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6 projets européens trouvés

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European Students Red Roof

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Our aim is to create awareness on students, teachers, families and society against the natural disasters and terror attacks in Europe-wide and carry out trainings about these topics. If these events take place, we will organize studies through the voluntary teams constructed by the teachers and students in the partner countries which are going to give a helping hand both corporeal and incorporeal. ...
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Work Based Learning for Vocational Occupation Students 2

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

...n system of VET. The project engaged students from textile, construction, wood and hospitality sectors. For students of textile and hospitality sector and their professional practice partners Istituto Ruzza and Tecna from Italy were responsible, and for construction and wood sector institution KWVD from Germany. Total number of participants was 32. Mobility was carried out in two flows. Firstly, ...
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In the MOTEFIK project participated a total of 20 students form the Craft School Split, in a 2 week professional training in companies and craft businesses organised by partners in Padua Istituto Ruzza an TECNA scarl. This project is a continuation of cooperation with the Italian partners in the mobility projects which previously saw participation of teachers from the textiles and leatherworking s ...
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Work Based Learning for Vocational Occupation Students

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 1 juil. 2015, Pozega with VOCOS project aims to improve professional knowledge and skills of 24 students in vocational occupations through professional practice for a two week period at partner institutions Istituto Ruzza and Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigunge. Students who will participate in the project attending regular three-year or four-year education for following professions: fashion/clothing tech ...
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Professional Design and Textiles Training

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 1 juin 2015,

...nal knowledge, skills and competences of 24 mobility participants - teachers, trainers, assistants and advisers - through professional training for one week period in February 2015. Host partners are Istituto Ruzza (Padua) and Politecnico Calzaturiero (Stra). Project idea was build on the positive experiences of teachers from the Craft school Split and Craft School Pozega which participated in pro ...
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The TAMTAM project has operated a sectoral and geographic transfer of TIPTOE project results: from commerce to ICT, fashion/textile, mechanics/mechatronics and energetic efficiency/green building; from the Netherlands to Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. The construction and the intelligent grow of a common European space for lifelong learning (Lisbon p ...
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