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38 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019,

The ELEVATE project addresses the process of internationalisation of Moldovan higher education as the one that requires immediate national and institutional response and joint action. Enabling national HE bodies and HEIs to strategically manage comprehensive internationalisation in the provision of education, research, mobility and services are regarded to be the project’s overall objective and th ...
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This project addresses the extant problem of student’s diminishing competiveness and diminishing employability rate as reflected in priorities of the Moldovan Government. This project responds to these needs by introducing innovative teaching methods: Problem Based Learning (PBL), Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) and Simulations (S). These innovative teaching methods contribute substantially to enhanc ...
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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Economic Integration Studies

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The INTEGRA project was developed in response to experience obtained during the implementation of the Jean Monnet projects in Moldova on the basis of problems and needs of the target groups involved in the project`s activities.The timeliness of the INTEGRA project is appropriate also because of the progress of the implementation of the initialled Association Agreement between EU and Republic of Mo ...
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EU Economy Issues and relations between EU and Republic of Moldova

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

...or Jean Monnet EU Economy Module, under the project proposal “EU Economy Issues and relations between EU and Republic of Moldova/EUREM” more than crucial for the IER department as well as for the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.To harness in the most efficient way the present project proposal, several activities are planned to be organised: delivering (teaching) the module course; spring sc ...
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Sustainable Mobility Information Network for the Alpine Space (AlpInfoNet)

Date du début: 30 juin 2012, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

Lacking information about public transport is often an obstacle for travellers to use public transport at all. This is an even bigger challenge when travelling by sustainable transport modes to and within destinations of the Alpine Space, where often cross-border information is needed. This project aims to provide travellers with comprehensive information about sustainable transport modes beyond r ...
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The Barents Journal

Date du début: 17 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 16 avr. 2015,

The project aims at joint development of The Barents Journal – an easy available international academic journal – as a tool for delivering current research results concerning the people and the region, as well as socio-economic, political, environmental developments, and thus providing information outside and within the programme area. The keynote idea of the project is to share and distribute top ...
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Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe (ET2050)

Date du début: 31 mai 2011, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

Policymakers in the field of territorial development and cohesion are in need of a future oriented and integrated vision on the development of the European territory. Therefore the ESPON Programme started a territorial vision-building process following a participatory process and involving relevant stakeholders at European, national and regional level. This vision has a strategic character that al ...
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Territorial Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe (TIPSE)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Combating poverty and social exclusion rank among the main objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The recent economic crisis has had a huge effect on millions of European citizens with many people losing their jobs, household incomes decreasing and consequently the risk of being affected by poverty increasing. For social exclusion, not only a clear definition seems to be lacking, but also there d ...
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DIFASS aims to unlock potential for innovation, internationalisation and sustainable growth of SMEs in Europe by improving access to finance.Innovative SMEs are often faced with problems when obtaining loans from commercial banks and intermediaries as valuing risks in technology innovation or foreign markets is problematical and as SMEs often cannot provide sufficient collateral. Resulting from th ...
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The focus of the project is to enhance policy-making, reinforcing the capacity of public administrations to understand, anticipate and strategically manage the implications of demographic change for the growth and cohesion of European regions and cities, and for the overall integration of the SEE area. Local and regional authorities are at the forefront in facing the effects of current demographic ...
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Drava Region Unified Planning Toolkit (DUPLO)

Date du début: 31 mars 2013, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2014,

The goal of the project is to create a unified planning toolkit for the Drava-region. For this the activities will be split in two components, the first constituting a comprehensive framework plan for the whole region and the second being an interactive platform that ensures the publicity of the basic data and findings of the plan, facilitating interaction, networking and co-operation between loca ...
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hotovoltaic Systems as Actuators of Regional Development (REG-PHOSYS)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

The Hungarian and Croatian energy strategies drew on the EC Directive on renewable energy and set ambitious targets regarding energy from renewable sources by 2020. Following their lead, solar energy with its almost unlimited potential is the main focus of this project. The vision of the project is to encourage the use of photovoltaic (PV) instead of thermal and nuclear power plants in the area. I ...
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Territorial Approaches to New Governance (TANGO)

Date du début: 31 mai 2011, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2014,

Policymakers in the field of territorial development and cohesion recognise a clear need for coherent public action and allocation of public resources within the different territories across the European continent. Especially in times of restricted public budgets they feel a strong need to understand how policy action can become more effective in their daily practice and how synergies can be explo ...
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The LOLAMAR project aims to develop a local based labour market policy approach which can set the path for a more sustainable development in peripheral cross-border areas. In Eastern-Europe these regions are characterized by large number of people who are excluded from the labour market. This problem is usually treated in the social sector and nobody looks upon this group as internal resource for ...
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Services of General Interest (SeGi)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 31 août 2013,

Services of general interest traditionally comprehend electronic communications, postal services, electricity, gas, water and transport. Policymakers more recent documents tend to be more comprehensive and also look at labour market services, education, health care, child care, social care, culture or (social) housing. Socio-economic policies much focus on ensuring the provision of services of gen ...
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1. Establishing a joined short, medium and long-term strategy specific to the cross-border area in the field of environmental protection, natural resources efficient valorization and for the promotion of some modern technologies that should assure a sustainable development of the area. 2. Development of common systems for monitoring and control for environmental protection. 3.Development of common ...
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Bulgarian-Romanian Area Identities: A Neighbourhood Study (BRAINS) (BRAINS)

Date du début: 11 juil. 2011, Date de fin: 10 janv. 2013,

To lay the foundations of a study-based common strategy on the development of an integrated identity of the whole border region. To enhance epistemological and communication practices related to positive advantages and joint opportunities of the region. To contribute to the improvement of the regional image. To establish a CBC framework, based on a common interest for the development of a positive ...
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The project will reduce the border effects to eastern frontier of the EU in promoting cross-border cooperation in the field of European studies between the three partners. Expected Results: Three centres for European studies i ...
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Selective Migration and Unbalanced Sex Ratio in Rural Regions (SEMIGRA)

Date du début: 31 août 2010, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2012,

Many rural and economically weak regions in Europe are affected by demographic shrinkage and selective migration. Evidence suggests that especially young and highly educated women are among those leaving peripheral regions, resulting in an unbalanced population base. This is believed to have a negative effect on the liveability, attractiveness and the competitiveness of areas. The outmigration of ...
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TECH.FOOD, tackles the topic of innovation of the agro-food sector, one of the major components of the SEE economies in terms of turnover, number of SMEs and persons employed. The project arises from the necessity of common strategies, tools, and opportunities to promote R&TD and innovation in the agro-food sector, facing the fast decreasing competitiveness of SEE agro-food enterprises. Project wi ...
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1. Promoting the establishment of a Bulgarian-Romanian network in support of tourism; 2. Mapping of available tourism resources in the region; 3. Development of common informational and promotional materials; 4. Development of common services of the future network; 5. Development of a common tourism promotion strategy; 6. Development of a common strategy for establishment of a common tourist clust ...
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Municipal PROperty Management In South-Eastern Cities (PROMISE)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2009, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

Municipal real estate is one of the most underutilized local resources in many cities, especially in the SEES countries. The object of the PROMISE transnational cooperation project is the development of integrative tools and methods and the implementation of a comprehensive system for the efficient municipal property management. The projects outputs and results will support cities in developing to ...
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The borderline as an axis of innovation (INNOAXIS)

Date du début: 31 juil. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2011,

The project aims at a coordinated study on the development potentials of the cross-border region of Serbia and Hungary strengthening cooperation and common exploitation of socio-economical opportunities, based on our concept of the borderline as an axis of innovation.The project is strongly related to an initiative of 140 local authorities from Hungary, Serbia and Romania, to form an EGTC called B ...
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Cooperation of Regions for Innovation (CORINNA)

Date du début: 30 juin 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The operation “Corinna - Cooperation of Regions for Innovation” focuses on intensifying cross-border co-operation in the field of technology and innovation along the borders of Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary. Recent studies of these regions show strong potential for capitalizing on development opportunities through cross-border cooperation in particular in the field or research, development ...
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Effective public sector action is a cornerstone of spatially balanced and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. Especially rural areas need administrative support for compensating lower economic potentials for the benefit of their population. ASAP created innovative solutions to meet the most urgent challenges for rural development in the Baltic Sea Region in an integrated way: Demogra ...
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moting Spatial Development by Creating COMon MINdscapes (COMMIN)

Date du début: 31 août 2004, Date de fin: 30 août 2007,

Transnational and cross-border co-operation have a growing need (e.g. EU-enlargement) for a precise understanding of the partner’s concepts and the planning systems they are embedded in. The improvement of solving similar problems in different BSR countries and on transnational activities can best be achieved by exchange of experiences and ideas, mutual training and further education as well as pr ...
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Spatial scenarios in relation to the ESDP and EU Cohesion Policy (Scenarios)

Date du début: 27 avr. 2004, Date de fin: 12 févr. 2007,

The main objective of the project is to develop spatial scenarios which should on the one hand be prospective, capable of prognostics with reference to a laissez-faire scenario on themes of the ESPON and policy orientations of the ESDP.On the other hand the scenarios should as well be proactive testing alternative objectives and provide insight for recommendations on policy adjustments/changes in ...
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The main goal of the project is to create e-Library for academic community in Moldova, which support education and research process according to international requirements. The information system infrastructure will be created and advanced integrated Library Information System will be implemented into seven Moldovan universities. This will ensure document cataloguing according international standa ...
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Entrepreneur Alumni Network

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

Wider objective of the EANET project is to establish Entrepreneur Alumni Networks (EAN) at 11 HEIs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia which support the entrepreneurial spirit among students, scientists and alumni and raise an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Georgia, Moldova and UkraineSpecific project objectives are - to create entrepreneurship-related associations at HEIs- to create international entre ...
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The project main idea is to develop training courses and distance learning system to increase business activity and creativity of university students, and to organize an informational support of their start-up projects in the frames of Start-up centers established at the universities. This will help students to gain knowledge and experience in innovation business, intellectual property rights prot ...
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ATHENA will contribute to the modernisation of HE systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Partner Countries of Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia by improving framework conditions for HEIs. Its general objective is to enhance institutional and financial autonomy and accountability, and thus the capacity, of HEIs. ATHENA, a structural measure, adopts an inclusive approach: involving HEIs, national public aut ...
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The object of this project is two-fold: 1. European cooperation development towards the extended EHEA, integrating: - the sharing the European values and the common cultural heritage; - the preservation and promotion of institutional, national and regional specificity in Higher Education; 2. transfer of good practice and deepened implementation of the Bologna process in Lot 8 institutions / ...
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The project aims to build a structured and sustainable partnership between the European and Eastern Europe region Universities to strengthen academic, cultural, economic collaboration between the countries. The Partnership is built around 8 European Universities (from Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia, Spain, and UK) diverse in their geographical location, size, profile and 13 H ...
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• Background:Tourism is one of the strongest driving forces for economic development in Europe. It represents 12% of Europe’s GDP and “with two million enterprises, the tourism sector is responsible for 20 million jobs and capable of creating 100,000 new jobs per year” (CEDOP; PS 115; 2005). Especially for less developed areas, tourism often offers the only promising economic opportunities - such ...
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The project aims at developing university – enterprises relations through: a) studies to define the competencies and skills which that students should acquire to meet the labour market’s needs and the necessary modifications to be made to the programmes, b) the training of academic and non academic staff on issues such as the management and tutoring of students’ practical training, c) the developm ...
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The project aims at harmonising the Bachelor (Licence 3) and Master (M1 and M2) curricula in the field of the Business Management and Public Administrations at the PC universities in conformity with the Bologna recommendations. Students should receive a double, multiple or a common degree. These degrees will be suitable to the needs for the companies in the Belarus, Moldavian, Moroccan and Ukraini ...
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The project aims at establishing 4 hotel training schools (école hôtelière supérieure d’application), which are federations of various hotels and restaurants, in each of the beneficiary region for which 8 new curricula (4 at secondary education and 4 at higher education level) will be developed on the basis of the needs expressed by the professionals who have been involved in the project design Th ...
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"Face à la carence en travailleurs sociaux qualifiés et pour combler, à très court terme, les besoins en ressources humaines résultant des nouvelles politiques sociales mises en place dans chacune des 4 régions (Sverdlovsk (RU), Abakan (RU), Moldavie (MD), Kazakhstan (KZ)). Le projet contribuera à la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur, dans une discipline ""le travail social"", qui est une priori ...
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