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14 projets européens trouvés

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Literarium: Media Literacy for NGOs

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013,

"Literarium" is a training course on media literacy designed to enable NGO workers to analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of mediums. The training activities are aimed to broaden youth workers' experience in using media, and develop their creative skills in making their project visible and recognizable. The project will give to the learners a review of the main means of contem ...
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“Facing Europe” is a Democracy project for youth that aims to show the real face of the EU to its young citizens. The duration of the project is 8 months (01.05.2012 - 30.12.2012) and its implementation actions will take place from 1 till 9 September 2012, when 30 young people from 6 different countries (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Latvia, Malta, Sweden) and 12 different organizations will gather at ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2012,

Nowadays, communication becomes more and more image-orientated: visual information invades media channels and step-by-step prevails on purely linguistic interaction. However, this cultural shift from word to image has come too fast, leaving time neither for reflection nor for getting use to new forms of communication based on images. While language literacy has been taught for centuries, visual li ...
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Crossing borders for a better Europe

Date du début: 1 mai 2011,

Agros youth Group hosted in Cyprus a multilateral youth exchange titled "Grossing Borders for a Better Europe". The project was organised in Agros village between 02-13 of June 2011. Our partner countries are Austria, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Malta, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Slovenia. Main objectives of this project were to raise awareness of one's own identity and culture and to cross borde ...
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Foundation for Future Inclusion

Date du début: 1 mars 2013,

Foundations 4 Future Inc. is an EVS project which integrates European members into other partner countries located around the globe in order to achieve the common goal of establishing the foundations for youth inclusion for those youth with fewer opportunities. Within this project 12 Volunteers from the Netherlands, Spain and Slovenia will serve in Costa Rica and South Africa for the personal and ...
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Let's win together!

Date du début: 1 mars 2013,

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Aim:The project's objective is to examine the challenges regarding the youth unemployment in terms of further European development as well as the policies and the strategies that currently address it. Focusing on this, the project will assess the effectiveness of employment creation strategies, examine the vocational educational systems and their contributions for increased capacity of youth emplo ...
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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story... 8-days training course for youth leaders and non-formal education facilitators TEAMWORK MAKES the DREAM WORK focuses on team building and cooperation as one' of the techniques for preventing and resolving conflict in groups of young people with diverse ethnical and social backgrounds. Main aims of the training course ...
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"Save the planet, it is not too late...."

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

! du stage est de former et doter les responsables associatifs et animateurs Ipjeùnesse d'aptitudes, d'attitudes et de savoirs liés à la conduite de projets íinte culturels de jeunesse favorisant la protection de la planète et le développement durable. Ceci à travers les méthodes d'éducation non formelle et en créant des espaces propices à l'échange et à l'apprentissage, dans un climat de respect ...
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"Mutual Dialogue for Minority Inclusion"

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

"Mutual Dialogue for Minority Inclusion" will be a training course for youth workers and leaders to improve their work with minorities issue implemented by Centre for Community Development in Albania. The main aim is to build capacity of different youth organizations to go towards the involvement of minority youth, also through a huge impact on the hosting societies and their image of minorities. ...
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Project "Facilitation in action" is a 4 month long project with a 8-dav Training Course as its centre activity. The theme of the training course is focusing around the competences of youth workers and youth leaders, within an international youth exchanges as the tool, especially emphasizing and encouraging the cooperation between Southeast European (SEE) and European Union (EU) countries.The main ...
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We all are on the way

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

The main aim of ten days training course WE ALL ARE ON THE WAY is to get to know more about the phenomenon's of nowadays world as migration, globalization, relationships between majority and minority, modernity and traditions; to get to know more about issues which are widely discuss in media and in society, but do we really know what's behind them? The training course will be mainly based on inte ...
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As we enter the 21st century, the world faces migration as one of the biggest challenges ever where no country is left out of its involvement. Many societies become more multicultural, multi¬ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingual and countries and communities are challenged to face this diversity in a way that it will bring peace and respect for everybody.Our organizations working with minorties o ...
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ENQuETE art - Experimental Nonpartisan Questioning of Enduring Technologies in EconomyThe project aims to improve living conditions, in particular of European citizens, through the deployment of art. Art can offer a viable way to overcome the moment when we realise that the rights and relations that we previously took for granted have been irrevocably effected by the “unleashed” force of the finan ...
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