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7 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Mobility Scouts: Engaging older people in creating an age-friendly environment

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

In 2060, almost one third of the European population will be 65 years or older. Ageing is thus not only an individual but also a societal challenge. And it is a challenge we have to prepare for on time and in many ways. One very important factor is that of participation: The chance to participate in our society at various levels is crucial for an active, meaningful and healthy life in older age.Mo ...
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Active 80+: Valueing and valorizing the knowledge and skills of people 80+

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

The European Union is facing a longevity revolution, with a remarkable increase in life expectancy and a growing number of older people. The portion of people 80+ is characterized by special growth. In 2060, so the forecasts, every 8th person will belong to the age group 80+, almost quadrupling the portion at the start of the millennium (Eurostat). Many of these older persons will suffer from deme ...
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The Supported Employment Specialist (SES) helps people with disabilities to enter training, the labour market and stay employed. He/she assesses skills and residual work capability, helps the person to select a training course or a job coherent with skills, aspirations and residual work capability, finds and contacts firms and organizations suitable for job placements, arrange for vocational tr ...
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Migration is an increasingly relevant topic in the EU. Especially "old" EU-Members are the main target countries facing the challenge to enhance migrants' integration into society. In this respect, encouraging migrants' independence and social inclusion through their integration into the labour market is a major task; and participation in second language courses can be seen as a relevant step in t ...
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Background and educational needs of deaf and hard of hearing peopleWithin European societies and educational systems sign language and bilingualeducation were suppressed for centuries. The structure of sign languages is verydifferent from that of spoken and written languages. As a result, deaf people couldn’tdevelop their mother tongue in a rich way and written text (especially literature) is very ...
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Discussions about the challenges for teachers in classes with a high percentage ofmigrants are frequent but the discussions about the particular challenges for teachers inadult-education courses are relatively rare. They are also confronted with increaseddiversity and heterogeneity in their education courses. Participants differ in gender, ageand educational background and also in cultural sociali ...
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Le projet Accesschool avait pour objectif de base d'améliorer l’accès à l’enseignement ordinaire et à la formation pour toute personne ayant des besoins spécifiques en Europe, et ce par :1. la création d'une valise pédagogique 2. la création d’une méthodologie de mesure de l’accessibilité des établissements scolaires3. la création d’un inventaire en ligne d'établissements scolaires européens
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