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13 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The overall purpose of EuroScreen is to maximise the economic synergies between the screen and tourism leading to the sectors’ increased innovation, competitiveness and growth in 8 regions across the EU. It has been demonstrated that the representation of cities and regions in audiovisual media (films, tv series, adverts, internet, etc) is both important in strengthening and sustaining the divers ...
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DIFASS aims to unlock potential for innovation, internationalisation and sustainable growth of SMEs in Europe by improving access to finance.Innovative SMEs are often faced with problems when obtaining loans from commercial banks and intermediaries as valuing risks in technology innovation or foreign markets is problematical and as SMEs often cannot provide sufficient collateral. Resulting from th ...
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Energy Vision 2020 for South East European Cities  (EnVision'2020)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2014,

The need to improve resource efficiency is at the heart of the EU agenda. This is evidenced both by the energy and pollution targets set, as well as the Resource-Efficient Europe flagship initiative, within the Europe 2020 strategy. In many countries win South East Europe, the energy intensity of countries is among the highest in Europe. Since these countries are expected to economically converge ...
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Rail Hub Cities for South East Europe (RAIL4SEE)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2014,

The challenge that the RAIL4SEE partners share is the development of models, concepts, measures, harmonised strategies and policy actions targeted to the improvement of rail and intermodal transport in SEE. In particular partners call for complementary interventions facing the alleviation of barriers for rail hubs integration in the local, regional, transnational and TEN-T systems, transport servi ...
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Worldwide, the proportion of people aged 60 and over is growing faster than any other age group: this demographic change represents a challenge that needs to be met at transnational level, having a strong impact in the social and health services and in the labour market. The change of economic position of older people within the knowledge economy demands an innovative policy approach strengthening ...
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Information Society Policies for Sustainable European Economic Development (I-SPEED)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

The main issues tackled by I-SPEED are the lack of awareness among policy makers about the Information Society potential to improve public services and foster growth (towards Lisbon Agenda goals) and the loss of competitiveness of European Tourism EconomyI-SPEED aims therefore at improving the effectiveness of local/regional Policies related to Information Society and Economic Development. This ob ...
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Municipal PROperty Management In South-Eastern Cities (PROMISE)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2009, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

...ement of municipal real estate property• Conceptual Framework for Recording Municipal Property• Pre-feasibility study for optimized management of municipal property as social housing - Tirana Municipality• Pre-feasibility study for optimized management of municipal property for administrative purposes - Sofia Municipality• Pre-feasibility study for using municipal property for business purposes - ...
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CAPRICE - Capital regions integrating collective transport for increased energy efficiencycomprises a network of actors from European Capital regions who are responsible for public transport.CAPRICE will contribute to reach the goals of the Gothenburg agenda by- increasing efficiency of public transport services in regions,- implementing policies to stimulate the accelerated introduction of 'clean ...
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Women Engendering the Finance Network (WEFneT) (WEFneT)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

The WEFneT project is based on Women's Resource Centres as an instrument for local development with a gender perspective. The main objective of the project is to achieve local development through an increased participation of women in economic, political and social life - both in quantity and in quality. The Women's Resource Centres are a co-ordination service of territorial actions and actors eng ...
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Urban Technology Network II (UTN II)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2002, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2006,

UTN II is a direct follow-up project of the UTN Urban Technology Network under INTERREG IIc. UTN included four formal partner cities and more than 30 interested cities. Interest and need for continuation of co-operation in the field of urban technologies and urban development have recently been stressed by various proposals for pilot projects presented to the project management of UTN. The network ...
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This proposal will contribute to the professional development of early educators (approximately 120) from 6 countries (Greece, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Romania, Cyprus) who will be trained in using the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale-R (ECERS-R) that evaluates the quality of early childhood environment. These educators will acquire the skills to work as assessors in using ECERS-R and ...
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This proposal starts from the Best Practice developed in Italy in the previous project "A.G.R.O.N.O.M.A. Analisi Generale RisorseOrientamento Nazionale Obiettivo Management Agricolo" finanziato dalla Legge 10 Aprile 1991 n. 124 Positive Actions for theImplementation of Gender Opportunities in the job. Through the involvement of transnational partners, the project's mainobjective is to add a Europe ...
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The need of harmonizing environmental knowledge with ethical values and thus achievement of the behavioral change and internalization of ethical values refers some recent efforts and experiences that are promoted by the European Union. Sixth Environmental Action Program of the European Community entitled “Environment 2010: Our Future, our choice”, proposes five priority avenues of strategic action ...
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