Civilised to Ruralise
Date du début: 1 mai 2012,
Rackatanya informA?lis csoportunk 2012 jAslius 7. A©s 16. kA¶zA¶tt tervezi megvalAlsAtani A¶toldalAs ifjAssA?gi cserA©jA©t NAlgrA?d megyA©ben, AlsAlpetA©nyben. A bL egy hA©t alatt 26 romA?n, szlovA?k, portugA?l, Ar A©s magyar fiatal rA©szvA©telA©vel keresnA©nk a civilizA?ciAl hatA?rait, elsLsorban a (kis)kA¶zA¶ssA©gi szolidaritA?sra, a XXI. szA?zadi falusi A©letmAld ambivalens elemeire fAlkuszA?lva. OrszA?gonkA©nt nA©gy fiatalt A©s egy csoportvezetLt vA?runk. A fogadAl csoport lA©tszA?ma nA©gy fL plusz kA©t vezetL. A helyszAn A©s a tA©ma miatt a rA©szvA©tel alsAl korhatA?rA?t 18. A©vben hatA?roztuk meg.A falura A©s a vidA©ki A©letmAldra a kA¶zvA©lemA©ny A©s a mA©dia is sokszor tekint menedA©kkA©nt, amikor egy kA¶zA¶ssA©g vA?lsA?gba kerALl. Az EurAlpai UniAl intA©zmA©nyei A©s tA¶bb tagA?llama szA?mA?ra is gazdasA?gi, majd tA?rsadalmi kihAvA?sokkal telt az utAlbbi kA©t A©v. Csapatunk izgalmas tanulA?si lehetLsA©get lA?t a fiatalok szemA©lyes, kA¶zA¶ssA©gi vA?lsA?ghelyzethez kapcsolAldAl tapasztalatainak kA¶zA¶s feldolgozA?sA?ban. VA?lsA?gok idejA©n kALlA¶nbA¶zL alternatAvA?k merALlnek fA¶l az egyA©n A©s a kA¶zA¶ssA©g fennmaradA?sa kapcsA?n. Vajon a magA?nyos, kA©szleteket felhalmozAl, teljes A¶nellA?tA?sra berendezkedL, vagy az egyALttmL±kA¶dA©sre, kompromisszumokra kA©sz ember, vagy kA¶zA¶ssA©g esA©lyei jobbak krAzis idejA©n?A tervezett, nem-formA?lis tanulA?si folyamatban workshopokat, a tapasztalati tanulA?s eszkA¶zeit, szimulA?ciAls jA?tA©kokat A©s a tA?rsadalmi vA?lsA?g tA©mA?jA?hoz fejlesztett, innovatAv drA?mapedagAlgiai foglalkozA?sokat fogunk hasznA?lni. Az outdoor kA¶rnyezetet informA?lis tanulA?si tA©rnek tekintjALk, a tervezett foglalkozA?sokon kAvALli tapasztalatok tudatosAtA?sA?t kiscsoportos A©s egyA©ni mentorA?lA?ssal tA?mogatjuk.JAsliusban felkAnA?ljuk a rousseau-i menedA©ket a rA©sztvevLinknek. A csere nyolc napjA?t a termA©szethez A©s a vidA©ki lA©thez olyan kA¶zelsA©gben tA¶lthetik el, ami garantA?lja a kihAvA?st testi A©s szellemi tA©ren. A csere kA¶zvetlen kA¶rnyezete egy hat A©ve mL±kA¶dL rackajuh-tenyA©sztL gazdasA?g 9 hektA?ros legelLje, ahol a fiatalok mongol jurtA?kban lesznek elszA?llA?solva.Our informal group Rackatanya plans to implement its pentalateral youth exchange between the 7th and 16th of July 2012 in AlsAlpetA©ny, a small village of NAlgrA?d county. During these eight days 26 youngsters from 5 European countries (Romania, Slovakia, Portugal, Ireland and Hungary) will be searching the borders of civilisation, focusing on solidarity in small communities and the ambivalent parts of the life in the 21st century's village. We will host four youngsters and a team leader from each country. The hosting group will consist of four participants and two team leaders. Minimum age of participants is 18 years because of the outdoor circumstances and the topics to discuss.The media and the public opinion often represent the countryside or the village as a shelter when a community faces to crisis. The institutions and member states of the EU spent last two years coping economical and social challenge. For our exchange we think that elaborating the crisis related to personal experience is a fascinating learning opportunity. During the hard periods of economical crises always alternative ways occure for the peoples and communities to survive. Whether the stockpiling lone wolves or packs of self-sufficiency or the cooperating people or communities have better chance during the critical times?In the planned non-formal learning process we will use workshops and tools of experimental learning, such as simulation games and innovative educational drama methods designed to test social crisis. We deem the outdoor environment as a field of informal learning. Therefore we will support to became aware of this process with small group and personal mentoring.This year July we will offer this Rousseau-ish shelter to our participants. They will spend the eight days of the programme in such proximity with nature that will grant the challenge for body and mind as well. The exact location of the exchange is a meadow of a racka sheep breeding farm running for six years where the young people will be accomodated in authentic Mongolian yurts.
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