G Marzano
With a work experience of 20 years, I am a senior expert in the management of public policies. For 10 years, I worked as Director-General of the Department for VET and Labour Policies of the Provincial Government of Parma, managing ca. 100 units staff as well as public funds ( European Social Fund) for an average sum of 7 ; each year. I have a scientific and methodological background working as consultant evaluator on vocational training and active employment policies, funded by European Structural Funds and as project manager in a wide number of initiative funded by European Commission (ESIF Funds, EQUAL, EASI, ERASMUS+, EURES, INTERREG, etc.).
I am interested to join partnership for transnational European projects giving my expert contribution on the themes of my competence.
Main specialties: Active Employment policies, VET policies, social inclusion and local development strategie, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation; Public Law and European public procurements; European programmes management; Government liaison and negotiation with stakeholders and social partners; socio-economic research.