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2 projets européens trouvés

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This project consists in creating a network of promoters and breeders of the various native equine breeds in the Atlantic Area. The breeds concerned are: the Kerry Bog in Ireland, the Baudet du Poitou, the Landes pony and the Pottok in France, the Galician horses in Spain and the Miranda donkeys in Portugal. Local equine breeds will be enhanced and promoted as living cultural heritage of the regio ...
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Civilised to Ruralise

Date du début: 1 mai 2012,

Rackatanya informA?lis csoportunk 2012 jAslius 7. A©s 16. kA¶zA¶tt tervezi megvalAlsA­tani A¶toldalAs ifjAssA?gi cserA©jA©t NAlgrA?d megyA©ben, AlsAlpetA©nyben. A bL‘ egy hA©t alatt 26 romA?n, szlovA?k, portugA?l, A­r A©s magyar fiatal rA©szvA©telA©vel keresnA©nk a civilizA?ciAl hatA?rait, elsL‘sorban a (kis)kA¶zA¶ssA©gi szolidaritA?sra, a XXI. szA?zadi falusi A©letmAld ambivalens elemeire fAlkusz ...
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