European Students Red Roof
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 31 août 2016
Our aim is to create awareness on students, teachers, families and society against the natural disasters and terror attacks in Europe-wide and carry out trainings about these topics. If these events take place, we will organize studies through the voluntary teams constructed by the teachers and students in the partner countries which are going to give a helping hand both corporeal and incorporeal. In this way our students are going to be more sensitive and learn to respect other humans’ lives without discriminating the religion, belief, language, race, social class or different politic views. They are going to recognize the importance of international help and cooperation.
We want to unite all the students, teachers and families under the name of European Students Red Roof (ESRER) Project and spread this volunteerism with the help of multiplier effect. Under this roof to contribute Europe to become more conscious and enduring against natural disasters, accidents and terror affairs, we will carry out studies within our potentiality and capability in natural disaster and terror. In this way we’ll increase the sensitivity of the society.
In this project we will carry out activities and studies, which inform and educate the society that finds solutions by forming cooperation on the basis of complimentary helpfulness.
As a part of this project’s content, without allowing our students to be affected negatively, we will involve them actively into different activities. The most important reason of this project’s being student-oriented is students’ perceptions at that age are wider and it is easy to teach them sense of cooperation. Because of this reason this is the most appropriate age to give them the consciousness of ‘’ every human being is valuable and has right to live’’.
In this project by analyzing good techniques and innovative approaches, with the help of activities such as preparing educative booklets, videos, practical educations, seminars, we aim more sensitive Europe, by reaching wide masses, in natural disasters and terror topics.
Our aims:
- Gaining safe life awareness and volunteering spirit and teaching to be respectful to human life
- Spreading around volunteering and team spirit
- Teaching intervention methods during a natural disaster
- Teaching students what to do after and before a natural disaster
- Teaching prevention methods for terror and terror attacks
- Raising awareness about natural disasters, decreasing loss of life and property
- Providing that an education without ruining the psychology of the students is given
- Realizing that the emergency education is given and it is scripted.
- Establishing a Europe and local volunteer teams and providing their continuity.
- Strengthening the non-governmental organization – other institutions and school relations.
- Teaching search and rescue and being organized
- Gaining European citizen awareness.
- Developing interest towards European languages.
- Providing cultural interaction
- Search about innovative and good practices in the countries being successful about natural disasters
- Creating innovative application education booklets
- Realizing seminars telling the aim of the European Students Red Roof team and ways of protection from terror and natural disasters.
- Providing that disabled students and students who have limited opportunity can take responsibility in the activities
- Making contribution to the national aims about natural disasters and terror
- Providing that our school is in cooperation with its environment and strengthening the school-society relation
The target group of our project is students between the age 10-18, their teachers and families. Project outputs are student, family and teacher seminars, good practices book, education booklet and guide, theatres, project exhibitions, school project boards, research reports, project web sites, project presentation posters and brochures. The most important output will be the “European Students Red Roof” volunteer team. The project visibility rules will be applied with great care during the project.
The most important effect of the project is to teach volunteering spirit, not waiting everything from the government and making every kind of aid when it is necessary. Our project will give brotherhood, unity, cooperation feeling. The project will be an education source and will give good behaviors to our children.
All the activities and works will be spread around during the project and after the project. So, in order to support the participation to the activities, press release, inviting press to the project activities, opening project exhibition, distributing project poster and brochures, distributing book outputs will be realized.
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