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6 projets européens trouvés

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YouthMetre: a tool for forward looking youth participation

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

In line with the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme and in order to foster the achievement of Europe2020 goals, the YouthMetre project aims to support EU Member States, municipalities and regions in carrying out effective policy reforms in the field of Youth, in line with the indications provided by the EU Youth Strategy and according to the priorities perceived by its target population: young E ...
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The “ANTYGONE on Tour” is a European mobility project. It is a follow-up of an older project and foresees two Youth Exchanges, in Portalegre, Portugal and in Athens, Greece respectively. The “ANTYGONE on Tour” project puts forward an artistic and non-formal approach to an eminent European problem – the successful integration and inclusion of the incoming migrants through the introduction and adop ...
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I Care - Reinforce the network and look to the future

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

context/backgroundThe project "I Care - Reinforce the network and look to the future" is one of the results of the Training Course "CARE - Creativity and Reuse for Empowerment" - financed by the Erasmus + programme - KA1: Mobility of youth workers - organised in Palermo in May 2015 by the CSC Danilo Dolci and involving 16 youth organizations from 14 European countries.The total duration of our pro ...
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Inclusion as a basis for equality

Date du début: 9 mai 2016, Date de fin: 8 janv. 2017,

“Inclusion as a basis for equality” - is a training course that will take place near Amsterdam, the Netherlands during 3-8 of October 2016. TC will gather 27 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 2 support staff from 9 Programme countries : The Netherlands, Latvia, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Estonia and Malta.After recognition that a problem of social exclusion as ex ...
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Creativity And Reuse for Empowerment

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

Promoting sustainable development is one of the key priorities of the European Union. In the framework of 2015 EU year of Development (EU decision 472/2014), it has to point out that development must be based on 3 key dimensions: economic, social & environmental and built through bottom-up approaches involving population by promoting participation and active citizenship. Nevertheless, statistics ...
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The Training Course 'Developing Organisational Competences' is organized for youth workers from Programme countries and South East European countries. The Training Course is aimed to improve the personal skills and abilities of the participants in the implementation of international youth project with SEE countries and to providing space for establishing partnerships. The focus of the Training Cou ...
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