Rechercher des projets européens

Tourner le regard de la maternelle ,jumelage/observation dans une école partenaire
Date du début: 3 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 2 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Rodrigues nursery school recieves essentially children from North Africa : we intend to give to these children traditionnaly focusing on South, a look on european area ; we would like to stress on their bilingual skills to improve their language. - The project is set up on two directions : - a partnership with the Lycée de Baudre, conducted by two teachers. It allows volonteer students from the Lycée to lead/link activities in English with young pupils from Grande Section. - a partnership with Hillview school from Gloucester about a joint progression giving the opportunity to work on the same children books and to communicate frequently through eTwinning. - From the pupils point of view : Strenghten their self-esteem and realize their added value as bilingual pupils Be part of the european area - From the professional point of view : To experiment other teaching methods that could be used in the class. To widen and share tools and "knowhow" Improvement in English language and particularly speaking Development of NTIC skills (eTwinning) The target of this project is to allow the Grande Section 's teacher to attend a job shadowing in a similar level class based in Hillview School.



2 Participants partenaires