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4 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 31 mars 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

L’objectif du projet ARISTHOT - Sciences en Méditerranée est de développer des solidarités culturelles dans le bassin méditerranéen en facilitant l’accès pour tous à un héritage commun. Les Sciences ont toujours été source d’échanges dans le bassin Méditerranéen, c’est pourquoi il semble nécessaire de médiatiser ces relations de toujours en constituant un corpus textuel et iconographique sur les S ...
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East Mediterranean Cohesion on Information and Telecommunications (E-Medit)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

It is well known that reducing the digital divide is essential for the economic development of Europe, because those who cannot use the instruments of IST are pushed further down the economical scale as the economy develops. All target countries involved have begun or are planning to modernise their ICT sector and are trying to establish legal frameworks that will be in convergence with common EU ...
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European citizens living in remote rural or insular areas are often excluded frommainstream educational activities easily accessible by people living in larger cities. Thekey goal of this project is to show in actual practice and by a scalable example, that it ispossible and economically feasible to substantially supplement the meagre andsometimes irrelevant educational opportunities normally avai ...
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State-of-the-art widespread ICT networking tools and platforms have the potential toenable individuals to enhance their social networking, and in this way, potentially alsoenhance their learning. Groups at risk of exclusion may benefit from such technologiesby getting the means for connecting themselves to public services, learning and civicengagement. The SoRuraLL! project aims to investigate the ...
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