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...ularities in the visual and auditory modalities. 5) We conduct behavioral experimentation in four sites (Israel, Spain, Taiwan to track literacy acquisition longitudinally in the four different languages.
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Learning to read is a great challenge for deaf children due to their limited access to the sounds andlimited knowledge of the language they learn to read. Deaf adults’illiteracy levels aremuch higher than that of their hearing peers, but some deaf individuals can and do become skilled readers, though in a qualitatively different way than typically observed in hearing readers. New evidence shows th ...
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Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (ATHEME)

Date du début: 1 mars 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2019,

...lism is grounded in the idea that multilingualism in Europe has many facets. AThEME will cover the different forms of multilingualism in Europe by developing new lines of inquiry on regional/minority languages, heritage languages, languages spoken by bi-/multi-lingual speakers with communicative disorders, and languages spoken by bi-/multi-linguals at different stages of development and life. Thes ...
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CLIL for Children

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Multilingualism is at the very heart of European identity, since languages are a fundamental aspect of the cultural identity of every European. Language acquisition and language enhancement gets more and more important for an intercultural dialogue in our society and for increasing job chances of individuals. Multilingual language skills are important in a cosmopolitan society and, as children are ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

...icted to the cooperation between German and French Chambers of Crafts. Going abroad allowed the participants to learn new techniques within their occupations in the host country and increased their language skills and intercultural competences. The funding opportunities of the EU Leonardo da Vinci programme, now Erasmus+, allowed the extension of the programmes and lead in 2008 to the establishmen ...
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Language is a uniquely human and complex cognitive process that is vital for our successful everyday interactions in the world. I propose to investigate neurophysiological mechanisms associated with orthographic, phonological and semantic processes of word recognition and how they are modulated by print (visual) and spoken (auditory) inputs (phase 1), and by healthy aging (phase 2). In phase 3, I ...
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Biomarkers of disordered language in autism (BIOMARK)

Date du début: 14 mars 2016, Date de fin: 13 mars 2018,

...ers. This heterogeneity has greatly hindered our understanding of autism. This proposal will attempt to disentangle this heterogeneity by focusing on one piece of the autism phenotype: disordered language. More specifically, we will focus on impairments involving phonology, the sounds of language. Infants acquire phonological skills in the first year of life. A disruption in the development of the ...
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...ompared to a work placement in the home country. It takes independence, initiative and flexibility to work abroad. Moreover, experiencing life and work abroad will involve the continuous use of the language in different situations: this will benefit the students not only because it strengthens their knowledge of the foreign language but also because it develops the essential communication skills f ...
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...ess world. At the same time, the research community has to cope with a striking disproportion between the scope of the challenges and the available resources, especially for translation to and from languages that have only fragmentary or no technological support at all.CRACKER pushes towards an improvement of MT research in terms of efficiency and effectiveness by implementing the successful examp ...
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NZEB for Enhancing STEM skills and motivating Students

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

...utlook for the future choice of university and work. At the end of the activities the students will have acquired skills in STEM, basic and transversal, as self-employment, skills and digital English language. NESS makes the involvement of stakeholders (policy makers, representative organizations, thematic networks) as a strength point; the activities of the project will be organized within the fr ...
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Understanding the implications of the level a language use in how we remember our past is a challenging and relevant goal in our growing bilingual world. Research evidence on memory and bilingualism converges in the idea that the level of language use changes the ability to access semantic representations. At the same time, individuals´ capacity to access semantic representations facilitates to pr ...
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Bilinguals activate words from both languages when listening, reading or speaking in one language, and engage non-linguistic cognitive control abilities to resolve cross-linguistic competition. Most studies of cross-language activation have focused on activation between languages through overlapping phonological representations. However, cross-language activation also occurs in deaf or hearing bil ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

...cted to the cooperation between German and French Chambers of Crafts. Going abroad allowed the participants to learn new techniques within their occupations in the host country and increased their language skills and intercultural competences. The funding opportunities of the EU Leonardo da Vinci programme, now Erasmus+, allowed the extension of the programmes and lead in 2008 to the establishme ...
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The thalamus is a brain structure that is responsible for important functions (e.g., sensory systems, sleep, the motor system, spoken language) which are distributed over its 12 nuclei . While recent advances in MRI technology have made it possible to image the thalamic nuclei in vivo, the lack of specific computational tools to analyze the images forces most research studies to either treat the t ...
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Bi-literacy: Learning to read in L1 and in L2 (BILITERACY)

Date du début: 1 mai 2012, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

...esearch proposed examines how the human brain responds to two major challenges: (a) the instantiation a complex cognitive function for which there is no genetic blueprint (learning to read in a first language, L1), and (b) the accommodation to new statistical regularities when learning to read in a second language (L2). The aim of the present research project is to identify the neural substrates o ...
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'The World is my Country: The Human Family my Tribe'

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017, into a range of issues affecting migrant youth and explore ways to address the multitude of barriers they may face. This training course uses a wide variety of communicative activities to develop language competence as well as introducing practical and creative ideas to provide assistance which is the most needed. The methodology will be diverse and the working tools will vary from individual e ...
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Automatic building of Machine Translation (Abu-MaTran)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

...l be in charge of gathering the knowledge transfer and implementing it at the hosts in the longer term.We work on a case study of strategic interest for Europe; we provide machine translation for the language of a new member state (Croatian) and then extend to related languages of candidate member states.The project has a strong emphasis on dissemination, through the organisation of workshops that ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

...labour market. The multi- sectorial project is aimed at students who are completing the course of study and has the purpose to develop professional and soft skills, to improve the learning of foreign language and intercultural awareness. The schools involved encompass a range of professional pathways: Tourism\Catering, Administration, Finance and Marketing, International Relations and Trade, Agric ...
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A Universal Model of Word Comprehension (UNIVERSAL)

Date du début: 1 mai 2014, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016,

... investigations.Computational Investigations. I will develop improved connectionist models which employ more general architectural assumptions and that are able to learn to comprehend words from languages that impose different division of labour between orthography, phonology, and semantics. These models will explain and generate predictions regarding how a general architecture and the statistic ...
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Predicting Sequential Learning from Oscillatory Activity in Human MEG-Data (PSLOAHMD)

Date du début: 1 mars 2014, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

Sequence learning has been centrally involved in the acquisition of many different forms of behavior including language, visual object recognition and motor learning. The neurobiological and cognitive mechanisms associated with the knowledge of sequences, however, remain only partially understood. Findings from experimental psychology and computational models indicate that statistical learning rul ...
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Frege, in 1882, puts forward a philosophical account of language as symbols permitting the emergence of conceptual knowledge from individual memories. Since then, the influence of language on the episodic memory system and on the emergence of conceptual knowledge stays an undisclosed thesis. Life experiences are transformed into episodic memory via the hippocampus, the hippocampus in interplay wit ...
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Developing NGO competencies

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

The project aim was to develop NGO competencies of youth workers from the regions in South Caucasus through the expert internships - direct involvement into Czech NGO and disseminate these competencies through the activities of youth workers into the regions in South Caucasus. The specific goals were: to be involved and be familiar with work (management, structure), activities, campaigns and strat ...
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Cross-linguistic and Cross-population Verb Processing (CCVP)

Date du début: 17 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 16 nov. 2015,

...cessing is broadly described as being problematic in agrammatic aphasia, a medical consequence of left frontal hemisphere damage. Errors in verb processing are also observed in children with Specific Language Impairment, a developmental language learning disability. The aim of the present study, entitled “Cross-linguistic and Cross-population Verb Processing” is to collect and compare verb process ...
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...ep-by-step project has put together different realities with a solid reputation at European level and a recognized experience in the VET sector, from five different European countries: the Kenliworth Language Institute in Ireland and the EPAL Edikis Agogis of Heraklion in Greece, where it has been realized the activity of teaching/training assignments abroad from ERIFO?s experts on the designing o ...
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Fast Forward on Innovation and Quality

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

The "Fast Forward on Innovation and Quality" project contributed directly to Babel Center's developmental strategy as provider of foreign language teaching services to adults. It contributed also to the organization's strategic objective to become an innovation center as far as working with adults is concerned locally, nationally and internationally. Babel Center is an organization which was creat ...
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A Triangle Model for the 21st Century (TRIANGLE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

...mpirically-validated models and data. These models will account for a broad range of existing effects, generate predictions for new experiments, and be readily extendable to related areas (e.g., language impairments, language learning)."
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Date de fin: 22 août 2015,

...ibuted to the acceptance and dissemination of literature from the participating countries.The process has been very simple: All the groups read the same book (Suggested by Country A) in their own language. While they were reading chapter by chapter, they used the online platform (Moodle) and they interacted, they participated in the discussion forum and in other activities. Country A acted as a fa ...
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...ubstrate of the “bilingual advantage” in tasks involving executive control and the “bilingual disadvantage” in lexical access tasks. High-proficiency Basque-Spanish bilinguals, who manage two languages with no common linguistic rules in one brain, are perfectly suited to investigate these questions.
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How words and semantic are stored in the brain? (WORD-SEM STORE)

Date du début: 3 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 2 févr. 2015,

...oral measures from cognitive psychology with neuro-imaging methodologies (EEG and MEG) will provide new insights into time-course of brain region activation as monolinguals and bilinguals process language. For each study, three different populations (monolinguals, unbalanced bilinguals and balanced bilinguals) will be compared in order to investigate the impact of level of knowledge in the second ...
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Wir in Europa!

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2014,

...he participants Planned as a meeting, essential parts of the work will take place in different small groups. We take care that all small groups contain adolescents of all countries. The languages used during the meeting will primarily be Russian, considerable parts will be in German and English, too.
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European Profiling Grid

Date de fin: 2 mai 2014, – to ensure that they were as valid and useful as possible.Therefore an online questionnaire was created and interviews were carried out across all Europe (July – October 2012). More than 2000 language teachers, 100 trainers and 70 managers took part!This crucial phase of the project was followed by the creation of the final version of the EPG Grid in 9 languages in April 2013.
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Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN-LCG)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2009, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

The Initial Training Network - Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG) investigates European languages from an interdisciplinary perspective to expand current knowledge of how language influences and forms the cognitive representations of women and men. The diversity of Europe offers a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of language and culture in establishing and maintaining gender ine ...
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Bilingualism Impact on Reading Development (BIRD)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2011, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

"With the European Union, a growing group of children learns how to read in two languages at the same time. Interestingly, the Basque language is used in Spanish and French regions of Europe and many children must learn to read in Basque in parallel to either an opaque (French) or a shallow (Spanish) orthography. This project investigates the foundations of bilingual reading acquisition, taking in ...
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"The extent to which mathematical representations and processing depend on language is a question of active debate. Some authors defend a key role of language in some mathematical operations, others posit a complete independence between these two domains. Bilingualism can help to elucidate this question due to the variety of number codes that a bilingual manages. Recently we have provided evidence ...
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Many learners of a foreign language struggle to correctly pronounce newly-learned speech sounds so that they can be understood by native listeners. Yet many others achieve this with apparent ease. What is responsible for these large individual differences in phonetic aptitude? Are better speakers also better listeners? The aim of this proposal is to determine whether there is a link between skills ...
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Prediction in Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition (PSPSWR)

Date du début: 1 juin 2011, Date de fin: 31 mai 2013,

"The apparent ease with which we comprehend spoken language is remarkable; however, despite over a half-century of intensive research spanning a range of intellectual disciplines, the cognitive mechanisms and neurobiological bases that underlie this ability remain poorly understood. Recent advances in adjacent domains of cognitive neuroscience (e.g., scene analysis and object recognition in vision ...
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Common Religious Cultural Pathways (CORECT)

Date du début: 29 mars 2011, Date de fin: 28 mars 2013,

This project will exploit recent ICT advances in order to create innovative tools and methodologies facilitate the understanding, study and promotion of common Religious Cultural Heritage. By doing so, the project aims to bring closer the local communities, while stimulating the joint promotion of the regions. To facilitate this, the project will: (a) involve research for the recording and documen ...
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Language education plays a significant role in the development of economic and social cohesion in the cross border area. The difference of language is an issue that needs to be resolved by taking proper initiatives and actions. To this end, it was decided to develop an innovative, highly sophisticated interactive Greek language platform on the Web which will fully exploit the potentials of ICT and ...
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Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (T4ME Net)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2013, in the age of the emerging information and knowledge society, Europe needs ICT technologies and applications at affordable costs that• enable communication, collaboration and participation across language boundaries• secure their language users equal access to the information and knowledge society• support each language in the advanced functionalities of networked ICTPrerequisites of these appl ...
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A strategic challenge for Europe in today's globalised economy is to overcome language barriers through technological means. In particular, Machine Translation systems are expected to have a significant impact in the managing of multilingualism in Europe.PANACEA is facing the most critical aspect for Machine Translation to produce this expected impact in Europe: the called resources bottleneck. MT ...
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