Yuri Piccione

: 18 janv. 2021

Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos

Ex-Student in International Science, I earned a specialization in Eu fundings and I worked as a project designer/manager/assistant for the Municipality of Genoa for many years. After a period off this field, I went back on track and I am more then ready to work with the new EU fundings 2021/2027 (and beyond)!

At the moment, I am working as a project assistant for Si4Life, a public/provate consortium in Genoa, and as a Consultant for others profit and no-profit entities in Northern Italy.

Right now, I'm working on the new AMIF call and the new AICS (Italian call for the NGO working with cooperation with Third Countries) fund; recently, I submitted Project proposals in Erasmus+ KA2, a project under the DG Regio on the publicity and communication of Indirect EU Funds and a couple of smaller project proposal with local fundings.


Secteurs d'expertise:

 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Développement urbain
 Économie numérique
 Tourisme durable
 Europe créative
 Stratégies macrorégionales de l'UE
 Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)
 Coopération territoriale

Idées proposées
Pas d'idées
Appels à projets suivis
Pas d'appels à projets suivis!