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4 projets européens trouvés

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The main problem to be faced through the project is the poor efficiency and effectiveness of the policies to offset the relation among urban and rural areas and their development model. Such an inefficiency is due to the complexity to merge in an organic whole a lot of sectorial policies which have been carried out to tackle the critical situation in terms of loss of competitiveness, landscape deg ...
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With the expected Climate Change (CC), the ecological conditions for forests in the Alpine Space will be fundamentally changing – with unknown effects on the forests essential protective, ecological, economical and social functions. Under different climate and land-use change scenarios only an adaptive management can provide the conservation of the natural heritage and the multiple functions. MANF ...
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At present, the Alpine Space is characterised by strong territorial discrepancies with regard to (conventional) energy supply. Rich endogenous renewable energy sources (RES) like hydropower, solar and wind energy, wood and other biomass exist throughout the Alpine Space, but equal access to their use is even more restricted because the need to balance electricity production and use requires a stro ...
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Redirecting Urban areas development towards Sustainable Energy (RUSE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The RUSE operation has the following main objectives: firstly, to create a stronger link between urban development and sustainable energy issues; secondly, to influence the improved use of Structural Funds at national, regional and local levels; and lastly, to create and stimulate the reflex in different bodies and in cities to integrate energy issues as widely as possible in urban development. ...
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