Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇELİK - Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMU) was founded in 1992, with its new status and intake from Turkey's large youth population, the university developed quickly in terms of the number of students, staff and facilities, spurring the opening of new faculties and colleges. The university has over 45,000 students participating in a wide variety of programs taught by 1600 academic staff in 10 faculties, 2 polytechnic colleges and 11 vocational colleges. The Department of Educational Sciences offers a graduate program leading to degrees in Guidance and Psychological Counseling and in Adult Education; the Department of Foreign Language Education offers graduate programs leading to and degrees in English Language Education; and the Department of Secondary School Science and Mathematics Education offers graduate programs leading to and degrees in Secondary School Mathematics and Science Education. Graduate programs are run in accordance with the regulations of the Institute of Social Sciences and of the Institute of Science and Engineering, and the Faculty of Education works closely with the other administrative and academic units of the ;