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29 projets européens trouvés

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Atmospheric simulation chambers are the most advanced tools for elucidating processes that occur in the atmosphere. They lay the foundations for air quality and climate models and also aid interpretation of field measurements. EUROCHAMP-2020 will further integrate the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation. A co-ordinate ...
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REFLECT LAB - Supporting lecturers in applying inquiry based learning

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2019,

The „refugee crisis“ has become a crisis of the EU. There is still no agreement among the EU Member States what will happen to the immigrants who enter the EU every day, the so called ‘refugee deal’ between the EU and Turkey is highly criticized. On the one hand EU citizens are welcoming and supportive, on the other hand they perceive refugees as a threat to internal security. An increase of votes ...
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In the current context that includes but is not limited to the warming up phenomena, the transnational and transcontinental mobility of the work force, the economic and political emigration and migration, the racial mix up, etc. the project develop specialised research and identify the most encountered infectious disease transmitted from non-human animals to humans (zoonoses). Zoonotic diseases re ...
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Inclusive education has increasingly become a focus of debate in discussions about the development of educational policy and practice around the world. We can see today that in a large number of developed and developing countries they have started reformulating their policies to promote the inclusion of students with difficulties (social or physical) into mainstream in higher education. However, w ...
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PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry (PROVIDE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

"The objective of the project is to provide a conceptual basis, evidence, tools and improved incentive and policy options to support the "smart" provision of public goods by the EU agriculture and forestry ecosystems, in the light of trade-offs and conflicts brought about by prospective intensification scenarios, using a transdisciplinary approach. PROVIDE will consider a wide range of public good ...
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European Humanitarian Action Partnership

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The EU HAP is a partnership of 4 stakeholders of the Humanitarian Sector represented by Academia (NOHA and 9 European Universities), Training Providers (RedR and Bioforce), Employers (Acción Contra el Hambre and Aktion Deutschland Hilft) and Employees (Humanitarian Professionals represented by the NOHA Alumni ). The partnership addresses the current needs of the humanitarian sector: a) increased d ...
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Individual CAReer Development

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

The need for a better skilled and creative workforce for the European labour market has been identified as one of the strategic goals in EU policy statements and recommendations. The aim is to raise the level of education throughout Europe and to foster forward-looking and innovative citizens with ability for divergent and visionary thinking. The best result for enhancing these skills would be pro ...
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Europäische Österreich-Tage

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

European Austria-Days Background of the project Since more than 20 years "Kultur und Sprache" (KulturKontakt Austria - Servicestelle für Mobilitätsprogramme des BMBF) is offering further education for specialists in German studies and German teachers and is developing teaching materials for Austrian culture, literature and the German language. In the course of these activities we could set up a st ...
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Photocatalytic Cluster Complexes for Artificial Photosynthesis Applications (PCAP)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2013,

"A major problem that faces all of Europe and the rest of the world is energy, and being able to supply an ever-increasing population with the power they will need not only today but also in the future. Coupled to this problem is the environmental issue of global warming caused by increased carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. There is a clear link between energy needs and gl ...
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FUSENET - The European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

"This aim of the FUSENET project is the establishment of a European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET) for education in fusion science and technology, as part of a comprehensive package of coordination actions, in order to increase, enhance, and broaden fusion training and education activities in Europe. The project consists of eleven focused work packages, with a total proposed budget of 2,000,00 ...
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Emergence of GROwth Poles NETwork in South-East of Europe (GROSEE)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2013,

The economy of South-Eastern Europe is lagging behind most of Europe. Recent studies have highlighted the emergence of a second area after the Pentagon with a high concentration of economic activities. This emergent area is situated in Central Europe but does not reach South-Eastern Europe. The project shall study the three main growth poles in South-Eastern Europe - Athens, Sofia and Bucharest - ...
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Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS (ATLAS)

Date du début: 1 mars 2010, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2013,

The advent of the Web revolutionized the way in which content is manipulated and delivered. As a result, digital content in various languages has become widely available on the Internet and its sheer volume and language diversity have presented an opportunity for embracing new methods and tools for content creation and distribution. Although significant improvements have been made lately in the fi ...
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METANET4U - Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure (METANET4U)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2013,

The objective of this project is to contribute to the establishment of a pan-European digital platform that makes available language resources and services, encompassing both datasets and software tools, for speech and language processing, and supports a new generation of exchange facilities for them.This is articulated in terms of the following main goals:> *assessment*: to collect, organize and ...
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"COPING presents a child-centred research strategy covering four European countries, the UK, Germany, Romania and Sweden, which will identify the characteristics of children with imprisoned parents, their resilience, and their vulnerability to mental health problems. This group of children are exposed to triple jeopardy through break-up of the family, financial hardship, and extremes of stigma and ...
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The project will reduce the border effects to eastern frontier of the EU in promoting cross-border cooperation in the field of European studies between the three partners. Expected Results: Three centres for European studies i ...
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"Experienced Researchers from the Universities of Iasi, Brest, Jena, Manchester, Marrakech and Milano propose an Initial Training Network Marie Curie on the theme ""Deterministic and Stochastic Controlled Systems and Applications"". This project aims to unite the six teams with their complementary competences in - Controlled Systems: Deterministic and Stochastic Control, Game Theory, - Stochastic ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 mars 2012,

Geographers are the most critical social scientists when it comes to the delimitation of borders of the so-called European continent. Continents as Huntington’s civilisation are ideological productions that are certainly not based on natural facts. But they are deeply enhanced in the mind of European citizens and policy makers because they were historically produced by Europeans as a tool of world ...
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Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2011,

The ultimate goal of CLARIN is the construction and operation of a shared distributed infrastructure that aims at making language resources and technology available to the humanities and social sciences research communities at large. The preparatory phase will pave the way for implementation along 4 dimensions: Funding and governance: The aim is to bring together the funding agencies and to work o ...
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Entrepreneur Alumni Network

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

Wider objective of the EANET project is to establish Entrepreneur Alumni Networks (EAN) at 11 HEIs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia which support the entrepreneurial spirit among students, scientists and alumni and raise an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Georgia, Moldova and UkraineSpecific project objectives are - to create entrepreneurship-related associations at HEIs- to create international entre ...
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Master in Educational Leadership

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

In order to improve student learning in Serbia, competencies of principals and other education leaders – vice-principals and school team leaders, school board members, employees in education sectors of municipalities, regional school authorities and national education institutions, and also in the education NGO sector - need to be improved. In order to achieve this wider objective, and also as a r ...
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SILKRoad Universities Towards EuropeII project intends to deepen the already existing cooperation among some partners of the consortium, creating a new multilateral cooperation among European and Central Asia universities, providing a window of opportunities to set up more comprehensive forms of Academic cooperation, both between EU and CA and within the CA region.The general objective of the proj ...
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The main objective of IANUS II is to enhance higher education cooperation between EU and ENPI countries (student and staff mobility). The project aims at promoting intercultural cooperation and to helping to improve students’ career prospects, thus contributing to the improvement of human resources in the countries involved. IANUS II is coordinated by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romani ...
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The object of this project is two-fold: 1. European cooperation development towards the extended EHEA, integrating: - the sharing the European values and the common cultural heritage; - the preservation and promotion of institutional, national and regional specificity in Higher Education; 2. transfer of good practice and deepened implementation of the Bologna process in Lot 8 institutions / ...
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 TERMINÉ The goal of eCoLo-Train was to develop and test innovative training opportunities for trainers and teachers in the field of professional translat...
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The goal of eCoLo-Train was to develop and test innovative training opportunities for trainers and teachers in the field of professional translation. It takes into account their specific and methodological needs in order to achieve a broad and sustained improvement of trainers’ and teachers’ ICT skills in general and eContent localisation skills in particular. eContent localisation is the transl ...
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From Nature to Nurture : By compiling a multilingual database of technical terms used in environmental and earth sciences , this project aims to facilitate the work of researchers and decision-makers in that particular field. The dictionary takes cultural differences into account and provides a translation in 11 languages for each of the terms. This project started in 2002 and lasted 28 months.
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This project aims improving an educational pathway for ageing population in Europe with the cooperation of adult education providers in EU border regions. With an innovative pedagogical approach the partner organizations will try to build an inter generational bridge for the social integration of activated seniors and youth to fulfill best practices among countries in EU borders. This project focu ...
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S’inscrivant dans le processus de Bologne, le Maroc a adopté l'architecture pédagogique LMD depuis 2003. Le présentprojet s'inscrit dans le renforcement de la convergence des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur marocain et européen. Le projet vise la mise en place d’un système de crédits ECTS et du supplément au diplôme. L’alignement au système ECTS est de nature à promouvoir la lisibilité de notr ...
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