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19 projets européens trouvés

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Process Industry LEarning Unit Project

Date de fin: 16 juil. 2015,

...rom other EU countries. However, due to the differences in VET systems and diplomas it is difficult to understand the level of knowledge, skills and competences of foreign workers. The development of National Qualification Frameworks and their relation with the EQF will facilitate the understanding of levels of qualifications. Furthermore, the development of common professional profiles (as alread ...
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Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (CE-Ageing Platform)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

...ral European (CE) Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society, in short “CE-Ageing Platform”, aims to minimise these negative effects and impacts of demographic change in Central Europe through transnational partnership. The project idea derived from cooperation between various partners and their desire to jointly contribute to improved framework conditions in their regions in order to foster economi ...
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Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments (Co2olBricks)

Date du début: 16 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2013, protect the historical buildings in order to preserve the individual characteristics and therewith the attractiveness and competitiveness of the cities around the Baltic Sea. Besides this the international and the EU CO2-reduction targets have to be fulfilled. After the first wave of technical improvements like modern heating systems, especially thermal insulations of the outer walls produced i ...
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Crafting a new approach to vocational training : The project has developed a new approach to vocational training for socially and geographically isolated groups who are at a disadvantage on the labour market. With the help of ICT-based facilities, learners can acquire handicraft skills and sell their produce on-line or in traditional markets. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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... of the relations between concepts by relational maps (using UML-code), proves to be an approach of establishing more insight in the correspondences, similarities and differences between systems (national, regional and/or sectoral). It is the aim of the TIPTOE project to apply these methodical aspects in a broader perspective – for the whole trade sector, to broaden them to interpretational and ap ...
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Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, ein europäisches thematisches Netz zu entwickeln, um die Übertragung des belgischen Erfahrungsabfalls der elektrischen elektronischen Ausrüstung, zuerst nach Italien zu stützen, in dem einige Schritte in dieser Richtung bereits gemacht worden sind und eine zahlreiche Gruppe Partner damit einverstanden ist, ein regionales Netz auf diesem Gebiet zu starten haben. Andere ...
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...artnerländern.• Analyse der vorhandenen/geplanten Maßnahmen (Beratungs-, Vermittlungs- und Informationsangebote), Netzwerke, Bedarfs- und Verbleibenserhebungen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene.• Empirische Untersuchungen zu spezifischen Aspekten der Mobilität bei den Zielgruppen und Unternehmen in ausgewählten Regionen.• Entwicklung innovativer Beratungsmethoden und Implementation.• Integrati ...
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...king and networking- To promote the use of EQAVET in VET- To allow practical application of the quality assurance framework in VET- То foster discussion on quality assurance issues- To promote international cooperation and exchange of experience in quality assuranceThe consortium consists of 5 partners from 4 countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Italy). The partnership includes public body res ...
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EUROAPT@ is a virtual tool oriented to evaluate the competences and training needs of professional occupations for companies and workers in any sector. This tool was developed inside a EQUAL initiative and is already implemented and functioning in Spain through a Government branch of VET in Cantabria and exclusively for the Metal sector through FLM ( Labour Metal Foundation - Organization formed b ...
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Often people engaged in creative fields such as web design (WD) and computer animation (CA) have gained their knowledge, skills and competence through a kind of informal learning (IL). Gradually validation of IL has become a EU priority in the field of VET being “seen as a way of improving lifelong and life-wide learning”. Although addressed to a different extent in various EU countries, the issue ...
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... in the context of a globalised economy: social criteria in design and innovation.The consortium includes organizations from Portugal, Austria, Denmark and Spain, with recognized experience in international projects in the area of sustainability and innovation in the target sectors. Besides the Applicant Organization, the Management Coordinator and the Core Partners, responsible for the contents d ...
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 TERMINÉ information via the internet) and a range of specialist links to other databases and programmes developed under the Leonardo da Vinci programme.The 'new' version will be made available through national partner websites and will be available to download to enable off-line use. The programme will be developed in EN and following initial piloting will be extended with a national version being ...
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... in BG, EE, EN, ES, FR, IT & NO. The main project beneficiaries are companies (particularly SMEs), vocational training organisations and sectoral bodies.Dissemination will comprise the hosting of national and transnational workshops & seminars; the establishment of a dedicated project website and the release of a CD-Rom containing both project information and results (training materials).
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Market research in the relevant countries indicated that there is a real need to develop a new comprehensive training programme for Destination Management with international co-operation aspects. Based on this demand this project intends to develop a unique and innovative modular training programme for Destination Management in the European tourism sector, consisting of 5 two-days training modules ...
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EUROPATHWAYS & EUROPASS will develop an outline mobility model to encourage innovative student pathways and placements within European companies as a means of promoting the use of EUROPASS training and improving the transparency of qualifications across Europe.Elements to be contained within the mobility model include; an outline concept of an innovative company (identified through its capacity to ...
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 TERMINÉ with regard to the aims of the project, which will be achieved through the production of a project information leaflet in all partner languages. Additional activities will include the hosting of 7 national seminars (one per participating country) and 2 European-level seminars to inform upon project progress/results and the hosting of a dedicated project website.
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... create virtual learning centres in partner countries for continuous teacher support and training, containing multilingual teaching material. Dissemination of results and information is carried out nationally by project network to ICT-teachers and educators, education policy makers, European teaching and research communities beyond the partner network. Participating countries: DE, IT, LT, BG, RO, ...
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A centralised source for widespread employers : The overarching aim of this project is to create a single source of information on vocational training, university studies and labour, with a view to promoting mobility in Europe. Transparency is ensured and a website will be used to present the results of projects in the languages of countries concerned. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 mo ...
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New information sources for small business : The project has developed a website with country specific information for SMEs which aims to support their development. In addition, a package of courses has been produced to help business people acquire the skills needed for commercial success. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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