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jumelage/observation dans une école partenaire
Date du début: 3 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 2 sept. 2015
This project is seen as an attempt to teach a second language and help students develop their knowledge and skills in a foreign language the same way as young children acquire language skills in their mother tongue, or in a second language learned naturally at a very early age as a far as quite a number of pupils from the pre-school form in Rodrigues nursery school are bilingual due to their family background. Collaborating with the teacher from Rodrigues and job shadowing with our partner school in Gloucester would enable us to see and understand how English is learned from an early stage and then developed into more progressive ability.
The two French teachers implied in the project, Mrs Fuentes and Mrs Mayoux, actually contemplate taking part together in the job shadowing in Gloucester, on the last week before the half-term holidays in October and first week of the holidays in the school year 2014-2015.
Following the job shadowing experience, new teaching practices can be used to broaden our own approach of language teaching in secondary school and will enable to help students facing difficulties in developing their skills in English.
The partnership between the Rodrigues nursery school and students from the upper sixth form taking part into activities in English to young learners has been going on for two years now. By doing so, our high school students feel valued and recognized in their skills and abilities, which is a key factor in gaining motivation in their studies and is highly important in their development as individuals with better self-esteem and self-confidence.
Working with a partner school in the United Kingdom will also enable our students, whether they take part to the pre-school activities or not, to get aware of the European dimension by realizing how much cultural background all European pupils and students have in common by sharing the same songs and nursery rhymes and kid stories.
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