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9 projets européens trouvés

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Living Cutures 2016-17

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

26 young volunteers from 10 different countries in Europe (Spain, Italy, Germany, , Hungary, Austria ,France , Ukraine, Russia and Armenia) will arrive in Denmark to be involved in 16 activities with different themes. (Aagaard Efterskole has decided to withdraw for this deadline)14 volunteers will gain experiences and skills from working with young people, in either boarding schools or public/pri ...
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Arimo 2016

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

Arimo is a social enterprise that gives hospitality and training in the growth toward autonomy to teenagers in difficult situations. Arimo founded and manages three shelters for teenagers with problems of child distress or juvenile erratic behavior (14-18/21 years old): two male shelters (in Giussago and in Milan) host 10 boys each and a female one in Pavia hosts 10 girls.The project will involve ...
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Доброволческа вълна

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

The youth unemployment is one of the biggest problems we have to tackle in today's society. Employers require skills and competencies that can not always be gained by the youth during the period of their formal education. In Association FOR YOU we believe that through participation in mobility programs abroad and non-formal education, young people can receive an irreplaceable opportunity to gain ...
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Arimo 2015

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

Arimo is a social enterprise that gives hospitality and training in the growth toward autonomy to teenagers in difficult situations. Arimo founded and manages three shelters for teenagers with problems of child distress or juvenile erratic behavior (14-18/21 years old): two male shelters (in Giussago and in Milan) host 10 boys each and a female one in Pavia hosts 10 girls. The project will involve ...
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Meet in youth realities VI

Date du début: 15 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 14 juil. 2016,

The project “Meet In Youth realities VI” with the total project period 15/7/2014 -15/7/2016, will include European voluntary service and Mobilty for Youth workers. The project will include 10 volunteers in EVS, which will be hosted by Eurodesk Mölndal and three different Youth centers in the City of Mölndal, Sweden in two periods as well as a study visit for youth workers and a job shadowing in tw ...
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Варна-град на доброволци

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 févr. 2016,

The youth unemployment is one of the biggest problems we have to tackle in today's society. Employers require skills and competencies that can not always be gained by youth during the period of their formal education. In Association FOR YOU believe that through participation in mobility programs abroad and non-formal education, young people can rceive an irreplaceable opportunity to gain experien ...
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The project, was done by groups and individuals projects 5 volunteers come to Padova to take part in the activities with 3 different hosting organizations with specific characteristics and with a common theme of inclusion of people with less opportunities and comparison with cultural diversity which are the main points of all four projects.Specifically, the volunteers in Xena worked with young ...
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MASON aims to put in place a transnational peer learning process under the scope of enhancing the development of mutual understanding across the LLL actors and between the prevailing educational traditions in Europe on coherence and comprehensiveness of Strategies on LLL. The project is built on the results of a previous project –EFELSE, where identified were the strengths, weaknesses, opportuniti ...
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DARE is a European network of NGOs and other organisations which aims to raise the profile of education for democratic citizenship (EDC) and human rights education (HRE). Promoting transcultural and transnational cooperation amongst relevant stakeholders, DARE works to actively promote EDC and HRE with a focus upon increased awareness and the core presence of such education within formal and non-f ...
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