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6 projets européens trouvés

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Disabled + Self Employed

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2019,

The project “Disabled + Self Employed“ (DSE) will provide adult education for people with disabilities and will support them to start, build and develop their own business. The goal is to equip institutions for disabled people and institutions for entrepreneurship to support people with disabilities on their way to occupational independence with a new approach. A recent statistics from Eurostat sh ...
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Rozwój kompetencji cyfrowych osób bezrobotnych po 50 roku życia

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018, would include activities aimed at breaking down digital fears of adults with the deficit in terms of e-competence.The project involves 4 organizations dealing with adult education and counselling:Biuro Obsługi Inicjatyw Europejskich Sp. z o.o., Lodz, PolandAKLUB Centrum vzdělávání a poradenství, Krnov, The Czech RepublikNevelők Háza Egyesület, Pecs, HungaryThe Elephant: Learning in Diversity B ...
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Aiming to improve the quality of guidance and counselling in adult and further education, partners worked together to develop a short training course targeted at a wide range of potential guidance and support staff (e.g. information staff, human resources and development staff, teachers and trainers). Activities included an initial analysis of national counselling systems prior to the development ...
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The project aims to reduce the number of dropouts in VET, across a range of training sectors, by developing and testing an ‘empowering’ pedagogical model for guidance and counselling. The model is based on a learner-centred approach to VET, which accommodates different levels of user education and offers a variety of 'best practice' in counselling support. The project targets people who are at ris ...
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Most of the social agents, politicians and professionals who work in the sector of training and employment in European projects have a specific need in language competences related to this area. Although they start from different levels of education, they all have the need to use English in this official and multicultural field. The focus of the project is to develop strategies to make it possible ...
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H-CoDe builds on the innovations of a 50Fit reference curriculum of a previous project on ( => 50Fit) and developed and adapted several training methods of health care for long-term unemployed to additional groups of disadvantaged people in the labour market. In order to improve the quality of the trainers training modules for trainers of disadvantaged people have been adapted a ...
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