified problems and develop meas ...
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Biopolymer Based FOOd Delivery Systems (BIBAFOODS)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

"The “BIopolymer BAsed FOOd Delivery Systems” (BIBAFOODS) network will train young researchers for the advancement of food science and technology, by providing them with the complementary skills necessary to develop the future sustainable food industry and entrepreneurial skills crucial for creating biotechnological food oriented start-up companies. This collaborative training network will combine ...
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CALOHEE addresses the next necessary steps for implementing student-centred competence-based higher education. It will provide the tools European Higher Education Institutions need to design and deliver degree programmes that actually prepare learners for their future professions and citizenship, while enhancing their personal culture.CALOHEE builds on what has been accomplished over the past fift ...
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Children's Identities and Citizenship - Best Practice Guides

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

This proposal has focus on European Integration promoting active citizenship in young people through guidance for the training of education professionals and young researchers. It links 25 institutions from 17 states that are involved in training education professionals and concerned with citizenship education (CE) and the development of identities in young people. We emphasise that our concern is ...
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Apheleia – Integrated Cultural Landscape Management for Local and global sustainability Sustainability became a dominant key-word at the onset of the Brundtland report and, moreover, after the Eco-92 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Yet, 25 years later, the balance could not be other than to recognize our planet stands in a more unstable and less sustainable position, despite all intentions. The R ...
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Developing All -Round Education DARE +

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

Developing All -Round Education (DARE+) is an innovative project in the context of the European Higher Education Area and student-centred competence-based learning. It proposes the design and piloting of multiple instruments for the acquisition, evaluation and accreditation of six generic competences, grouped in two tracks: the education of cooperative citizens and communication, and designed to b ...
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Concept Creation Technology (ConCreTe)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

ConCrete aims to study conceptual creativity in humans and machines. Hierarchical memory representations and techniques for conceptual blending are implemented in context of a cognitive architecture of creativity based on information theoretic measures. ConCreTe serves a long-term vision of computer systems that can behave in ways comparable with human creativity, autonomously and interactively, w ...
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Promoting the Scientific Exploration of Computational Creativity (PROSECCO)

Date du début: 1 mars 2013, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Creativity is a long-cherished and widely-studied aspect of human behavior that allows us to re-invent the familiar and to imagine the new. Computational Creativity (CC) is a recent but burgeoning area of creativity research that brings together academics and practitioners from diverse disciplines, genres and modalities, to explore the potential of computers to be autonomously creative or to colla ...
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...tela-Leão; Dotar potenciais empreendedores e investigadores de competências técnicas e práticas e de instrumentos de gestão e marketing; Fomentar a transferência de conhecimento da universidade para a empresa e para a sociedade em geral; AÇÕES: ATIVIDADE 1. PROPIEDADE INDUSTRIAL E INTELECTUAL; AÇÃO 1. Desenvolvimento de protótipos orientados ao mercado; AÇÃO 2. Aplicação informática para elaboraçã ...
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Les maladies neurodégénératives comme Parkinson représentent un défi pour la science actuelle. Certaines de ces maladies neurodégénératives sont considérées comme maladies rares comme la phénylcétonurie et la polyneuropathie amyloïde familiale (FAP) associée à la transthyrétine (TTR), dont le traitement ne prévaut pas dans l'industrie pharmaceutique.Pour combler ce manque, NEUROMED prétend dévelop ...
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Occupant Aware, Intelligent and Adaptive Enterprises (Adapt4EE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

Adapt4EE aims at augmenting the contemporary architectural envelope by incorporating business and occupancy related information thus providing a holistic approach to the planning, design & evaluation of energy performance of construction products at an early design phase and prior to their realization.Adapt4EE aims to deliver and validate a holistic energy performance framework that incorporates a ...
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The Socientize project will coordinate all the agents involved in the citizen science setting the basis of this new open science paradigm promoting the usage of the infrastructures composed by dedicated and external resources which are based on scientists and amateur people. It will set a network where infrastructure providers and scientific researchers will join with the society recruiting volunt ...
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"The new methodologies and protocols of forensic identification by craniofacial superimposition (MEPROCS) project aims to propose a common EU framework to allow the extensive application of the CS technique in practical forensic identification scenarios commonly tackled by the European scientific police units. This framework will include: i) the implementation of an existing semi-automatic method ...
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European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development (ECHORD)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

Description Strengthening the knowledge transfer between scientific research and industry in robotics and stimulating their cooperation In Europe the robotics industry is strong, but still fragmented and dispersed. The objective of ECHORD is to provide new opportunities for coordinated and target- ...
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The RISC project aims at deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe (EU) and Latin America (LA) in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) by building a multinational and multi-stakeholder community that will involve a significant representation of the relevant HPC R&D EU and LA actors (researchers, policy makers, users). RISC will identify common needs, research issues and opportuni ...
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Functionalities of Bismuth based nanostructures (BisNano)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

The aim of the present project is to explore the properties and possible applications of bismuth and bismuth based compounds when they are synthesized at the nanometric scale. This approach is motivated by the uncommon but advantageous properties of bismuth which, in part, have been exploited for many years. However, there are many unexplored possibilities and with the advent of nanotechnology new ...
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Sustainable Peace Building (SPBuild)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

SPBuild is created and developed by a solid and dynamic network of 11 institutions (EDEN Network for Peace and Conflict) with a proven commitment and capacity to deliver high-quality training in the rapidly developing field of Peace and Conflict research. These universities have undertaken joint research, published, and jointly created a European Doctoral Enhancement Programme on Peace and Conflic ...
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INQUIRE- inquiry-based teacher training for a sustainable future (INQUIRE)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2013,

The science education community agrees that pedagogical practices based on IBSE methods are more effective. But the reality on the ground is different. For various reasons, this type of teaching is not practiced in most European classrooms. INSPIRE counteract this by developing and offering a one-year practically based IBSE teacher training course that will reach out to hundreds of teachers, and i ...
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The Discover the COSMOS coordination action aims to demonstrate innovative ways to involve teachers and students in eScience through the use of existing e-infrastructures in order to spark young people's interest in science and in following scientific careers. It aims to support policy development by a) demonstrating effective community building between researchers, teachers and students and empow ...
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Compliance and effectiveness in HF and CHD closed-loop management (HeartCycle)

Date du début: 1 mars 2008, Date de fin: 31 août 2013,

Each year Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) causes over 1.9 million deaths in the EU, causing direct health costs of €105 billion. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), half of all CVD deaths, is the single most cause of death in Europe. Heart Failure (HF) – a CHD being the most frequent cause of hospitalization for people over 65 – has 10 million patients in the EU. Current treatment of HF entails recommendat ...
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Description Handling with the efficiency of humans Today’s robots are unable to achieve a high level of dexterous and fine manipulation, especially when this requires in-hand manipulation. The HANDLE project aims at understanding how humans perform the manipulation of objects in order to replicate ...
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... Expected Results: Criação de uma rede de cooperação transfronteiriça entre os agentes do Sistema Cientifico Tecnológico; cooperação universidade/empresa; fomentar a transferência tecnologia, potenciando o espírito empreendedor e a criação de empresas de base tecnológica.
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The main goal of the ENERsip project is to create an adaptive, customizable, and service-oriented ENERgy monitoring and control system for energy grids and decision makers. ENERsip is conceived on the idea that mixing energy, communications, control, computing and construction for the consumption and generation elements, must be active and proactively coordinated. To bring the idea into reality, E ...
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European Desktop Grid Initiative (EDGI)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 31 août 2012,

EDGI's aim is to deploy desktop grid (DG) and cloud services for EGI user communities that are heavy users of DCIs and require extremely large multi-national e-infrastructure. In order to achieve this goal software components of ARC, gLite, Unicore, BOINC, XWHEP, ADICS, 3G Bridge, OpenNebula, Eucalyptus will be integrated into SG?DG?Cloud platforms for service provision and as a result EDGI will e ...
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Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management (ANCORIM)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2012,

The 33 European regions located along the Atlantic coast are home to approximately 70 million inhabitants. The 10-km wide coastal strip covers a total surface area of 194,197 km2 with a length of 25 000 km. These coastal regions are characterised by a strong identity, an authentic international outlook and significant economic potential.These coastal areas must cope with several threats which are ...
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Since sustainable development for the forests of the Atlantic Area cannot be conceived without sustainable management of forest resources, the Pan-European Forestry Certification system (P.E.F.C) makes it possible for the consumer of today to ensure that the wood purchased comes from a forest managed with sustainable methods. However, the criteria of certification have not so far been the object o ...
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O projecto «Cidades Novas do Sudoeste Europeu » visa a valorização do património colectivo das cidades novas medievais do SUDOE. Estes modelos urbanos possuem raízes europeias comuns de uma civilização criativa e exemplar que faz parte de um património urbanístico colectivo, à semelhança do que passa na arquitectura (as catedrais), na pintura (os frescos e os vitrais), ou na escultura. Os parceiro ...
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O projecto WATCH IT pretende incrementar a competitividade, reduzir as diferenças existentes entre as grandes aglomerações metropolitanas e as pequenas cidades e melhorar as perspectivas de futuro dos sistemas urbanos compostos por pequenas cidades e pequenos núcleos industriais da região do SUDOE através da criação de pólos de competitividade baseados no conhecimento, a inovação, o desenvolviment ...
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The ceramics and polymers (synthetic materials) industries are highly present in the Atlantic Area, but are suffering today from the migration of experienced professionals and from an insufficient capacity in materials. That is why the MNAA project proposes to develop a specialised inter-regional and international network in the domain of materials. Thanks to the development of new materials, it i ...
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Training and development of the resources examination in the Southern Europe (FEDERES)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

Concretamente, serão criados um centro de recursos para a formação contínua e pesquisa em matéria de acção pública territorial no espaço " Sudoeste Europeu ", e de formação inicial e contínua para o intercâmbio de conhecimentos em matéria de acção pública territorial. Implementar uma cooperação e programas de pesquisa sobre as temáticas comuns no que diz respeito à acção pública territorial no esp ...
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The NIFLAR project seeks to contribute to the European challenges of innovating andimproving foreign language education by enriching the educational context of bothforeign language (FL) learning and teacher training programs with the assistance ofsynchronous ICT tools. Within the project a blended learning system will be developedin an attempt to overcome limitations experienced and reported in cu ...
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EUREKA SD – Enhancement of University Research and Education in Knowledge Areas useful for Sustainable Development, will organize 315 mobilites, at all education and administrative university levels, between European and Latin American (LA) countries., The exchanges will be dedicated to educational and research of the areas supporting Sustainable Development (SD). The applicant- University of Old ...
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The project will establish a renewed institution-based mobility and cooperation network among 19 North African and EU partner universities and 6 associate universities supported by 3 associate institutions and the Ministries of Higher Education in the region. It will allow 288 undergraduate, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff to gain valuable ...
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AMIDILA is a project that aims at building a solid mobility scheme for students, scholars and academic staff between Latin American and European universities under the framework of inclusive development. Inclusive development is the core of the proposal and must be seen from a two-fold perspective. On one hand, it is the methodology that will be adopted in AMIDILA project. Latin America and, abov ...
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