Rechercher des projets européens

4 projets européens trouvés

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Many young teachers around Europe find the transition from studies into the teacher profession very difficult and a large part of young teachers leave the teacher profession only after a few years of active career. This situation is a great challenge as it leads to a tremendous loss of qualified teachers and our society risks experiencing a lack of qualified teachers to provide the needed foundat ...
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The ARTinED project directly meets the challenge in placing creativity through the arts, as a key component of any school subject. The arts play a fundamental role to support a student’s creative abilities, self-expression and learning. They are a necessary tool and can be thought and used not just as a separate subject but integrated throughout the curriculum.To support a knowledge driven economy ...
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Most scientists agree that the earlier a child is exposed to a language, the easier it is for the child to learn that language. However, the crucial thing is to decide on the appropriate way and material in early exposure to languages. “Folk DC” builds upon the success of a previous Lingua project based on children folk songs. This received over 1.5 million views of its educational materials. The ...
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EuroLib answers 3 needs:1. To create an early onset of European language experiences using a format that can resonate with the imagination of young students2. To introduce books as the best source of autonomous lifelong learning, and directly attack the lowering levels of book readership. 3. To promote the idea of Europe and its cultural diversity Travelling libraries of the most beautifully illus ...
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