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18 projets européens trouvés

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The Baltic Sea Basin is an area of intensive, and intensifying agricultural production. There are about 36 million units of cattle, 67 million units of pigs, and 190 million units of poultry in the region. (Gren, I.-M. et al., 2008: Cost of nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea - technical report). Intensifying and concentration of animal production has resulted in environmental problems caused by ...
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From strategies to activities (Bioenergy Promotion2)

Date du début: 28 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 27 déc. 2013,

The aim of the project "Bioenergy Promotion 2- from strategies to activities" was to promote and increase the sustainable production and use of bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region.Bioenergy Promotion 2 was a follow-up to the Main stage project Bioenergy Promotion. The Main stage project started in 2009 and concluded in 2011. The initial project consortium consisted of 33 partners, who were involved ...
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BERAS Implementation offers a response to the challenges to achieve a good environmental status in the Baltic Sea, reinforce sustainable agriculture and enhance rural development in the region.Objectives:Contribute to solving the problem of excessive nutrient losses from agricultural through introduction of conversion to Ecological Recycling Agriculture (ERA) in all countries of the BSRDevelop a s ...
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Baltic COMPASS project has grown out of a large number of international projects in the field of landuse, agriculture, water and environment related to the protection of the Baltic Sea. Specifically, Baltic COMPASS is a response to the need for a transnational approach to reduce eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and contribute in adaption and implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSA ...
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Development of a technology transfer centre for fruit production (FruitTechCentre)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2012,

Fruit growing is a promising traditional branch of Latvian and Lithuanian economy. But, for results to be good, it requires precise application of growing, storage and processing technologies. The major part of commercial orchards in both countries is concentrated in the Programme-supported regions. However, prior to the implementation of the project, there were no consulting services for fruit gr ...
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The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project (Bioenergy Promotion)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 23 janv. 2012,

The project aimed to: Raise awareness that there is a significant potential of employment and business possibilities within bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region, facilitate conditions for the reduction of emissions by sustainable use of bioenergy, develop regional management plans and tools for planning within bioenergy, exchange experiences through up-t-date conferences, seminars and workshops in b ...
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BACKGROUND and addressed PROBLEM: Climate change, with its manifold aspects, is one of the biggest global challenges we face currently and in the future. Guidelines for the general direction of action developed on the international or national level are a first step but do not equal implementation. Concrete action in dealing with climate change issues is required on the local and regional level, f ...
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Parks & Benefits results from an initiative of protected areas in BSR who share the conviction that the protection of the natural heritage must involve a sustainable management of the natural resources. Mobilizing economic instruments for protection purposes shall benefit both the protected area and the surrounding region contributing to their socio-economic development. But up to now the economic ...
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Female Entrepreneurs´Meetings in the Baltic Sea Region (FEM)

Date du début: 14 août 2004, Date de fin: 13 août 2008,

FEM has promoted womens access to labour markets and entrepreneurship and strengthened the role of women in local and regional development by e.g. training, mentoring, networking and creating meeting-places. Gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming have been key issues in the project. The aim has been to produce sustainable positive changes in the attitudes, processes and methods of economic an ...
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The BSR is characterised by various Hinterland areas in a distance of 50 km and more to coastal zones and to metropolitan areas and larger cities. Most of these Hinterland areas suffer from a long-term decline in population, Europe has not experienced for hundreds of years. Decreasing demand of employment in agriculture and in lesser competitive SME structures with an increasing mobility makes peo ...
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Rural Extension Network Europe (R.E.N.E.)

Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 30 mars 2007,

...isors. This current, last reporting period was the most active of all: 8 events with 928 participants. 220 participants took part in the congress in Vilnius, Lithuania which has been organised by our Lithuanian partner in cooperation with a DG-Research/World bank project for evaluation of rural policy implementation influencing structural change in rural areas. This was the most successful moment ...
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Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society (BERAS )

Date du début: 28 févr. 2003, Date de fin: 30 mars 2006,

The goal of the project was the evaluation and demonstration of the potential of ecological recycling-based agriculture, combined with priority for local and regional processing, distribution and consumption, in order to reduce consumption of limited resources, emissions of greenhouse gases and nitrogen and phosphorus pollution to the Baltic Sea area by half or more, according to politically decid ...
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Baltic Biomass Network (BBN)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2004,

The Baltic Sea Region, with its agricultural and forest resources, has great potential to fulfil EU objectives for biomass heat, power and fuel production. However, sustainable bioenergy development will depend on overcoming current obstacles throughout the region, including poorly developed logistics and biomass production infrastructures, competition between market players for limited local reso ...
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The European agricultural sector has experienced numerous changes in the last decade. Developments in the new EU member states have been even more significant – first because of the transition into the market economy after the fall of the communist regime, and second because of the accession to the EU. In such circumstances the ability to apply long term decisions and entrepreneurial skills are ke ...
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Increased demand for fish protein has been met by increased cultivation of many species of freshwater and marine fish. The aquaculture production in EU is 1.2 millions and average yearly fish consumption is 23 kg per person. Turkey has 152.000 tons aquaculture production but yearly fish consumption is 6.32 kg per person. In spite of state of the art technology to fulfill the production needs, i ...
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...s on both sides of theborder, poses a threat of water pollution withnitrogen and phosphorus compounds that isa common concern of Latvia and Lithuania.The project objective is to complementLatvian and Lithuanian measures, introducedin accordance withthe requirements ofEU Water and Nitratedirectives and destinedto prevent waterpollution caused by theagricultural activities,with the joint soilmonitor ...
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1. Ist-und Vergleichanalyse der derzeitigen Bildungslandschaft im Bereich der Biotechnologien in RF,RB und EU: Berichterstellung über Bildungssituation im Fachgebiet Biotechnologie (BT) in RF,RB und EU;2. Fachliche und sprachliche Qualifizierung: Umschulungen und Weiterbildungen des Lehrkörpers ausgehend von der Vertiefung der Fachsprachkenntnisse und fachspezifische Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften ...
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STUDIK project aims at development and strengthening student self-governance and democratic involvement at Kazakh universities. The approach includes four specific objectives: (1)increase knowledge on state-of-the-art of student self-governance in Kazakhstan and EU countries to build bridges for transferring EU experience and enable models to be implemented ; (2) create and improve a general under ...
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