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16 projets européens trouvés

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EQUITAM - Enhancing QUality In Teaching for Adult Migrants

Date du début: 12 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 11 sept. 2018,

Established in 2012, the Popular School Ziqqurat has become a reality in the city of Rome, representing a melting pot of cultures and a laboratory for testing forms of language teaching that try to meet the specific needs of learners and their possible learning difficulties. Through its Popular School for language teaching, the association Ziqqurat actively contributes to achieving the goals of th ...
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Abriendo las puertas a Europa: El IES Al-Qázeres en el mapa

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

“Opening the Doors to Europe: Al-Qázeres High School on the Map” is a project framed in Key Action 101, within the Erasmus+ framework programme. This project belongs to Al-Qázeres High School (Cáceres, Extremadura, SPAIN) which, according to the Educational Authorities, is located in a working-class environment, with families belonging to a medium-low socioeconomic level, according to the ISEC Rep ...
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Euro ALTERmobility

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

ReBike ALTERmobility is an Italian non-profit association, aiming at promoting sustainable lifestyles in urban environments, with a specific focus on mobility issues. Through cultural, leisure and educational activities, ReBike promotes the use of bicycles as daily means of transportation, as an alternative to private cars and a suitable tool for promoting active citizenship, social aggregation, n ...
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Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

Innovaform Nonprofit Ltd. is a small company with it's dedicated, well motivated and highly qualified staff. The company has a well founded background and works closely with a high skilled expert team from different areas of expertise. We organize courses, forums, sport events and take part in smaller projects related to education. During our work, we operate a skill network, that involves SMEs, o ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

In order to become a national leader in its field of activity and to strengthen its European dimension, the Associazione Geografica per l'Ambiente e il Territorio needed to improve its own internal organisation and to make its educational programme more efficient and attractive. According to these premises, the project AGAT IN EUROPE aimed at increasing the expertise of AGAT's key-staff in order t ...
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Creating a Culture of Change, Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The project "Creating a Culture of Change, Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning", as part of Erasmus+ KA1 finished. The 3 teachers from our school who had the opportunity to participate in this project, they observed lessons, the changed ideas and experience with other teachers from abroad and generally they had the opportunity to discuss educational topics with teachers from European Union. ...
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Let’s stop exclusion

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2015,

This project takes place as a multilateral youth exchange between some European countries, Palestine and Spanish youngsters during summer 2015 in La Gomera island, Canary Islands. Why this title? Name of the project is borrowed from the activities programme and the sense of itself: Living in different places, countries in Europe and Palestine but with common problems and solutions to these, speci ...
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The project "Strengthening the competencies for effective adult education" is an initiative of the Foundation for the NGO " Umbrella " and partner organizations Active Senior Foundation and the Foundation for Social Change - Change.These organizations work in the area of adult education within the development of key competences.The partnership was composed by organizations cooperating on a daily b ...
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Improvement of quality of work

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

EDOS Foundation is a young and at the moment still small organisation with a large network on national and interational level. We have participated in a Grundtvig Learning Partnership, have organised a Grundtvig Workshop, and have developed a Grundtvig Inservice Training. Under the Erasmus+ Programme we are preparing an application for a strategic partnership for the 2014 deadline, and we might be ...
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Dancing in the Landscape

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

Such a Youth Exchange is a project based on the knowledge of the ancient culture and traditional European territories as diverse as the Canary Islands and some other countries, implemented through a participatory process where young people reflect on our role in the maintenance of these traditions. And intend that the young entrepreneurs and local communities are involved in a totally active, init ...
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The aim of the TACMON proposal is to increase SME competitive advantage in the special needs sector by offering an innovative and cost-effective technology to help the visually impaired to have access to graphical and text-oriented information. The TACMON technology is innovative in that it applies electrostatic MEMS actuator technologies with a micro hydraulic amplitude transmission to realize a ...
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In the last 10 years, social media through the internet has grown from a minor tool of interpersonal communication to one of the leading players in mass communication. Advertising in social networks like MSN, Facebook, Hyves etc., has become very effective because of the possibility to precisely measure and reach the necessary audience. Social media is perfect for low-cost marketing! We want to im ...
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Anna, a 11 year old primary school student from Poland, used to read rarely in her own time and would be embarrassed if their friends saw her reading. Imagine, this year Anna’s Polish teacher and her class participate in AMORES project. Now Anna reads a lot at home and participates in collaborative work with her peers on creating e-artefacts inspired by literature. Yesterday her group finished a c ...
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The project is based on two previous project’s results in the field of training disabled persons. For disabled persons getting a job and especially keeping it is a major challenge. This project will develop and test a model for training mentors who can assist companies in employing disabled persons and assist in keeping up the employment situation. The primary target groups of the project are comp ...
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The main objectives of the e-Access II Project are the following:- Development of tools for integrating the user-related accessibility requirements into the production of e-Training Resources and e-Training Courses.- Representation of established training practices in a formal and technically reusable way using international specifications and Standards (such as IEEE LOM and IMS Learning Design), ...
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The proposed project (ELP-DESK) will seek to develop tools and initiatives todisseminate and exploit the European Language Passport (ELP) and the associatedlanguage portfolio across the broad LifeLong Learning community, in particularLeonardo and Grundtvig target groups. The project activities include events, actions andinitiatives to promote and publicise the Passport to the potential users: thro ...
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