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2 projets européens trouvés

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Tourner le regard de la maternelle ,jumelage/observation dans une école partenaire

Date du début: 3 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 2 sept. 2016,

Rodrigues nursery school recieves essentially children from North Africa : we intend to give to these children traditionnaly focusing on South, a look on european area ; we would like to stress on their bilingual skills to improve their language. - The project is set up on two directions : - a partnership with the Lycée de Baudre, conducted by two teachers. It allows volon...
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jumelage/observation dans une école partenaire

Date du début: 3 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 2 sept. 2015,

This project is seen as an attempt to teach a second language and help students develop their knowledge and skills in a foreign language the same way as young children acquire language skills in their mother tongue, or in a second language learned naturally at a very early age as a far as quite a number of pupils from the pre-school form in Rodrigues nursery school are bilingual due to their famil...
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