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22 projets européens trouvés

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Feel Like a European

Date du début: 15 mai 2016, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2017,

Youth Exchange, "Feel Like a European" is about understanding the background of human rights in different countries and the differences, common points, the way of their application in those countries. Also, we will try to answer the question why human rights are not globalized but differ from one country to another. The project will take place in the heart of the green part of Turkey,Trabzon betwe ...
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Date du début: 1 avr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

...ion of these youngsters.The European Voluntary Service will take place in Craiova, Romania, first stage between 01.07.2016 – 31.11.2016, involving 8 volunteers – each partner will send 2, IRELI PU –Az, EUROCIRCLE – Fr, Georgian Youth for Europe- Ge, Cluster for Eco-Social Innovation and Development CEDRA Split – Hr; second stage between 03.11.2016-05.03.2017, involving 8 volunteers – each partner ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Training course “ReaDy! SeT! aCTioN! – PROCEED and SUCCEED (YOU are THE MESSAGE)!" is going to gather 30 youth workers, trainers and volunteers from 11 different partner organizations from European Union and Partner countries. Training course is dedicated to enrich (or build foundation) knowledge about audiovisual (photography and video) measures as tools to increase society awareness about NGOs o ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

equALLizer is an 8 days Youth Exchange conducted in Rustavi, Georgia from 19 of June 2016 till 26 of June 2016. The project aims to foster mutual understanding, raise the awareness of cultural diversity between young people from different countries through art and culture and achieve cultural dialogue between them through turning them in a process of planning, preparing and conducting the music fe ...
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Tiny Footsteps on the Beach

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

...f Young Teachers group, a camp will be held by 7 participants from each country and total 42 participants from Romania Asociatia Tineril Active Civic, Georgia Society Bridge to the Future, Azerbaijan IRELI PU , Poland Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów "Radośni , Bulgaria Walk Together in Samandag region,Hatay Province, which is an important spawning area for carettas.During this camp period the Caretta c ...
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Reunion Health Youth THinking Movement - RHYTHM

Date du début: 15 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2016,

The initiative Reunion Health Youth Thinking Movement (RHYTHM) is a youth exchange that will take place in Cardito (NA) and involve six countries (Italy, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Germany and Romania). The young people taking part in the initiative are thirty and mostly are students, young workers or unemployed, aged between eighteen and twenty-five. Starting from the concept of rhythm, consid ...
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Младежките мечти стават реалност

Date du début: 29 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 28 août 2016,

The project "Youth dreams become true" will take place on the territory of 11 municipalities in the district. It provides reception of six volunteers from six countries to be in support of 11 youth clubs of the association working in 10 small towns, municipal centers and the regional center situated in Pleven. The project activities will be implemented in six months. Volunteers will be aged 20-30 ...
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Say No to Islamophobia and Antisemitism!

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

The importance of our project about Islamafobi and anti-Semitism is very high. All civilizations of around the world have a dream to live together with peace during the history. The biggest difficulty is that people have prejudice against the dream, our project based on this judgment, have a purpose that how to advance their prejudice. We thought art could be the most supportive on our project and ...
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Youth for Global Responsibility

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The project addressed the need to promote a sense of global responsibility amongst young people so to contribute at growing sustainable societies and to attain the objectives of Europe 2020 strategy.The project aimed at raising awareness among young people upon global challenges and their effects and foster a sense of responsibility, respect and solidarity. The project objectives were: 1. To build ...
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Model European Union Strasbourg 2016

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The two primary objectives of Model European Strasbourg, as previously stated, are to educate and unite. Through role-play and the intensive debate of two relevant topics, participants learn in great depth about the European Union's decision-making process, the role of each EU institution and the influence of state and non-state actors. In addition to this, participants are afforded the opportunit ...
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YW-Filling the gaps

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

We identified the gaps in our knowledge, we made plan how to address those issues and we are (dont know how to fund-raise enough money to make our organizations sustainable on long term, we dont have enough trainers in our organization, we dont have enough project management skills as youth workers) This projects goals are to identify the gaps in knowledge of the youth working and to create solut ...
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AB Standartlarında Yaşlı Bakımı İçin Hemşirelik Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

The most important factor in the healthy sustenance of the lives of individuals in need of care due to diseases or old age is the professional qualifications of the caretakers and the hygienic condition of their environment. Having caretakers who lack the appropriate professional knowledge and lack of sterilization and disinfection in the caretaking environment would have a direct impact on the si ...
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Hemşirelik Alanında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

The participant group of our project is expected to comprise 40 students receiving education in the Nursing Programs of Gelibolu Anatolian Vocational School of Health, Çanakkale AVSH, Sarıyer Hüseyin Kalkavan AVSH and Kıreli Multi-Program High School. Since our project comprises the common needs of students in relevant area, difference of classes will not be considered. According to the estimates ...
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Youth work and European Citizenship: raising understanding and developing tools

Date du début: 15 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 15 août 2015,

All young people understand we are living in Europe, yet ‘Europe’ remains an abstract notion. The European Union and the Council of Europe aim to strengthen European citizenship, but what does that mean? Do youth workers have a responsibility here? This training course for youth workers started from the beginning, with asking ourselves what could be understood by ‘Europe’, followed by exploring th ...
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“NEXT DOOR - stimulating interregional youth initiatives in Central Europe and Southern Caucasus” is a training course with a focus on two regions: Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Southern Caucaus. The aim of the project is to stimulate interregional youth initiatives, and to “empower to empower”. 28 youth workers from six civil society organisations from Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, as wel ...
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La bonne entente dans la diversité

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2014,

"In Varietate Concordia" project is inspired by the european ideas of tolerance, understandind and acceptance of the other, based on the European Union maseter-concepts, amongst others the motto " United in Diversity". The aim of this youth exchange is to organise in Marseille an intercultural gathering on the topic of intercultural dialogue and civic participation for european youth. Recalling t ...
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Enterprise your Culture

Date du début: 3 mars 2014,

“Enterprise your Culture” is an 8(Eight) Days long youth exchange project, which is organized with 5(five) Organizations from Program countries (Poland, Italy and Turkey) and Non-Program Countries (Azerbaijan and Ukraine) that share experience in youth exchange programs. Each group will be presented by four youngsters and one group leader. 30 participants will come together in order to discuss ...
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Date du début: 5 août 2012,

"C.H.A.N.G.E. - Challenges on How to Activate New Generation in Europe" is 8 days Training Course (TC) with the main aim to promote active participation among youth on local level using creativity and innovation in projects to fight and address discrimination. YEU International, as a hosting organization will gather 36 youth leaders form 26 different countries in Mollina (Spain) in the event that ...
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We are all human!

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

Resource Centre Leskovac from Serbia will, as hosting organization, together with its partners from FYROM/Macedonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Poland, organize a youth exchange named “We are all human!” for 35 participants aged 17-25 in order to promote intercultural dialogue and creation of inclusive society through theatre and non-verbal communication. Participants of youth exc ...
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Volunteer into work

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

Youth exchange “Volunteer into work” will bring together young people from 6 countries (Poland, Latvia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Azerbaijan ). This youth exchange will last 7 working days, excluding travelling. In total 30 young people and 6 leaders will work together, share experiences and present their cultures. The Youth exchange will gather relevant organizations who are promoting new pa ...
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Multilaterale Jugendbegegnung in Georgien mit TeilnehmerInnen aus DE, UK, IT, BG, GE, AZ, AM und RU zum Thema Konfliktmanagement und Konfliktresolution. Das Programm sieht Workshops zur kulturellen Identität und Konfliktmanagement vor sowie Theater, Schreibwerkstätte und kulturelle Abende. Das bürgerschaftliche Engagement der Jugendlichen zur Konfliktresolution soll gefördert werden.
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The “Use of Simulation: An Educational Strategy to Develop Clinically Competent Nurses- US:ESDCCN” project aims at facilitating the transfer of a scenario-based simulation training experience in nursing education, providing a safe experiential learning environment. This project includes 7 partners from 3 different countries including Turkey, England and Italy. The project is divided into 7 work pa ...
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