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Development of the CYBER crime and CYBER terrorism reseach ROADmap (CYBERROAD)
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project will identify current and future issues in the fight against Cyber crime and cyber terrorism in order to draw a roadmap for cyber security research. A detailed snapshot of the technological, social, economic, political, and legal scenario on which cyber crime and cyber terrorism do develop will be first provided. Then, cyber crime and cyber terrorism will be studied, in order to indetify priorities and research bottlenecks. The project relies on a large body of competences, since it has 20 partners, from 10 different countries. The consortium represents all the players and the stakeholders involved in the fight against cyber crime and cyber terrorism: law enforcement, public bodies, universities and reseach centers, as well as companies and industries. The project also relies on a high profile advisory board, made of members of worldwide relevant organizations involved in the fight against cyber crime and cyber terrorism. The wide consortium as well as the advisory board, will ensure the involvement of all the possible stakeholders, by allowing to have a clear and complete picture of the real priorities. Such a large consortium will also allow an adequate dissemination of the project results, fundamental step to foster and to promote research activity toward the directions devised during the project execution.



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21 Participants partenaires