Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The overall purpose of EuroScreen is to maximise the economic synergies between the screen and tourism leading to the sectors’ increased innovation, competitiveness and growth in 8 regions across the EU. It has been demonstrated that the representation of cities and regions in audiovisual media (films, tv series, adverts, internet, etc) is both important in strengthening and sustaining the diversity of different EU states’ culture, and increasingly, having a substantial economic impact on tourism. This is evidenced in a number of case studies and is increasingly recognised in the marketing campaigns of tourist boards around the world. The longest running example in the EU is The Sound of Music. 40 years after the film's release, an estimated 300,000 fans visit Salzburg to see locations from the film. Recent similar successes include Notting Hill, which attracted a huge influx of tourists to London’s Notting Hill & has resulted in the area becoming established as a new ‘must-see’destination on tourist itineraries. The TV series and film Wallander had a substantial economic effect upon Ystad (Sweden) where it was shot. The number of visitors increased 34% from 08 to 09, tourism turnover increased 50% over 6 years, and a positive impact was experienced upon job creation. This project will address relevant policy makers’ knowledge gap in understanding the screen sector’s economic benefits and positive impact on tourism. It is the result of partners’ discussions on the need to develop clear linkages between the 2 sectors in order to identify potential economic gains and innovative frameworks to support cross sector collaboration between intermediary agencies and businesses. The current lack of effective networking and collaboration between the 2 sectors will be tackled by bringing together 5 regions (London, Ystad, Malaga, Apulia & La Valletta) at the forefront of screen tourism and 3 less-advanced regions (Rzeszow, Bucharest & Maribor). It will be deliveredfrom 2012-14 by lead partner Film London with Ystad City Council & Lund University (Sweden), ProMalaga (Spain), Apulia Film Commission(Italy), Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit(Malta), Bucharest Regional DA*(Romania), Maribor DA*(Slovenia) & Rzeszow Regional DA(Poland). * Development Agency. Collectively the partnership brings together institutions with a strong track record of delivering economic initiatives in support of the screen and tourism sectors and regions with less expertise but significant economic potential. Main activities which will be overseen by the Steering Group will be implemented via 4 Working Groups: Marketing, Promotion and Dissemination; The Baseline Study & Identification of Good Practice; Sharing & Transfer of Good Practice; Impact Measurement Tool. a. Baseline and identification of good practices, including an assessment of any existing impact measurement tools b. Exchange of experiences via a capacity building programme of 19 interregional CONTINUED - Achievements: The overall purpose of EuroScreen (ES) is to maximise the economic synergies between the screen (audiovisual media) and tourism sectors leading to the increased innovation, competitiveness and growth of both sectors in 8 regions across the EU. Collectively, the ES partnership brings together institutions with a strong track record of delivering economic initiatives in support of the screen and tourism sectors and regions with less expertise but significant economic potential. The project’s achievements to date are: Management & Co-ordination - All 9 ES partners were represented at the first meeting of the transnational Steering Group ('Output' 1) which took place in London from 9-11 May 2012. During this meeting, the vision, aims and objectives of the project as well as the roles and responsibilities of all partners, were consolidated. The content of the Terms of Reference for the Steering Group and Partner Agreements were finalised, in addition to initial operational plans, key documents, system and procedures for ES. All ES partners established and briefed their ES staff teams and set up appropriate internal systems for the management, monitoring, administration and implementation of their activities within the project. Communication and Dissemination - EuroScreen was launched via its first press release ('Output' 2) at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2012 – EuroScreen appeared in 5 online film publications: PictureVille, Screen Daily, the Location Guide, Regional Film and Video, Bariloche 2000 (the first ‘result’ of ES). During this Festival, Film London gave an informal presentation on ES to the European Film Commission Network and also held individual meetings with representatives of 10 Film Commissions: the project has thus established new contacts with an interest in screen tourism. All partners are promoting ES via their own web sites and have identified local stakeholders and most have set up contacts databases which will continue to be expanded. Work began on the beta version of the EuroScreen website (to be launched in Semester 2) and brand as well as the project brochure and newsletter: a different ES partner led on each activity with support from lead partner, Film London. Identification of Good Practice - As a foundation for its planned programme of analysis and exchange of good practice and capacity-building activity which will impact on regional policy, ES is undertaking a baseline study, the aim of which is to identify existing good practice across the 8 regions. During the first semester, the framework and methodology for the baseline study was agreed by all partners, questionnaires were designed and the designated ES partner, Lund University began work on the study. With Lund’s guidance, relevant materials and examples are being sourced by all 9 partners in relation to their own current practice and archives and through their respective networks. Contact has been made with a range of organisations which are external to ES and these are also being encouraged to contribute to the baseline study. All of the above is being supplemented with secondary research by Lund. EuroScreen has achieved its target outputs and activities for this semester.



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  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
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8 Participants partenaires