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7 projets européens trouvés

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Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (CE-Ageing Platform)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

Fall of the working age population in Europe is becoming more apparent year by year with young people being slowly but surely outnumbered by people over 60. This obviously poses a number of challenges for the society.It is therefore important to adequately respond to "ageing challenges" using the potentials of older workers and capitalizing on the needs of an ageing society The Central European (C ...
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Background:The SOS.NET project will address the problem of lack of systematic social competence training programmes at secondary education level in 5 European countries - Portugal, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. The consortium's motivation to work on bringing TEACHERS into the role of SOFT SKILLS TRAINERS is based on national observations of each partner, experience from 2 European ...
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...for development of social competencies for the Police and/or the labor market: Institute of Psychology - Ministry of Interior (MI), Bulgaria; Rustu Unsal Police Vocational College - Turkey; RPIC-ViP s.r.o. - Czech Republic; D&D Group Ltd - Bulgaria, KRATUS Ltd- Bulgaria The expected short-term outputs of the project include:1. A set of flexible and user-friendly on-line diagnostics tools for offi ...
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Recognition of needs of target groups is based on long lasting and deeply rooted into practice experience of the project partners and their nets of cooperation. Taking into account that modern structures are built around a horizontal processes (projects) and an essential element of the structure is a team, there is a need to develop skills and competencies of the members of the project teams. A pr ...
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Recognition of needs of target groups is based on long lasting and deeply rooted into practice experience of the project partners and their nets of cooperation. Policy of introduction and support for business and entrepreneurial trainings for starters needs not only time and funds to become praxis but thorough recognition of the levels of knowledge, skills and attitudes. These aspects defined and ...
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Today’s competitive job market means that minimum acceptable skills are being replaced with higher standards. And among the higher standards are what many call “soft skills.” A soft skill refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark each of us to varying degrees. Persons who rank high in this cluster, with good soft skills, are ...
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The proposed project has transferred these results in the following way:1) The ResEUr Skill Card, Training Material, and Test Questions was adapted to specific national requirements in CZ and PT2) The Training Material was enriched by Case Studies coming from the partners in CZ and PT3) The content of the program was adapted to be used for secondary education as well, as this was a national priori ...
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