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Naval Fire Fighting Training & Education System
Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 oct. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The NAVAL FIRE FIGHTING TRAINING and EDUCATION SYSTEM (NAFTES) is a holistic framework for the training of crew and officers in simulated fire conditions in representative ship engineering compartments. NAFTES assumes three different facets structured around the Fire Fighting Simulator (FFS) and Crew Evacuation Simulator (Damage Control School) of the Naval Training Command of the Hellenic Navy. The FFS, a central component in the Damage Control School, has been in operation since 2006 and adopts a conventional training workflow which will be radicalized through NAFTES. The Hellenic Navy (participating organization in NAFTES through the Hellenic Ministry of Defense, HMOD) intends to broaden the use and extend the scope of this unique training platform to commercial shipping companies from all around the globe. Therefore, NAFTES is considered of paramount importance to the Greek shipping industry, one of the most important sectors of the Greek economy which currently undergoes a serious crisis. The different facets of NAFTES are the following:• Introductory Training (IT)• Theoretical (classroom) Training (THT)• Hands-On Training (HOT)IT is to be materialized through a properly structured/populated tele-training (TT) platform based on an advanced learning management system (LMS), which allows crews and assigned officers to become acquainted with the fire training fundamentals and the particulars of the FFS. Such introductory training will allow the training capacity of the Damage Control School to be highly increased while meeting the challenges and needs of modern shipping businesses. Trainees with very busy professional schedule can undertake the introductory training in their premises ashore or in their ships while stationed at remote harbors. THT, performed in the Damage Control School by highly skilled instructors, will be supplemented by multimedia material (videos, animations, slides), which is to be integrated in the LMS, retrieved and presented during classroom hours. HOT will be an advanced portable system, which will be carried by trainees during their presence in the simulated (and fire impacted) engineering room. The system will come in the form of augmented reality (AR) applications, which will overlay warnings or explanatory text to their viewport of the training “stage”. Such applications will be executed in optical head-mounted displays (google glasses), which will retrieve material from the LMS. A very important feature of such devices is their indoor localization capability. This is to be exploited by HOT in order to deliver a full image of the training “stage” to the DCS instructor . Τhe NAFTIS platform will be complemented by a post-training assessment module (online) which will be appended in the IT-THT-HOT workflow.



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