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The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017, at tests of good quality and connected with the realities of the current labour market; there are also high costs required for the performance of these tests that do not allow a large scale development of career guidance; even though the access exists on rare occasions, the tests alone cannot show a range of shades that can be discovered only through practical work and real connection with the ...
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Innovazione delle Competenze Tecniche

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

... and the United Kingdom for a period of 17 weeks. The general objectives of the project I.C.T. , are listedbelow: - The recipients support the acquisition of skills in order to enhance their personal development and their employability in the European labor market ; - Encourage the participants , the development of basic and transversal skills such as learning digital skills and entrepreneurship ...
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By 2050, global agricultural productivity will need to increase with at least 70%. In order to guarantee food production for future generations, agricultural production will need to be based on sustainable land management practises. At present, earth observation based (global) crop monitoring systems focus mostly on short-term agricultural forecasts, thereby neglecting longer term environmental ef ...
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...Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 2011 are expected to boost trade relations between the European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. The aim of AGRICISTRADE is to accompany these developments by analysing the potential impact of these trade agreements and by delivering insights on the potential developments of the food, feed and biomass sectors in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, ...
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YEP! Youth Empowerment Priorities

Date du début: 4 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2016,

"YEP! Youth Empowerment Priorities " has been coordinated by the Italian association ICSE &Co. With a total of 14 organisations from Programme and Partner Countries of Erasmus+. This project consisted of a mobility activity of youth workers to participate in a training course on Human Rights; the participants group was composed of individuals between 18 and 35 years, the gender equal participation ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

Project in brief Pollution is one of the most important threats that the Mediterranean Sea is facing, partly due to the shipping operations and activities. It is worth mentioning that today more than 30% of all international sea-borne trade by volume originates from, is directed to Mediterranean ports or passes through its waters, and that nearly 25% of the worlds sea-transported oil transits the ...
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Smart Specialization (SMART SPECIALIZATION)

Date du début: 30 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 29 août 2015,

...ons will be undertaken and targeted applications will be implemented in order to support the approaches and the means of policy that the strategies RIS3 will indicate. These applications comprise the development of RIS3 local plans, the creation of an Observatory of Labour Market, the establishment of an institution which will steer the Interregional entrepreneurship award, actions promoting the ...
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The overall objectives of the project are the improvement of the regional capacities for planning, coordination and implementation of joint strategic documents,and to building of an effective network infrastrucuture for promotion and implementation of market oriented tourist products. ...
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Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

To s??d?? ?at??t?s?? ""Balkan(re)vision"" ?d?se t?? e??a???a se 32 ????? youth workers, ?????a? 18-30 et?? ap? 13 ???e? t?? ?a??a???? ?a? t?? ????p?? (??ßa??a, ?G??, ?????a??a, ???µa??a, S??ßa??a, ??s??a ?a? ???e??ß???, ??????a, ??p??, ?ta??a, ?spa??a, ????a??a, ???at?a ?a? ????da) ?a ?????st???, s??e??ast??? ?a? ?a µe????? µa?? ??a 10 ?µ??e? (26/4/2015-5/5/2015) st?? ?ast???? t?? ??t???? ?a?ed??? ...
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Active Constraints Technologies for Ill-defined or Volatile Environments (ACTIVE)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015, in Neurosurgery for Ill-defined or Volatile Environments The ACTIVE project exploits ICT and other engineering methods and technologies for the design and development of an integrated redundant robotic platform for neurosurgery. A light and agile redundant robotic cell with 20 degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) and an advanced processing unit for pre- and intra- ...
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Education in Citizenship has to be VIP

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015,

"Education in Citizenship has to be VIP" (ECtobeVIP) is a project coordinated by the Spanish organization Gandia Youth Council - Consell dels Joves de Gandia along with a total 26 organizations from 21 countries of both the European Union and outside. This project consists a mobility activity of youth workers for attending a training course on human rights as the main axis. A total of 36 young pe ...
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E-learning and ICT in Support of Human Resource Development in the Cross-border Region

Date du début: 31 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...e social cohesion in the cross-border regions of Bulgaria and Macedonia through the establishment and implementation of a set of joint measures, activities and mechanisms in support of human resource development in the field of tourism. The project provide support to the local SME’s, private entrepreneurs, business support organizations, vocational training providers and educational inst ...
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Climate change is one of the most critical global challenges of our time which also threatens cultural heritage. As a non-renewable important resource to the European identity, sustainable adaptation strategies are required for long term preservation. For this purpose and for the first time ever, the CLIMATE FOR CULTURE project will couple completely new high resolution (10x10km) climate change ev ...
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FIN-EST start-up development programme (FINESTstartups)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 30 août 2013,

The project contributes to the development and competitiveness of the programme area. The project helps creative and ambitious entrepreneurial people with bright business ideas in different fields (IT, gaming industry, biotech, medicine, energy, creative economy, social entrepreneruship, etc) to form their ideas into real and successful international business. Both in Estonia and Finland lots o ...
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Savoring Unique Nature – Bicycle-tourism in support of nature (SUN)

Date du début: 22 juil. 2012, Date de fin: 22 juil. 2013,

..., recreation, tourism and sustainable environmental management. The project is based on the advantages of cross-border region rich with many unique natural trails for bicycles and alternative tourism development. The project will explore the possibilities for cycling tourism and to build a common strategy for cooperation and protection of the environment in the border region. Also it will develop ...
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...and Central Asian countries). The main aims of the IncoNet CA/SC project are: enhancing the policy dialogue with the target countries for the identification of research priorities of mutual interest; development of synergies with other Community policies and instrument for a stronger support to S&T related activities; organization of Info Days and of other activities aiming at an increased partici ...
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The main objective of BIO CIRCLE 2 is to foster the knowledge base about FP7 FAFB & the networking capacities of Third Country researchers in order to reinforce their participation in FP7 projects. 3 project goals are distinguished: 1.Disseminate information effectively to Third Country researchers; 2.Organise information days and training for Third Country researchers; 3.Provide Third Country res ...
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European Transport NCP Alliance (ETNA)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2008, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012,

"The project proposal ""European Transport NCP Alliance"" (ETNA) aims at the development and implementation of a coordination mechanism for stimulating closer cooperation among National Contact Points for the theme “Transport” in the Seventh Framework Programme. ETNA will facilitate the improvement of the overall quality of NCP services across Europe in the area of transport – thereby making futur ...
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...cities built for Third Country Researchers to participate in FP7 (through preparation of specific training materials, training and networking with EU researchers); 4. Strengthened identification, development and sharing of Good Practices to enhance cooperation between the NCP and NIP networks (through 5 Regional Benchmarking Workshops, a Common Benchmarking Workshop and the design of a Good Practi ...
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...ndustry (WP5)The expected impact of the action is to facilitate the fulfilment of EU s climate & energy policy goals and at the same time exploiting EU RTD and commercial aspects of the carbon market development. It will lead to initiation of a number of specific projects in industry sectors and provide comprehensive dissemination on tools and examples to broad target groups
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...f Third Countries: Africa and the Newly Independent States since enhanced cooperation with these third countries would have a high impact of on the implementation of both the Research and Sustainable Development policies of the European Union. In order to have direct access to the Environmental scientific community a consortium has been composed of National Contact Points, International Organisati ...
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and Communication Technologies on local/regional socio-economic development, with nine local/regional “antennas”. The concept of this virtual structure is quite innovative, since it correlates local economic growth with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in order to conclude on the tangible and intangible benefits brought by ICT at macro and micro level for SMEs. The ultim ...
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Central European Regions Cluster for Energy from Renewables.NETwork (CER²)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

CER² is a valuable activity to boost regional development and to increase local economic growth and regional employment by promoting environmentally friendly energy technologies and the rational use of energy. The project supports the regional resource management and reduction of CO2 (Kyoto protocol and EU-"White Book of Renewable Energy", 1999), because its activities assist the realisation and u ...
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Integrated Concepts Enhancing Cohesion of European Space (COHESION)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 30 mars 2006,

... Expected Results: The COHESION project implemented a new policy concerning the development of European rural areas based on the transfer of know-how and exchange of experiences among the project partners (PPs). A thematic network on modern policies for the development of rural a ...
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 TERMINÉ create conditions for implementation of ECVET but knowledge about it was still minimal in construction sector. Partners decided to undertake actions focused on transferring methodology from UK for development of ECVET system in regards of VET training institutions and learners from construction sector in order to develop ECVET among VET providers and through that rise mobility of workers.Main p ...
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Building upon the results of the previous INNOMAT project, INNO-PRO will undergo a range of development activities to expand the potential user group of the previously developed training materials on Innovation Management.An initial needs analysis will be undertaken across SMEs in INNO-PRO partner countries, with the results leading to additional development to both modify and improve the outputs ...
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Vocational skills in an e-ducational world : The project aims to promote innovation by defining the level of preparation for the knowledge society provided by VET. It will do this by analysing ICTs impact on e-working, promoting ICT as a study subject and highlighting the benefits. This project started in 2003 and lasted 18 months.
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.../or user need. Given this obstacle, the project will design a computer supported educational platform to meet the requirements of different users, including both educators and trainees. The project's development of a 'metatool' will allow a variety of educators, including parents, to adapt and maintain their own educational platforms, suited to their particular circumstances. The project's metatoo ...
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Within this project an innovative system of e-learning will be developed on a web portal called "EGMDSS" which will be used to prepare for a test to acquire SRC, LRC, ROC in GOC certificates, for revising acquired knowledge and to test it on GDMSS communication equipment simulators. The proposed e-learning platform will be based on a model already developed (as a pilot) through other funds and on- ...
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Kindergartens are often too expensive or not easily accessible for children of families in remote rural areas with low socioeconomic background; subsequently they mainly stay at home without any exposure to early stimulation and education. Hence, The Early Childhood Centers aim at reaching out for disadvantaged rural communities, where children have very limited access to formal kindergartens, and ...
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Experimenting with new forms of training delivery to accommodate different learning styles, the project will design, evaluate and introduce CD-Rom or web-based training tools for those working in middle management in business services, IT or tourism sector SME's. In particular, innovative 3D software will be generated, able to consider learner specifics such as age, gender, ethnic group & disabili ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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The challenge has been to develop new tools and facilities in the process of improving local and international capability in responding to oil spills in marine environments. This tool was found in the former CMS 2 project result, where an interactive web Home Pages training course was developed. CMS will fully implement and disseminate these former results into a full web Home Page based marine re ...
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The main objective of the IN-WORKER project is to create an innovative training tool that will focus on two main aspects: - Adaptation of the methodology for the detection and prevention of training needs developed in the framework of the previous FORMET project. The adaptation will include upgrade to an e-learning environment and to intercultural working environments.- Improvement of the contents ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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The objectives of the training program:Our goal is to alter the attitude of both managers and employees of SMEs towards risk assessment as well as to facilitate them to deal with risk assessment in a responsible and affordable way.
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The main aim of the project is to transfer a relevant and innovative systemic procedure for assurance of international shift of vocationalqualifications based on EQF(European Qualifications Framework) principles and createa broad multilingual e-platform for EU target audience.
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The aim was to set up financially self-sustaining centres in EU member states to provide accredited qualifications in ICT related to Open Systems and web based technologies. This project was based on 9 Work Packagers. Details are at
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The partnership, ASK, seeked to analyse different methods of assessing and certificating non-formal and informally acquired skills in vocational education and training in the participating regions. The partnership brought together organisations which were already using more or less standardized methods in their training courses. However, they felt their assessment tools and certification process c ...
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...lity in the globally growing influence of companies. The project’s main focus is on enhancing quality and performance of VET systems, improving information and guidance systems for green competence development and strengthening the European companies’ dimension in environmental ethics.The project aims to implement through “transfer of innovation” the innovative VET training system for workplace ba ...
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