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4 projets européens trouvés

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Explore Diversity

Date du début: 31 mai 2016, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2017,

The Explore Diversity Youth Exchange will bring together young people from the UK, Macedonia, Norway and Bulgaria aged 14-18 (21 with disabilities). Each country will bring 6 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to stay at the Sandyholme Retreat Centre in Studland on the Isle of Purbeck. Our objectives are to deepen young people's awareness of issues of equality and diversity, particularly ...
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YW - European Ten Sing Conference

Date du début: 7 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 6 juil. 2016,

The European Ten Sing Conference (ETS Conference) brought together professional and volunteer youth workers from all over Europe interested in the music, cultural and creative youth program Ten Sing of the YMCA. The Ten Sing methodology is a powerful transforming youth work program for teenagers and young adults aged 13-30. It consists of e few key models: youth leadership, democratic structures,...
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JUMP! " Join Useful Management Programme"

Date du début: 12 déc. 2011,

The aim of this training course is to gather organizations from EU, EEC and SEE countries to discuss and compare different designs of growth and inclusion plans that will ultimately give more opportunities to young people to participate in youth associations and therefore in society. Our objectives are: to equip young leaders with the skills needed to develop and manage youth work and organization...
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Young women leading for a greener future

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011,

The profound and unique role that women play in protecting and improving the natural environment and human health is undeniable. Advocacy women's groups in civil society have grown up spontaneously. This is because it is often women and their families who suffer the most from environmental degradation, pollution, toxic exposure and health risks. They are now calling for environmental and social ju...
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