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10 projets européens trouvés

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Measuring INnovation among EURopean Subregions (IN-EUR)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

IN-EUR addresses the need for local level strategies to ensure innovation and knowledge growth all over the EU. Based on analysis of innovation, research and technology initiatives, IN-EUR supports public actors at sub-regional level to define and orientate local policies and investments on innovation.The overall project objective is to use interregional cooperation to improve quality of innovatio ...
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Venture Initiative in the Balkan Europe  (VIBE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The VIBE project addresses the challenge of developing the innovation and entrepreneurship system across the SEE by enabling private investment into innovative entrepreneurial companies in partnership with smart public initiatives and investment. VIBE offers a transnational integrated approach by avoiding unnecessary duplication, mobilizing a critical mass of the regional investment, innovation ag ...
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With demographic change and the current economic crisis looming, the cities and regions of the Baltic Sea Region have to find creative ways of disclosing and utilizing unused opportunities. One of these hidden potentials are the people in the prime of their lives – the so called “Best Agers” (defined in the project as people aged 55 and older). As previous projects have shown, the BSR population w ...
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Intermodal Port Access and Commodities Transport in Europe

Date du début: 31 mai 2005, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

International traffic between the UK and continental Europe is a specific territorial issue which the partnership will address through sustainable distribution and the economic development of ports. They will also develop a maritime integrated network and strategy.
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TOWER - Towards Sustainable Excellence by Innovating Regions. (TOWER)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The overall aim of TOWER is to create and improve strategies, methodologies and tools for sustainable economic growth and to establish a platform for a long-term exchange of experiences and best practices between the regions involved. Achievements: TOWER has been perfom ...
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FINESSE (Freight Intermodality and Exchange on Sea and Straits in Europe) (FINESSE)

Date du début: 31 août 2002, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2006,

This 3-year project led by the UK’s South East England Development Agency brings together 11 partners with the objective of developing sustainable freight transport services between the South East of England, France and Belgium, including rail-ferry services and hinterland connections. The FINESSE project entails research and practical preparations for sustainable, intermodal transport and logisti ...
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The emergence (across the EU) of a myriad of successful entrepreneurs in cultural settings different from those they originate in (Kloosterman & Rath, 2001) offers a unique opportunity to capture the specificities of internationalization and mixed embeddedness and to use this knowledge as a tool for skills development within SMEs across the EU. Capturing the components of success of immigrant entr ...
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Developing and implementing a system for QA and Certification in Tunisia for applied languages (English, French German, and Italian), and engineering, including- identification of the requirements for certification - development of specific criteria for certification - development of teaching programs provided in the framework of structured certificates in ECTS in close collaboration with the soc ...
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L06 - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

The present proposal targets all groups (1, 2 and 3) and it provides opportunities of mobility to students (undergraduate and master’s), researchers (doctorate and post-doctorate) and academic staff. Priority is given on an impartial distribution of available positions to students from vulnerable groups (disabled students, with socio-economical problems, refugees and IDPs) through a transparent se ...
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The project aims to develop the capacity of partner country universities to serve the needs of society at large (both state institutions and private sector) by strengthening their links with the labour market and offering programmes promoting entrepreneurship and to develop an academic programme in Entrepreneurship and LED jointly taught by universities in each partner country. The specific object ...
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