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11 projets européens trouvés

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A number of central European regions, especially those located on the periphery of the cooperation area, are challenged by the outbound migration of well-educated young women. This results in severe sex-ratio imbalances among the working-age population of these regions and a lack of highly skilled labour. Whereas the first endangers social cohesion on territorial level, the second one negatively i ...
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Improving Communities' Sustainable Energy Policy Tools (STEP)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...ement the lead partner elaborated the Project management and financial management manual. Professional work started with a successful Kick-off Meeting and Conference, organized by the South-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (STRIA) as lead partner in May, in Pécs, Hungary. This was the first time when all the partners meet each other personally and start to work on the project implementatio ...
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In 2009, the European Parliament asked the Commission and the Member States to consider the EuroVelo- Network and Iron Curtain Trail as an opportunity for promoting European trans-border cycling infrastructure networks, supporting soft mobility and sustainable tourism?. The European Commission organised workshops to raise awareness of the ICT and awarded grants to preparatory projects to define th ...
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Plants and herbs have been used as a medicine since ancient times in pretty much every culture. Collecting these plants however requires certain degree of knowledge, as the collector needs to be able to identify herbs correctly, and also know where to find them. This knowledge was often passed down from generation to generation. Today, and since the middle of the 20th century, due to urbanization ...
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... organised in Valladolid in June 2010, just after the conference, to work on good practices identification and understanding. Then partners organised study visits in Gozo (Malta) in September 2010, South Transdanubian region (Hungary) in October 2010, Lahti region (Finland) in December 2010, Ireland in February 2011, Slovenia in April 2011 and France in June 2011. The phase of identification of go ...
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Networking for Enterprises in the Eastern External Border Regions (NEEBOR)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

The project has grown out from the Network of Eastern External Border Regions, from a wide European initiative aiming at the collaboration of regions from 11 European countries on the external borders of the European Union, who decided to work more closely together and to ellaborate joint actions for their common challenges. The partnership of the project includes the regional authorities/bodies ...
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Whereas many West European conurbations are already efficient promoters of regional economic development for their surroundings, such "lighthouse functions" of city regions still have to be established in the CADSES area. CITYREGIO II bundles six second-order cities and their respective regional partners or national regional development authorities - depending on the national distribution of compe ...
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Common Strategy network for Spatial Development and Implementation (CONSPACE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

...ed by highly diversified types of landscape and physical structures with a vast natural and cultural heritage. The system of central places is without a dominating agglomeration. The net of the north/south and east/west TEN- & TINA-corridors creates a strong impact on accessibility (sea, rail road, air), economic location development, economic exchange and future prosperity. There has been a tradi ...
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Industrial Logistics and intermodal transport for SMEs development (I-Log)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

The CADSES space is characterized by the widespread presence of SMEs and it is a strategic area since north-south and east-west corridors meet. The social and economic development of this space relies on the ability of SMEs to face changes with global, regional and local threats. The main threat to SMEs is represented by the increasing gap between international groups and industrial clusters, netw ...
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RDA-net CEDA² is a network of regional development agencies (RDAs) with a complete set of services and tools for fostering and improving the partners' capabilities in practical cooperation vis-à-vis the challenges of EU enlargement. RDA-net CEDA² aims to: - Generate innovative projects for regional development of CADSES by using the synergies of the network's experts, - Increase the competencies a ...
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INFOTECH TO EXTEND – INFOrmation TECHnologies to EXTEND Regional Development (I2E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

The project promotes the Information Society (IS) implementation by fostering the direct involvement of the Regional/Local Institutions for favouring the ICT services diffusion particularly in less advanced areas as well as in SMEs which are slower than the Large Enterprises in adopting the ICT innovative models (geographical and dimensional divide). In addition to a large know-how transfer of man ...
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