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Competence assessment and development of potential entrepreneur

Recognition of needs of target groups is based on long lasting and deeply rooted into practice experience of the project partners and their nets of cooperation. Policy of introduction and support for business and entrepreneurial trainings for starters needs not only time and funds to become praxis but thorough recognition of the levels of knowledge, skills and attitudes. These aspects defined and the shortages in managerial, key competence mapped lead to proper approach towards trainings promotion. The attention for this pre-training phase is very important to obtain a qualitative training policy. Well-tailored training would prepare starters to start their own business and achieve success on the European market.COMTRAIN project was based on the results of the ASTRA project and CECE project implemented under the LdV. The COMTRAIN project was focused on adaptation, adjustment and implementation of competence assessment tool developed in the ASTRA project and training programmes and materials to teach/improve generic competences developed in the CECE project in new countries and towards similar target groups. Direct link between managerial competence assessment and a training plan tailored up to the needs of the tested individual was the main innovative asset of the ASTRA project and it was one of the main subjects of transfer. Target groups of the COMTRAIN project were potential entrepreneurs and trainers. The elaborated competence assessment tool helps to recognize and measure key, managerial competences of potential entrepreneur. The result of training need assessment is the training plan adapted to the individual needs. The application of the innovative COMTRAIN tool give the potential entrepreneurs the possibility to have better view on their competences in relation to starting own business and where they lack competence. Training plans help to make right choices on training vital for their successful performance on the market. Moreover, the application of innovative training materials to teach/improve generic competences gives potential entrepreneurs the possibility to complete crucial generic competences to achieve success. It should result in improvement of companies competitiveness. The application of the project products results in more effective micro-companies in the partners’ countries, progress and compliance with EU standards. The project partnership consisted of 6 organizations coming from 6 EU countries.


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