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Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (CE-Ageing Platform)
Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Fall of the working age population in Europe is becoming more apparent year by year with young people being slowly but surely outnumbered by people over 60. This obviously poses a number of challenges for the society.It is therefore important to adequately respond to "ageing challenges" using the potentials of older workers and capitalizing on the needs of an ageing society The Central European (CE) Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society, in short “CE-Ageing Platform”, aims to minimise these negative effects and impacts of demographic change in Central Europe through transnational partnership. The project idea derived from cooperation between various partners and their desire to jointly contribute to improved framework conditions in their regions in order to foster economic growth, regional development and social cohesion. It is built on the belief that challenges faced in the cross-cutting issue "ageing" can only be solved in working together. The CE-Ageing Platform aims to jointly develop a CE-Ageing Strategy enabling partners to adapt to demographic change, thereby integrating lessons learnt from previous activities on the one hand and results and lessons learnt of innovative actions implemented by the CE-Ageing platform on the other. Achievements: The CENTRAL EUROPE project “Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society” (short: “CE-Ageing Platform”, aims to (1)contribute to minimise negative effects and impacts of demographic trends on an ageing society & economy; (2)to improve framework conditions by adapting policies, governance processes and mechanisms to demographic change; (3)reduce regional disparities as well as spatial segregation of target groups by providing a platform for exchanging knowledge on practices between urban/rural areas, national/regional levels and at transnational level; (4)make better use of the existing endogenous potentials of an increasingly diverse and ageing workforce by raising awareness on demographic change, developing ageing strategies as well as state-of-the-art training concepts; (5)promote new service designs and up-grade skills and knowledge of the target group to meet the demands of SMEs. A final product of the project will be a joint Central European Ageing Strategy - a strategic guideline with coordinated actions. The Strategy is developed with and for CE-countries/regions in a participatory process involving not only experts (NGOs and SME’s), but also intermediate bodies of the private and the public sector (e.g. regional development organisations), researchers and public authorities (e.g. ministries). The development of the Strategy comprises three phases, one of which was the development of the joint CE Ageing Vision 2050: “In 2050 we want to live in an integrative society in which human well-being has top priority and equality is a reality.” Based on the CE-Ageing Vision, in the second phase the CE-Ageing Platform identified (together with six high level experts/expert groups) existing potentials established recommendations for policy change. The CE-Ageing Strategy was drafted and presented to the public as green paper in February 2013. Then the 3rd phase, a broad consultation process in all project partner´s countries started, this included an online consultation which was running from March-August 2013, face-to-face meetings and consultations via telephone/email. Four major areas of concern are in focus of the Strategy and were consulted in regard to actions to be taken by local and regional public authorities in particular. These comprise: employability, migration, family, healthy ageing. A part of the Strategy development was the third and last Age-Practise Peer Review entitled "Demographical Change-searching the new way of development", which was held in Katowice/PL in January 2013. The results feed, like all other findings of Peer Reviews and Workshops, into the CE-Ageing Strategy. Moreover, 4 regional pilots were finalised: "Knowledge transfer through cross generational co-employment in SMEs in Central Transdanubia Region"/HU, "Power of Age&Diversity" in Maribor region"/SI, "Regional concept of Education in the Liberec region for selected target groups"/CZ, Work-life balance in PL region"/PL.



  • 79.4%   1 724 293,27
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Europe
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
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