Rechercher des projets européens

5 projets européens trouvés

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Over the last nine years we have delivered Spanish as our MFL. As a result of participation in previous Comenius projects, we have established a mutually beneficial relationship with our partner school, hosting visits of Spanish staff and taking groups of children to Madrid on three occasions. .We are committed to continuing this close contact as we have seen first hand the impact that this experi ...
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Valuable EneRgY for a smart School (VERYSchool)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

...n under a common platform dedicated to energy efficiency and provide "how to" information, enabling tools, and cutting edge intelligent energy savings strategies through the execution of optimisation scenarios dedicated specifically to the needs of schools.VERYSchool will demonstrate its methodology, approach, and integrated solution at 4 Pilot locations. The pilot buildings are selected, they rep ...
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"Europe is the home of wine and the world´s leading producer. The quality wine producing is the basis of the economy of more than 2,4 millions of winegrowers that work in the vines that cover around 3,6 million hectares in Europe. In fact, the wine production represents the 5% of the value of agricultural output. But the fact is that the European wine SMEs are rapidly losing market share to dynami ...
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I, citizen

Date du début: 1 août 2013,

Nowadays on the Balkans, there appears to be a real lack of understanding amongst students as to what the concept of citizenship is. While some may equate it with ethnicity,others may think of it in terms of minority/majority status. Others still do not have a clear concept of it as lines have been blurred with the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia. While the concept also has problems at the ad ...
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Second chance ....

Date du début: 1 avr. 2013,

“Second chance” is a youth exchange that will give a second chance to old used things in participants’ life. Project will unite the creativity of 42participants from 6countries, Macedonia,Serbia,Bosnia,Bulgaria,Romania and Italy during 9days in Ohrid, Macedonia. Through taking part in interesting,creative and non-formal workshops based on the concept of learning by doing on the theme meaning of 3R ...
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