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33 projets européens trouvés

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EU trade, transport, tourism and economic development are directly dependent on open and safe seas and oceans. EU's maritime borders are widely spread including various topologies from open sea to semi-enclosed cabins with islands and islets. This poses great challenges that affect securing maritime border areas. Failing to protect against a wide array of maritime threats and risks may result in t ...
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The ultimate purpose of ANYWHERE is to empower exposed responder institutions and citizens to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face extreme and high-impact weather and climate events. This will be achieved through the operational implementation of cutting-edge innovative technology as the best way to enhance citizen's protection and saving lives.ANYWHERE proposes t ...
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The seven specific objectives of TOXI-triage address the operational; technological; ethical and societal dimensions of CBRN response and recovery, and importantly the economic base from which sustainable CBRN and multi-use systems are derived.19 partners in 4 Task forces will deliver 9 Work Packages (WPs) that address: end user specifications; Design and delivery; Test and Validation; and, Impact ...
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Road-, Air- and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation (RAWFIE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The purpose of the RAWFIE initiative is to create a federation of different network testbeds that will work together to make their resources available under a common framework. Specifically, it aims at delivering a unique, mixed experimentation environment across the space and technology dimensions. RAWFIE will integrate numerous testbeds for experimenting in vehicular (road), aerial and maritime ...
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Naval Fire Fighting Training & Education System

Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 oct. 2018,

...ol, has been in operation since 2006 and adopts a conventional training workflow which will be radicalized through NAFTES. The Hellenic Navy (participating organization in NAFTES through the Hellenic Ministry of Defense, HMOD) intends to broaden the use and extend the scope of this unique training platform to commercial shipping companies from all around the globe. Therefore, NAFTES is considered ...
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Background The basic threat to the project area, the Natura 2000 network sites of the West-Inner-Somogy natural micro region (south-west Hungary), is a decrease in groundwater levels caused by diminishing total annual rainfall; the earlier demolition of natural water-retaining landforms; and forced drainage of land as a flood prevention measure. With th ...
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Analog Photonic Information Processing Modules (ANAPHI-PROMO)

Date du début: 23 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 22 juil. 2018,

"All-optical techniques for signal processing have attracted considerable attention in recent years. An important optical component in these techniques is the programmable transfer function (TF) optical filter. Optical filters with a variety of TF have been proposed. However, programmability of arbitrary TF has not been addressed adequately in the international research community. In this proje ...
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It is presently acknowledged and scientifically proven than climate related hazards have the potential to substantially affect the lifespan and effectiveness or even destroy of European Critical Infrastructures (CI), particularly the energy, transportation sectors, buildings, marine and water management infrastructure with devastating impacts in EU appraising the social and economic losses. The ma ...
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EU CISE 2020 is an important step towards the accomplishment of the European roadmap for CISE; the project attains the widest possible experimental environment of innovative and collaborative processes between European maritime institutions.EU CISE 2020 takes as reference a broad spectrum of factors in the field of European Integrated Maritime Surveillance, arising from the European legal framewor ...
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...range). It also developed the Á-NÉR system based habitat map, the treatment plan for the Dabasi Area and the natural reserve management plan for the shooting range (with the Ministry of Defence). In the Dabasi area, moderate mowing is carried out during a restricted period in order to protect orchid species. One of the most serious problems facing the area is the shortage of water (due to draina ...
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Advanced Forest Fire Fighting (AF3)

Date du début: 1 mai 2014, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

In recent years, the frequency of large-scale forest fires has increased significantly owing to a number of factors including the effects of climate change, urbanisation, poor landscape management and malevolent acts. These so-called “Mega-fires” are particularly destructive and difficult to control with the technologies and systems currently available to fire fighters and emergency agencies. The ...
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Building EGNSS capacitY On EU Neighbouring multimodal Domains. (BEYOND)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

The overall project concept consists of building capacity in the field of multi-modal applications, focussed mainly on aviation using EGNSS in different Eastern European and Mediterranean countries. These countries are located at boundaries of the EGNOS SOL coverage area with limited EGNSS experience; the projects will promote the development of multi-modal applications, building on the lessons le ...
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Military Energy and Carbon Management (MECM)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Background The Greek defence ministry is one of the largest public bodies in Greece. Its military installations are major consumers of energy and, therefore, offer great potential for energy saving, which could lead to a significant reduction in Greece's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Although military installations and the organisations under the jurisd ...
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Inter System Interoperability for Tetra-TetraPol Networks (ISITEP)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

A European network where forces share communications, processes and a legal framework would greatly enforce response to disaster recovery and security against crime. Until now, uncertainty on costs, timescale and functionalities has slowed down integration of national Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR) networks. The lack of interoperable communication systems has impeded the cooperation of ...
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Development of the CYBER crime and CYBER terrorism reseach ROADmap (CYBERROAD)

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

This project will identify current and future issues in the fight against Cyber crime and cyber terrorism in order to draw a roadmap for cyber security research. A detailed snapshot of the technological, social, economic, political, and legal scenario on which cyber crime and cyber terrorism do develop will be first provided. Then, cyber crime and cyber terrorism will be studied, in order to inde ...
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Organized crime does an intensive use of non-cooperative vehicles (cars and motorboats mainly) for a variety of criminal activities, as they are transport of illegal immigrants or smuggling of goods (especially drugs). This generates a very large number of operations carried out by law enforcement agencies in order to intercept these vehicles. During the vehicle interception operations, non coope ...
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Background Once covering vast areas of the Little Hungarian Plain (western Hungary), between the towns of Győr and Esztergom, as a result of human activity only remnants of the priority habitats Pannonic sand steppe and Pannonic inland sand dune thicket Junipero-Populetum albae remain in the region. A few patches can be found in the military sites near G ...
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"Marine biofouling can be defined as the colonization of man-made surfaces in seawater by microscopic and macroscopic organisms. This phenomenon can result in great loss of function and effectiveness both for cruising ships and for static constructions. Of special concern is the negative effects of hard foulers such as barnacles, which cause [1]: (i) increased drag resistance resulting in up to 40 ...
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PERSEUS contributes to Europe’s efforts to monitor illegal migration and combat related crime and goods smuggling by proposing a large scale demonstration of a EU Maritime surveillance System of Systems, on the basis of existing national systems and platforms, enhancing them with innovative capabilities and moving beyond EUROSUR’s 2013 expectations, addressing key challenges: supporting the netwo ...
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A bio-mimicry enabled artificial sniffer (SNIFFER)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

"The capture and analysis of odours offers significant potential for border security applications related to the detection and analysis of persons, illegal substances and in particular explosives. Dogs - the most effective ""tool"" for detecting and analysing odours - can only be trained for a small sample of odours, get easily tired and are often perceived as intrusive by the public.The SNIFFER p ...
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What is missing so far in the European Union are disaster management procedures, tools and systems which fully take into account the specific characteristics and requirements of large-scale international cooperation in emergency situations. These characteristics are distinguished by many diverse emergency response organisations that need to collaborate across technological systems, organisational ...
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Sustainable Aggregates Planning in South East Europe  (SNAP-SEE)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

Assuring sustainable supply of aggregates resource is an important challenge due to their limited availability when aiming at sustainable regional development. Due to the regional differences and historical development, there are diverse approaches to aggregates policies, planning and management in South East Europe, which is hindering resource efficiency and economic development in the region. Th ...
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Background Natural sites owned and used by the military often contain relatively undisturbed areas and valuable environmental habitats due to their isolation from the public. This is the case in Hungary’s Eastern Bakony Mountains, which support EU priority habitats and species as well as hosting military training areas. Although the area’s biodiversi ...
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North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity (NSBWO)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

Ships ballast water is a main source of acute and chronic pollution in the North Sea. The project aims to improve the North Sea environment and economy by facilitating the ratification of the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC). The implementation of the BWMC creates a new market for innovative products; Ballast Water Opportunity aims to support the NSR industry to enter this market. It enc ...
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Regional Strategies for Disaster Prevention (CivPro)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

Over the last few years, Europe's forest fires, floods and droughts and man-made disasters have become fiercer and more intense. Some partners in the CivPro project have their own sometimes tragic experiences and some of them have such a high risk profile that risk prevention is on the top of their political agenda. Disasters have quite often a devastating effect on people's lives, their livelihoo ...
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Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management (SARMa)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2011,

Aggregates (crushed stone, sand and gravel) are crucial for infrastructure and construction. SEE countries are rich in aggregates, but supply is not coordinated within or across the area. Challenges are illegal and damaging quarries, unreclaimed sites, limited recycling and community opposition. Fulfilling demand requires efficient and sustainable supply chain (planning, extraction, transport, use ...
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"Security-centered training course curricula on disaster management for first responders (FR)* in EU member states will be comparatively assessed with a specially developed matrix-based software: (1) for all EU member states (2) as derived from international best practices in the US, Russia, and Israel as countries with extensive experience in this field. The comparative assessment will cover: (a ...
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Integrated Platform for Autonomic Computing (IPAC)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2011,

The IPAC (Integrated Platform for Autonomic Computing) proposal aims at delivering a middleware and service creation environment for developing embedded, intelligent, collaborative, context-aware services in mobile nodes. IPAC relies on short range communications for the ad hoc realization of dialogs among collaborating nodes. Advanced sensing components leverage the context-awareness attributes o ...
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Post-soviet military residential areas and it surroundings are in a very specific situation – on one hand these are destroyed territories that are more or less unique (in comparison with whole area), on the other hand we have a substantial number of such territories counted as military territories by the members of Warsaw Pact. The transnational co-operation between these countries is a chance to ...
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Floodscape (Creating New Landscapes for Flood Risk Management) (Floodscape)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

CFM (Creating new landscapes for flood risk management) is an action project that seeks to change perceptions of flooding and develop common principles for relevant decision-making. The objective is to promote new sustainable landscapes in planning that combine water issues with nature conservation, agriculture, building and recreation. The investment component, involving the construction of a ret ...
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art II: Development of a Conversion Network in the Baltic Sea Region (Convernet II)

Date du début: 16 mars 2005, Date de fin: 15 juil. 2006,

Conversion of former military sites is a pressing issue in the Baltic Sea Region. Not only municipalities and regions are still coping with the after-effects of around 3500 post-Cold War military base closures – several hundred facilities are currently being closed in restructuring processes of the respective national armed forces. These processes are set to continue and gain momentum in the futur ...
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Development of a Conversion Network in the Baltic Sea Region (CONVERNET )

Date du début: 16 avr. 2003, Date de fin: 15 mars 2005,

Conversion of former military sites is a pressing issue in the Baltic Sea Region. Not only municipalities and regions are still coping with the after-effects of around 3500 post-Cold War military base closures – several hundred facilities are currently being closed in restructuring processes of the respective national armed forces. These processes are set to continue and gain momentum in the futur ...
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COASTGAP springs after more than 10 years of shared experiences among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions in the field of coastal adaptation to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. In 2011 these actors established the cluster FACECOAST ( and propose COASTGAP in order to capitalize 12 Best Practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and ...
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