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20 projets européens trouvés

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V.A.L.L.E.Y. - Vocational Alliance: from Learning to Labour for European Young

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

“VALLEY - Vocational Alliance: from Learning to Labour for the European Young" is a mobility project aiming at promoting the employability of young people coming from Tourism and Agribusiness sector and at facilitating their entrance into the labour market. This should also have a positive effect in terms of the national economy revitalization, especially in the South of Italy. Tourism and Agrib ...
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D.A.N.T.E. - Development of Activities of Internship for Trainees in the European Union is a mobility project addressed to 100 young VET Learners available on the labour market and resident in the Tuscany Region, who at the date of publication of the notice meet all of the following requirements: Italian or EU-28 citizens, enjoyment of all civil and political rights, status of unemployed person / ...
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Innovation Ecosystems for VET

Date du début: 1 nov. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The challenges and opportunities of globalisation and technological development have led to a strengthened emphasis on innovation as a key driver for sustainable economic development. Innovation is essential for the growth of modern societies and it is also central to achieving economic and social development. While innovation is generally recognized as critical to the continuous improvement of ed ...
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The project GLOCAL 2015 (Grant Opportunities for Learning in european Countries Aimed at promoting local development) fits the local, regional (Campania) context where has arisen which is particularly affected by the problem of youth unemployment. According to ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), the main supplier of official statistical information in Italy, most recent national accounts dat ...
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Outdoor Gives More! Training course on Outdoor Methods for Active Participation

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Outdoor based education can be powerful stimulus for learning and activating inactive young people including these with fewer opportunities unfortunately youth workers are not familiar with outdoor based learning and do not have needed competencies to apply outdoor based learning in their practices even if outdoor based learning is powerful tool in youth work. Main motivation to carry out training ...
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Bushcraft DNA - Developing Non-formal Activities in nature

Date du début: 4 mai 2015, Date de fin: 3 nov. 2016,

'Bushcraft DNA - Developing Non-formal Activities in nature' is a proposal of an international training course which will take place in Birmingham and the Wyre Forest in West Midlands on 1-8 August 2015. It will bring together 35 participants from 16 countries across Europe to explore the ways in which the natural environment can be used as an effective tool for youth workers to engage with their ...
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Digital Innovation in Training

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

...loping the participants’ technical-professional and transversal competences in the sector of Digital innovation. The project meets therefore the strategy of EUROPE 2020 and, in particular, the European and Italian Agenda wishing to utilize the potential of ITC technology in order to support innovation, economic growth and progress. The development of digital competencies is fundamental for ensuri ...
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Let’s get them working - Contact Making Event

Date du début: 4 mai 2015, Date de fin: 3 févr. 2016,

...uraging critical thinking among young people and youth workers with the aim of empowering them to take an active role in building civil society aware of its values and rights as understood from European Citizenship. Overall, 7 Training Courses, 2 Study Visits, 1 Contact Making Event and a APP for mobile phone have been the outcomes of the session. In total, 10 project ideas were debated during th ...
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AGORA -Network Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region (AGORA)

Date du début: 30 juin 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The BSR is characterised by large areas of unspoilt countryside. Because of strong economic problems just in these rural areas tourism seems to be a promising opportunity to support regional development. Sustainability considered as a guiding principle can ensure that such a development will lead to economical benefits without threaten the nature and the social structure. Consequently a lot of sus ...
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Vocational Training centres and, in general, most small and medium sized companies do not have tools or systems that let them manage innovation properly. Their management systems are more geared towards tackling the tasks that are their day to day work rather than creating time and resources for forward planning that would enable them to work on innovative projects.The RAINOVA project follows the ...
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The Crossing the Line: Eurospectives (CtL) project developed and adapted an innovative product ‘Crossing the Line’ developed in the UK to other European countries to highlight the issues affecting young people, providing a European perspective on youth culture, disengagement and engagement. The new product is called ‘Crossing the Line: Eurospectives’ (CtL) and comprises of a DVD product and accomp ...
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This project focuses on the need for people working in SMEs in Central and East European countries to have easy access to cost-effective competence based training. This partnership of training organisations, universities, chambers of commerce, trade unions and employer organisations gathers together expertise based on practical experience available within the partnership that has been developed o ...
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...tion and instruction necessary for the design of web-based courses.A further web-based, 'wide-open' virtual resource will be introduced, content of which is to include: best practice in e-learning at European level; articles and periodical reviews; a presentation of new technologies in the field. Thus web-based trainers will have a common platform where they are able to learn, to share experienc ...
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The project 'Equality and Diversity Learning in the European Steel Industry', with ten partners in nine countries aims to contribute to the mainstreaming of equality within the European steel industry. The project will undertake a comprehensive mapping exercise of the socio-demographic profile of the European steel workforce which will inform the development of training materials; will develop on- ...
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This project seeks todevelop sectoral Workplace Learning Partnerships (WLPs) − networks of specialised enterprises with shared sectoralHRD interests, which offer a broad range of informal learning provision. Target sectors are− automotive supply chains− and machininig industry.The project will develop tools for VET teachers, trainers and managers with which sectoral informal learningopportunities ...
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...buted to EQF research in an International Report and has proposed credit allocation (based on ECVET) for the learning outcomes in EMPLOY. The partnership was made up of 8 experienced partners from 7 European countries (BE, ES, IT, NL, PO, TR, UK). 4 partner institutions from ES, NL, PL and the UK with extensive expertise in VET training piloted the project with students, graduates and jobseekers ...
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The Back to work project intends to develop the validation and recognition of knowledge and competencies that unemployed people have previously acquired, in different contexts, as part of unemployment services, in order to facilitate better matching between needs and competencies on the labor market.
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...ies. Methods and tools of confirmation and validation of competences will be developed. Transferability of the methods and tools into other companies/sectors will be tested.The Common European principles for validation of non−formal and informal learning as in a final draft proposal from February 2004, the European Inventory on Validation and the European Qualification Framework will be used as a ...
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The project aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of managers and employees working in SMEs to be able to better complete in a rapidly changing market. Emphasis is given in Innovation Management, where target groups learn to consolidate technological and organizational change through vocational training courses and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competences.
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The Cloud is a major technological breakthrough with huge potential for education. It allows students and their tutors/teachers to interact productively in formal and informal education situations. Hosted Cloud communities mean that learners themselves can become creators and developers. Laptops and tablets will be everywhere, eBooks will replace text books as a normal part of classroom learning. ...
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