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4 projets européens trouvés

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VEEhYcLE 2g - Volunteers in Eramsus+ as an Engine (for social inclusion) of Young peopLE, second generation is a group EVS with four volunteers, involving one Hosting Organization (Portugal) and four Sending Organisations (Italy, France, Cyprus and Estonia). The EVS volunteers will be placed for a 12 month period in the Southern Portuguese city of Ohão, starting in September 2016, where they´ll ha ...
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Regards croisés sur l'Europe

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

La Maison de l'Europe de Lot-et-Garonne has existed since 1966. It's first objective is to inform the citizens about the European Union and to bring them to a European awareness.Since 2009, we welcome and make young people leave in EVS, and assure the coordination of projects.The dynamic development of the exchanges between the young people are our priority axes. The EVS which we welcome goes to ...
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Regards croisés sur l'Europe, du Nord au Sud

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

La Maison de l'Europe de Lot-et-Garonne has existed since 1966. It's first objective is to inform the citizens about the European Union and to bring them to a European awareness. The dynamic development of the exchanges between the young people are our priorities. We wished to give more vitality to these exchanges since 2009 by welcoming EVS in our structure. This EVS meets young people of the d ...
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Ensemble, faisons mieux connaître l'Europe...

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2015,

La Maison de l'Europe de Lot-et-Garonne exists since 1966. It has for objective first to inform the citizens about the European Union and to bring them to an European awareness. The dynamic development of the exchanges between the young people are our priority axes. We wished to give more vitality to these exchanges since 2009 by welcoming EVS in our structure. This EVS goes to meet young people ...
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