Rechercher des projets européens

6 projets européens trouvés

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Using Free and Open Source Software in the development of e-learning can provide higher quality, reduce costs and increase availability of platforms. But very few educational materials are available for use with these systems today. The OpenDock project wants to support the use of Open Content (a platform at which individuals and institutions can share and adapt educational materials) in vocationa ...
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Based upon the results and experiences of previously-funded Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci projects, the current NEWORKERS project aims at the establishment of a forum for debate, discussion, promotion and dissemination of the use of the Internet as a tool for continuous training. The goal of the project is to increase the quality of the existing training projects, to enhance the development of cu ...
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MOSEP addresses the growing problem of adolescents (aged 14 to 16) dropping out of the formal education system around Europe. Students of this age find themselves at the transition phase in their lives where they have to choose between going into upper secondary education or entering vocational training. It is a time when they have to make decisions and need to be supported in making the best choi ...
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The Form@tic project involves providing trainers with training and professional qualifications in the information and communication technologies. The project entails developing and implementing a structured European approach. The first stage of the project will involve analysing the situation of open and distance learning in each of the partner countries and examining the needs of trainers in the ...
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Facilitating distance learning for SME employees : This project will enable SME employees to gain access to flexible distance learning in order to improve their skills without leaving work. This is vital for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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MOSEP addresses the growing problem of adolescents (aged 14 to 16) dropping out of the formal education system around Europe. Students of this age find themselves in a transition phase in their lives where they have to choose between going into upper secondary education or entering vocational training. It is a time when they have to make decisions and need to be supported in making the best choice ...
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