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11 projets européens trouvés

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Social Innovation Match

Date du début: 16 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 15 juil. 2017,

The project “Social Innovation Match” brings together 28 participants from 12 European organizations working for the empowerment of the young generations and willing to get in touch with different kinds of approach to social innovation in order to transfer these new knowledge and skills in their communities. The main event of the project will be a contact making seminar that will take place in Aba ...
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Metsa Lood (Forest Tales)

Date du début: 11 mai 2015, Date de fin: 10 oct. 2015,

During the youth exchange 48 young people from 8 different countries meet in Estonia, in order to get to know other cultures and acquire knowledge and skills in the field of IT and media. All the participants come from youth organizations, which all have some experience in international work, many of them are or were students, which supports a good academic atmosphere during the meeting. The aims ...
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How to link strong research nodes, clusters and SME networks in the Baltic Sea region in order to jointly reach globally-leading innovation partnerships? How to use the high innovation potential of the region to address common societal challenges?StarDust was designed to give answers to these questions. Besides the concrete testing of collaboration methods, policy implication should be drawn on ho ...
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...ince" is a training course on environmental sustainable development on the Action 3.1, which will be established between 15 and 24 July 2011 in the village of Mogilitsa in the region of Smolyan. The participants in the training course will be 28 (20 youth leaders and youths, 3 trainers and 5 members of the support team) and will represent organizations from program countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Por ...
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Turning the Skills ON

Date du début: 1 sept. 2009,

The international training course will gather 28 youth workers from Programme Countries and Eastern European and Caucasus neighbouring partner countries for improving the working skills, knowledge, competences and attitudes on conflict management in the frame of youth wokr and to learn how can they implement these methods and new competences in their organisations and daily life.
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According to UNAIDS estimates, around 2.2 million people were living with HIV in Europe and Central Asia at the end of 2007. Estimated HIV prevalence varies from below 0.1% in parts of Central Europe to above 1% in parts of the Eastern Europe and Caucasus. Against this background our partners are deliberately chosen to come from some of the most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS countries: Armenia, Azerbaija ...
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My life - My Story

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

The Youth Exchange My life-My story is designed for multicultural learning through team-work. During the 10 days of the exchange, participants would have few practical lessons of creating and coining a short movie script, planning the scenes on paper, filming the designed scenes and the final editing of filmed material. However, that would only be the technical part of the youth exchange. The proj ...
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East&West Building Projects for Rural Youth

Date du début: 1 août 2012, Europe or Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA)) to meet, share experience and good practices of youth work in rural areas and develop common projects that provide support and encourage active participation of rural youth. The PBA would last for 6 days (excluding travel), include 30 participants from 16 different organizations from Programme countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Hungary, Estonia ...
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... thus exacerbating the youth employment crisis which was already an enormous challenge. Sharing a common concern over the issue and aware of the importance of European cooperation in this field, the partners have decided to set up this project, thereby exploring means other than traditional (formal) education to support European policies combating the perils of Youth Unemployment.Hence, considerin ...
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"Understanding Discrimination, Building Community: Exploring Europe's Past and Present to Create Our Future Together" is a week-long youth exchange taking place in Metelkova, a creative art centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The project will bring together 36 participants from Greece, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and the UK - from original EU member states through to the newest arrivais. They will e ...
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Space for Inter-religion Dialogue

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

...with religious issues and to promote dialogue among youth with different religion belonging in international youth work. The training course will take place in Kumanovo in March 2011 and will gather participants from different European Union and neighbouring countries.The training aim to create a space for open discussion of interactions and influences, between, belonging of certain religion and t ...
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